Allows the forward plugin to execute the next plugin based on the return code. Similar to the externally mainted alternate plugin Based on the idea of chrisohaver@ in #6549 (comment) Also incoperated the request to rename `alternate` to `next` as an option I am having issues adding a proper test for functionality. Primarily, I do not know the code base enough and having multiple `dnstest.NewServer` with ResponseWriter does not work. From my testing these are "Singletons'' and only the last defined response writer is used for all servers Signed-off-by: Jasper Bernhardt <>
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// Package forward implements a forwarding proxy. It caches an upstream net.Conn for some time, so if the same
// client returns the upstream's Conn will be precached. Depending on how you benchmark this looks to be
// 50% faster than just opening a new connection for every client. It works with UDP and TCP and uses
// inband healthchecking.
package forward
import (
clog ""
ot ""
otext ""
var log = clog.NewWithPlugin("forward")
const (
defaultExpire = 10 * time.Second
hcInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
// Forward represents a plugin instance that can proxy requests to another (DNS) server. It has a list
// of proxies each representing one upstream proxy.
type Forward struct {
concurrent int64 // atomic counters need to be first in struct for proper alignment
proxies []*proxy.Proxy
p Policy
hcInterval time.Duration
from string
ignored []string
nextAlternateRcodes []int
tlsConfig *tls.Config
tlsServerName string
maxfails uint32
expire time.Duration
maxConcurrent int64
opts proxy.Options // also here for testing
// ErrLimitExceeded indicates that a query was rejected because the number of concurrent queries has exceeded
// the maximum allowed (maxConcurrent)
ErrLimitExceeded error
tapPlugins []*dnstap.Dnstap // when dnstap plugins are loaded, we use to this to send messages out.
Next plugin.Handler
// New returns a new Forward.
func New() *Forward {
f := &Forward{maxfails: 2, tlsConfig: new(tls.Config), expire: defaultExpire, p: new(random), from: ".", hcInterval: hcInterval, opts: proxy.Options{ForceTCP: false, PreferUDP: false, HCRecursionDesired: true, HCDomain: "."}}
return f
// SetProxy appends p to the proxy list and starts healthchecking.
func (f *Forward) SetProxy(p *proxy.Proxy) {
f.proxies = append(f.proxies, p)
// SetTapPlugin appends one or more dnstap plugins to the tap plugin list.
func (f *Forward) SetTapPlugin(tapPlugin *dnstap.Dnstap) {
f.tapPlugins = append(f.tapPlugins, tapPlugin)
if nextPlugin, ok := tapPlugin.Next.(*dnstap.Dnstap); ok {
// Len returns the number of configured proxies.
func (f *Forward) Len() int { return len(f.proxies) }
// Name implements plugin.Handler.
func (f *Forward) Name() string { return "forward" }
// ServeDNS implements plugin.Handler.
func (f *Forward) ServeDNS(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error) {
state := request.Request{W: w, Req: r}
if !f.match(state) {
return plugin.NextOrFailure(f.Name(), f.Next, ctx, w, r)
if f.maxConcurrent > 0 {
count := atomic.AddInt64(&(f.concurrent), 1)
defer atomic.AddInt64(&(f.concurrent), -1)
if count > f.maxConcurrent {
return dns.RcodeRefused, f.ErrLimitExceeded
fails := 0
var span, child ot.Span
var upstreamErr error
span = ot.SpanFromContext(ctx)
i := 0
list := f.List()
deadline := time.Now().Add(defaultTimeout)
start := time.Now()
for time.Now().Before(deadline) && ctx.Err() == nil {
if i >= len(list) {
// reached the end of list, reset to begin
i = 0
fails = 0
proxy := list[i]
if proxy.Down(f.maxfails) {
if fails < len(f.proxies) {
// All upstream proxies are dead, assume healthcheck is completely broken and randomly
// select an upstream to connect to.
r := new(random)
proxy = r.List(f.proxies)[0]
if span != nil {
child = span.Tracer().StartSpan("connect", ot.ChildOf(span.Context()))
otext.PeerAddress.Set(child, proxy.Addr())
ctx = ot.ContextWithSpan(ctx, child)
metadata.SetValueFunc(ctx, "forward/upstream", func() string {
return proxy.Addr()
var (
ret *dns.Msg
err error
opts := f.opts
for {
ret, err = proxy.Connect(ctx, state, opts)
if err == ErrCachedClosed { // Remote side closed conn, can only happen with TCP.
// Retry with TCP if truncated and prefer_udp configured.
if ret != nil && ret.Truncated && !opts.ForceTCP && opts.PreferUDP {
opts.ForceTCP = true
if child != nil {
if len(f.tapPlugins) != 0 {
toDnstap(ctx, f, proxy.Addr(), state, opts, ret, start)
upstreamErr = err
if err != nil {
// Kick off health check to see if *our* upstream is broken.
if f.maxfails != 0 {
if fails < len(f.proxies) {
// Check if the reply is correct; if not return FormErr.
if !state.Match(ret) {
debug.Hexdumpf(ret, "Wrong reply for id: %d, %s %d", ret.Id, state.QName(), state.QType())
formerr := new(dns.Msg)
formerr.SetRcode(state.Req, dns.RcodeFormatError)
return 0, nil
// Check if we have an alternate Rcode defined, check if we match on the code
for _, alternateRcode := range f.nextAlternateRcodes {
if alternateRcode == ret.Rcode && f.Next != nil { // In case we do not have a Next handler, just continue normally
if _, ok := f.Next.(*Forward); ok { // Only continue if the next forwarder is also a Forworder
return plugin.NextOrFailure(f.Name(), f.Next, ctx, w, r)
return 0, nil
if upstreamErr != nil {
return dns.RcodeServerFailure, upstreamErr
return dns.RcodeServerFailure, ErrNoHealthy
func (f *Forward) match(state request.Request) bool {
if !plugin.Name(f.from).Matches(state.Name()) || !f.isAllowedDomain(state.Name()) {
return false
return true
func (f *Forward) isAllowedDomain(name string) bool {
if dns.Name(name) == dns.Name(f.from) {
return true
for _, ignore := range f.ignored {
if plugin.Name(ignore).Matches(name) {
return false
return true
// ForceTCP returns if TCP is forced to be used even when the request comes in over UDP.
func (f *Forward) ForceTCP() bool { return f.opts.ForceTCP }
// PreferUDP returns if UDP is preferred to be used even when the request comes in over TCP.
func (f *Forward) PreferUDP() bool { return f.opts.PreferUDP }
// List returns a set of proxies to be used for this client depending on the policy in f.
func (f *Forward) List() []*proxy.Proxy { return f.p.List(f.proxies) }
var (
// ErrNoHealthy means no healthy proxies left.
ErrNoHealthy = errors.New("no healthy proxies")
// ErrNoForward means no forwarder defined.
ErrNoForward = errors.New("no forwarder defined")
// ErrCachedClosed means cached connection was closed by peer.
ErrCachedClosed = errors.New("cached connection was closed by peer")
// Options holds various Options that can be set.
type Options struct {
// ForceTCP use TCP protocol for upstream DNS request. Has precedence over PreferUDP flag
ForceTCP bool
// PreferUDP use UDP protocol for upstream DNS request.
PreferUDP bool
// HCRecursionDesired sets recursion desired flag for Proxy healthcheck requests
HCRecursionDesired bool
// HCDomain sets domain for Proxy healthcheck requests
HCDomain string
var defaultTimeout = 5 * time.Second