+++ title = "CoreDNS-1.5.0 Release" description = "CoreDNS-1.5.0 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "1.5.0", "Notes"] release = "1.5.0" date = 2019-04-06T08:24:07+00:00 author = "coredns" +++ A new [release](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases/tag/v1.5.0): CoreDNS-1.5.0. **Two** new plugins in this release: [*grpc*](/plugins/grpc), and [*ready*](/plugins/ready). And some polish and simplifications in the core server code. The use of **TIMEOUT** and **no_reload** in [*file*](/plugins/file) and [*auto*](/plugins/auto) have been fully deprecated. As is the [*proxy*](/explugins/proxy/) plugin. And a update on two important and active bugs: * [2593](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/issues/2593) seems to hone in on Docker and/or the container environment being a contributing factor. * [2624](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/issues/2624) is because of TLS session negotiating in the *forward* plugin. # Plugins * The [*ready*](/plugins/ready) plugin was added that signals a plugin is ready to receive queries. First user is the *kubernetes* plugin. * The [*grpc*](/plugins/grpc) plugin was added to implement forwarding gRPC. If you were relying on this in the [*proxy*](/explugins/proxy) you can migrate to this one. * The [*cancel*](/plugins/cancel) plugin was added that adds a context.WithTimeout to each context (but not enabled - yet). * The [*forward*](/plugins/forward) plugin adds dnstap support. * The [*route53*](/plugins/route53) plugin now supports wildcards. * The [*pprof*](/plugins/pprof) plugin adds a `block` option that enables the block profiling. * The [*prometheus*](/plugins/metrics) plugin adds a `coredns_plugin_enabled` metric that shows which plugins are enabled. * The [*chaos*](/plugins/chaos) plugin returns the maintainers when queried for "authors.bind TXT CH". * The `resyncperiod` option in [*kubernetes*](/plugins/kubernetes) now defaults to zero seconds, which disables resyncing. # Deprecations * The `resyncperiod` option in [*kubernetes*](/plugins/kubernetes) is deprecated and will be made a no-op in 1.6.0 and removed in 1.7.0. ## Brought to You By Aleks, Chris O'Haver, David, dilyevsky, Francois Tur, IƱigo, Jiacheng Xu, John Belamaric, Matt Greenfield, MengZeLee, Miek Gieben, peiranliushop, Rajveer Malviya, Ruslan Drozhdzh, Stefan Budeanu, Xiao An, Yong Tang.