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Each plugin performs a (DNS) function. CoreDNS is a [Cloud Native Computing Foundation](https://cncf.io) graduated project. CoreDNS is a fast and flexible DNS server. The key word here is *flexible*: with CoreDNS you are able to do what you want with your DNS data by utilizing plugins. If some functionality is not provided out of the box you can add it by [writing a plugin](https://coredns.io/explugins). CoreDNS can listen for DNS requests coming in over: * UDP/TCP (go'old DNS). * TLS - DoT ([RFC 7858](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7858)). * DNS over HTTP/2 - DoH ([RFC 8484](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8484)). * DNS over QUIC - DoQ ([RFC 9250](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc9250)). * [gRPC](https://grpc.io) (not a standard). Currently CoreDNS is able to: * Serve zone data from a file; both DNSSEC (NSEC only) and DNS are supported (*file* and *auto*). * Retrieve zone data from primaries, i.e., act as a secondary server (AXFR only) (*secondary*). * Sign zone data on-the-fly (*dnssec*). * Load balancing of responses (*loadbalance*). * Allow for zone transfers, i.e., act as a primary server (*file* + *transfer*). * Automatically load zone files from disk (*auto*). * Caching of DNS responses (*cache*). * Use etcd as a backend (replacing [SkyDNS](https://github.com/skynetservices/skydns)) (*etcd*). * Use k8s (kubernetes) as a backend (*kubernetes*). * Serve as a proxy to forward queries to some other (recursive) nameserver (*forward*). * Provide metrics (by using Prometheus) (*prometheus*). * Provide query (*log*) and error (*errors*) logging. * Integrate with cloud providers (*route53*). * Support the CH class: `version.bind` and friends (*chaos*). * Support the RFC 5001 DNS name server identifier (NSID) option (*nsid*). * Profiling support (*pprof*). * Rewrite queries (qtype, qclass and qname) (*rewrite* and *template*). * Block ANY queries (*any*). * Provide DNS64 IPv6 Translation (*dns64*). And more. Each of the plugins is documented. See [coredns.io/plugins](https://coredns.io/plugins) for all in-tree plugins, and [coredns.io/explugins](https://coredns.io/explugins) for all out-of-tree plugins. ## Compilation from Source To compile CoreDNS, we assume you have a working Go setup. See various tutorials if you don’t have that already configured. First, make sure your golang version is 1.21 or higher as `go mod` support and other api is needed. See [here](https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules) for `go mod` details. Then, check out the project and run `make` to compile the binary: ~~~ $ git clone https://github.com/coredns/coredns $ cd coredns $ make ~~~ This should yield a `coredns` binary. ## Compilation with Docker CoreDNS requires Go to compile. However, if you already have docker installed and prefer not to setup a Go environment, you could build CoreDNS easily: ``` docker run --rm -i -t \ -v $PWD:/go/src/github.com/coredns/coredns -w /go/src/github.com/coredns/coredns \ golang:1.22 sh -c 'GOFLAGS="-buildvcs=false" make gen && GOFLAGS="-buildvcs=false" make' ``` The above command alone will have `coredns` binary generated. ## Examples When starting CoreDNS without any configuration, it loads the [*whoami*](https://coredns.io/plugins/whoami) and [*log*](https://coredns.io/plugins/log) plugins and starts listening on port 53 (override with `-dns.port`), it should show the following: ~~~ txt .:53 CoreDNS-1.6.6 linux/amd64, go1.16.10, aa8c32 ~~~ The following could be used to query the CoreDNS server that is running now: ~~~ txt dig @ -p 53 www.example.com ~~~ Any query sent to port 53 should return some information; your sending address, port and protocol used. The query should also be logged to standard output. The configuration of CoreDNS is done through a file named `Corefile`. When CoreDNS starts, it will look for the `Corefile` from the current working directory. A `Corefile` for CoreDNS server that listens on port `53` and enables `whoami` plugin is: ~~~ corefile .:53 { whoami } ~~~ Sometimes port number 53 is occupied by system processes. In that case you can start the CoreDNS server while modifying the `Corefile` as given below so that the CoreDNS server starts on port 1053. ~~~ corefile .:1053 { whoami } ~~~ If you have a `Corefile` without a port number specified it will, by default, use port 53, but you can override the port with the `-dns.port` flag: `coredns -dns.port 1053`, runs the server on port 1053. You may import other text files into the `Corefile` using the _import_ directive. You can use globs to match multiple files with a single _import_ directive. ~~~ txt .:53 { import example1.txt } import example2.txt ~~~ You can use environment variables in the `Corefile` with `{$VARIABLE}`. Note that each environment variable is inserted into the `Corefile` as a single token. For example, an environment variable with a space in it will be treated as a single token, not as two separate tokens. ~~~ txt .:53 { {$ENV_VAR} } ~~~ A Corefile for a CoreDNS server that forward any queries to an upstream DNS (e.g., ``) is as follows: ~~~ corefile .:53 { forward . log } ~~~ Start CoreDNS and then query on that port (53). The query should be forwarded to and the response will be returned. Each query should also show up in the log which is printed on standard output. To serve the (NSEC) DNSSEC-signed `example.org` on port 1053, with errors and logging sent to standard output. Allow zone transfers to everybody, but specifically mention 1 IP address so that CoreDNS can send notifies to it. ~~~ txt example.org:1053 { file /var/lib/coredns/example.org.signed transfer { to * 2001:500:8f::53 } errors log } ~~~ Serve `example.org` on port 1053, but forward everything that does *not* match `example.org` to a recursive nameserver *and* rewrite ANY queries to HINFO. ~~~ txt example.org:1053 { file /var/lib/coredns/example.org.signed transfer { to * 2001:500:8f::53 } errors log } . { any forward . errors log } ~~~ IP addresses are also allowed. They are automatically converted to reverse zones: ~~~ corefile { whoami } ~~~ Means you are authoritative for `0.0.10.in-addr.arpa.`. This also works for IPv6 addresses. If for some reason you want to serve a zone named `` add the closing dot: `` as this also stops the conversion. This even works for CIDR (See RFC 1518 and 1519) addressing, i.e. ``, CoreDNS will then check if the `in-addr` request falls in the correct range. Listening on TLS (DoT) and for gRPC? Use: ~~~ corefile tls://example.org grpc://example.org { whoami } ~~~ Similarly, for QUIC (DoQ): ~~~ corefile quic://example.org { whoami tls mycert mykey } ~~~ And for DNS over HTTP/2 (DoH) use: ~~~ corefile https://example.org { whoami tls mycert mykey } ~~~ in this setup, the CoreDNS will be responsible for TLS termination you can also start DNS server serving DoH without TLS termination (plain HTTP), but beware that in such scenario there has to be some kind of TLS termination proxy before CoreDNS instance, which forwards DNS requests otherwise clients will not be able to communicate via DoH with the server ~~~ corefile https://example.org { whoami } ~~~ Specifying ports works in the same way: ~~~ txt grpc://example.org:1443 https://example.org:1444 { # ... } ~~~ When no transport protocol is specified the default `dns://` is assumed. ## Community We're most active on GitHub (and Slack): - GitHub: - Slack: #coredns on More resources can be found: - Website: - Blog: - Twitter: [@corednsio](https://twitter.com/corednsio) - Mailing list/group: (not very active) ## Contribution guidelines If you want to contribute to CoreDNS, be sure to review the [contribution guidelines](./.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Deployment Examples for deployment via systemd and other use cases can be found in the [deployment repository](https://github.com/coredns/deployment). ## Deprecation Policy When there is a backwards incompatible change in CoreDNS the following process is followed: * Release x.y.z: Announce that in the next release we will make backward incompatible changes. * Release x.y+1.0: Increase the minor version and set the patch version to 0. Make the changes, but allow the old configuration to be parsed. I.e. CoreDNS will start from an unchanged Corefile. * Release x.y+1.1: Increase the patch version to 1. Remove the lenient parsing, so CoreDNS will not start if those features are still used. E.g. 1.3.1 announce a change. 1.4.0 a new release with the change but backward compatible config. And finally 1.4.1 that removes the config workarounds. ## Security ### Security Audits Third party security audits have been performed by: * [Cure53](https://cure53.de) in March 2018. [Full Report](https://coredns.io/assets/DNS-01-report.pdf) * [Trail of Bits](https://www.trailofbits.com) in March 2022. [Full Report](https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/CoreDNS.pdf) ### Reporting security vulnerabilities If you find a security vulnerability or any security related issues, please DO NOT file a public issue, instead send your report privately to `security@coredns.io`. Security reports are greatly appreciated and we will publicly thank you for it. Please consult [security vulnerability disclosures and security fix and release process document](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/blob/master/.github/SECURITY.md)