+++ title = "CoreDNS-1.2.4 Release" description = "CoreDNS-1.2.4 Release Notes." tags = ["Release", "1.2.4", "Notes"] release = "1.2.4" date = "2018-10-17T20:01:29+01:00" author = "coredns" +++ We are pleased to announce the [release](https://github.com/coredns/coredns/releases/tag/v1.2.4) of CoreDNS-1.2.4! Remember we [said the 1.2.3 release](/2018/10/16/coredns-1.2.3-release/) was a big release and took quite a while? Well, we've fixed that glitch; as 1.2.4 is here now. CoreDNS v1.2.3's *kubernetes* plugin **DOES NOT WORK IN KUBERNETES** and our testing that didn't catch that regression, nor the Kubernetes scale testing which doesn't really exercise the *whole* API. ## Plugins * [*cache*](/plugins/cache) use zero of the minimal negative TTL (if no suitable TTL was found in the packet). * [*kubernetes*](/plugins/kubernetes) fix a grave bug that made plugin **unusable** in Kubernetes. ## Brought to you by: Chris O'Haver, Miek Gieben. For documentation see our (in progress!) [manual](/manual). For help and other resources, see our [community page](https://coredns.io/community/).