Miek Gieben bcbe624eb4
Add -p for port flag (#4653)
-p is the default flag in DNS software for setting the port, we use
'dns.port' because of preventing clashes with other caddy software
users. This is no longer an issue, so we can do what we want here.

Add -p to works like -dns.port.

(this PR includes generated manpage, but that shouldn't matter too much)

Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <>
2021-05-28 07:08:13 -07:00

62 lines
2.5 KiB

.\" Generated by Mmark Markdown Processer -
.TH "COREDNS" 1 "May 2021" "CoreDNS" "CoreDNS"
\fIcoredns\fP - pluggable DNS nameserver optimized for service discovery and flexibility.
\fIcoredns\fP \fB[-conf FILE]\fP \fB[-dns.port PORT}\fP \fB[OPTION]\fP...
CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins. Each plugin handles a DNS feature, like rewriting
queries, kubernetes service discovery or just exporting metrics. There are many other plugins,
each described on
\[la]\[ra] and their respective manual pages. Plugins not
bundled by default in CoreDNS are listed on
When started without options CoreDNS will look for a file named \fB\fCCorefile\fR in the current
directory, if found, it will parse its contents and start up accordingly. If no \fB\fCCorefile\fR is found
it will start with the \fIwhoami\fP plugin (coredns-whoami(7)) and start listening on port 53 (unless
overridden with \fB\fC-dns.port\fR).
Available options:
\fB-conf\fP \fBFILE\fP
specify Corefile to load, if not given CoreDNS will look for a \fB\fCCorefile\fR in the current
\fB-dns.port\fP \fBPORT\fP or \fB-p\fP \fBPORT\fP
override default port (53) to listen on.
\fB-pidfile\fP \fBFILE\fP
write PID to \fBFILE\fP.
list all plugins and quit.
don't print any version and port information on startup.
show version and quit.
CoreDNS Authors.
Apache License 2.0
Corefile(5) coredns-k8s_external(7) coredns-any(7) coredns-hosts(7) coredns-acl(7) coredns-dnssec(7) coredns-health(7) coredns-grpc(7) coredns-sign(7) coredns-log(7) coredns-tls(7) coredns-file(7) coredns-root(7) coredns-loop(7) coredns-chaos(7) coredns-dnstap(7) coredns-pprof(7) coredns-bufsize(7) coredns-clouddns(7) coredns-loadbalance(7) coredns-cache(7) coredns-whoami(7) coredns-minimal(7) coredns-dns64(7) coredns-erratic(7) coredns-auto(7) coredns-import(7) coredns-debug(7) coredns-template(7) coredns-azure(7) coredns-autopath(7) coredns-kubernetes(7) coredns-forward(7) coredns-nsid(7) coredns-secondary(7) coredns-route53(7) coredns-local(7) coredns-bind(7) coredns-errors(7) coredns-transfer(7) coredns-ready(7) coredns-reload(7) coredns-rewrite(7) coredns-metrics(7) coredns-metadata(7) coredns-etcd(7) coredns-cancel(7) coredns-trace(7).