# root ## Name *root* - simply specifies the root of where to find files. ## Description The default root is the current working directory of CoreDNS. The *root* plugin allows you to change this. A relative root path is relative to the current working directory. **NOTE: The *root* directory is NOT currently supported by all plugins.** Currently the following plugins respect the *root* plugin configuration: * *file* * *tls* * *dnssec* This plugin can only be used once per Server Block. ## Syntax ~~~ txt root PATH ~~~ **PATH** is the directory to set as CoreDNS' root. ## Examples Serve zone data (when the *file* plugin is used) from `/etc/coredns/zones`: ~~~ corefile . { root /etc/coredns/zones } ~~~ When you use the *root* and *tls* plugin together, your cert and key should also be placed in the *root* directory. The example below will look for `/config/cert.pem` and `/config/key.pem` ~~~ txt tls://example.com:853 { root /config tls cert.pem key.pem whoami } ~~~ ## Bugs **NOTE: The *root* directory is NOT currently supported by all plugins.** Currently the following plugins respect the *root* plugin configuration: * *file* * *tls* * *dnssec*