Chris O'Haver b56b080a7c
plugin/view: Advanced routing interface and new 'view' plugin (#5538)
* introduce new interface "dnsserver.Viewer", that allows a plugin implementing it to decide if a query should be routed into its server block.
* add new plugin "view", that uses the new interface to enable a user to define expression based conditions that must be met for a query to be routed to its server block.

Signed-off-by: Chris O'Haver <>
2022-09-08 14:56:27 -04:00

163 lines
5 KiB

package test
import (
func TestView(t *testing.T) {
// Hack to get an available port - We spin up a temporary dummy coredns on :0 to get the port number, then we re-use
// that one port consistently across all server blocks.
corefile := ` {
tmp, addr, _, err := CoreDNSServerAndPorts(corefile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not get CoreDNS serving instance: %s", err)
port := addr[strings.LastIndex(addr, ":")+1:]
// Corefile with test views
corefile = `
# split-type config: splits quries for A/AAAA into separate views
split-type:` + port + ` {
view test-view-a {
expr type() == 'A'
hosts { test.split-type
split-type:` + port + ` {
view test-view-aaaa {
expr type() == 'AAAA'
hosts {
1:2:3::4 test.split-type
# split-name config: splits queries into separate views based on first label in query name ("one", "two")
split-name:` + port + ` {
view test-view-1 {
expr name() matches '^one\\..*\\.split-name\\.$'
hosts { one.test.split-name one.test.test.test.split-name
split-name:` + port + ` {
view test-view-2 {
expr name() matches '^two\\..*\\.split-name\\.$'
hosts { two.test.split-name two.test.test.test.split-name
split-name:` + port + ` {
hosts { default.test.split-name
# metadata config: verifies that metadata is properly collected by the server,
# and that metadata function correctly looks up the value of the metadata.
metadata:` + port + ` {
view test-view-meta1 {
# This is never true
expr metadata('view/name') == 'not-the-view-name'
hosts { test.metadata
metadata:` + port + ` {
view test-view-meta2 {
# This is never true. The metadata plugin is not enabled in this server block so the metadata function returns
# an empty string
expr metadata('view/name') == 'test-view-meta2'
hosts { test.metadata
metadata:` + port + ` {
view test-view-meta3 {
# This is always true. Queries in the zone 'metadata.' should always be served using this view.
expr metadata('view/name') == 'test-view-meta3'
hosts { test.metadata
metadata:` + port + ` {
# This block should never be reached since the prior view in the same zone is always true
hosts { test.metadata
i, addr, _, err := CoreDNSServerAndPorts(corefile)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Could not get CoreDNS serving instance: %s", err)
// there are multiple sever blocks, but they are all on the same port, so it's a single server instance to stop
defer i.Stop()
// stop the temporary instance before starting tests.
viewTest(t, "split-type A", addr, "test.split-type.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("test.split-type. 303 IN A")})
viewTest(t, "split-type AAAA", addr, "test.split-type.", dns.TypeAAAA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.AAAA("test.split-type. 303 IN AAAA 1:2:3::4")})
viewTest(t, "split-name one.test.test.test.split-name", addr, "one.test.test.test.split-name.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("one.test.test.test.split-name. 303 IN A")})
viewTest(t, "split-name one.test.split-name", addr, "one.test.split-name.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("one.test.split-name. 303 IN A")})
viewTest(t, "split-name two.test.test.test.split-name", addr, "two.test.test.test.split-name.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("two.test.test.test.split-name. 303 IN A")})
viewTest(t, "split-name two.test.split-name", addr, "two.test.split-name.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("two.test.split-name. 303 IN A")})
viewTest(t, "split-name default.test.split-name", addr, "default.test.split-name.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("default.test.split-name. 303 IN A")})
viewTest(t, "metadata test.metadata", addr, "test.metadata.", dns.TypeA, dns.RcodeSuccess,
[]dns.RR{test.A("test.metadata. 303 IN A")})
func viewTest(t *testing.T, testName, addr, qname string, qtype uint16, expectRcode int, expectAnswers []dns.RR) {
t.Run(testName, func(t *testing.T) {
m := new(dns.Msg)
m.SetQuestion(qname, qtype)
resp, err := dns.Exchange(m, addr)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected to receive reply, but didn't: %s", err)
tc := test.Case{
Qname: qname, Qtype: qtype,
Rcode: expectRcode,
Answer: expectAnswers,
err = test.SortAndCheck(resp, tc)
if err != nil {