Chris O'Haver 3f47fc8ba4
typo fixes (#3169)
* spelling fixes

* its/it's
2019-08-21 16:08:55 -04:00

397 lines
10 KiB

package file
import (
// Result is the result of a Lookup
type Result int
const (
// Success is a successful lookup.
Success Result = iota
// NameError indicates a nameerror
// Delegation indicates the lookup resulted in a delegation.
// NoData indicates the lookup resulted in a NODATA.
// ServerFailure indicates a server failure during the lookup.
// Lookup looks up qname and qtype in the zone. When do is true DNSSEC records are included.
// Three sets of records are returned, one for the answer, one for authority and one for the additional section.
func (z *Zone) Lookup(ctx context.Context, state request.Request, qname string) ([]dns.RR, []dns.RR, []dns.RR, Result) {
qtype := state.QType()
do := state.Do()
// If z is a secondary zone we might not have transferred it, meaning we have
// all zone context setup, except the actual record. This means (for one thing) the apex
// is empty and we don't have a SOA record.
ap := z.Apex
tr := z.Tree
if ap.SOA == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, ServerFailure
if qtype == dns.TypeSOA {
return ap.soa(do), ap.ns(do), nil, Success
if qtype == dns.TypeNS && qname == z.origin {
nsrrs := ap.ns(do)
glue := tr.Glue(nsrrs, do) // technically this isn't glue
return nsrrs, nil, glue, Success
var (
found, shot bool
parts string
i int
elem, wildElem *tree.Elem
// Lookup:
// * Per label from the right, look if it exists. We do this to find potential
// delegation records.
// * If the per-label search finds nothing, we will look for the wildcard at the
// level. If found we keep it around. If we don't find the complete name we will
// use the wildcard.
// Main for-loop handles delegation and finding or not finding the qname.
// If found we check if it is a CNAME/DNAME and do CNAME processing
// We also check if we have type and do a nodata response.
// If not found, we check the potential wildcard, and use that for further processing.
// If not found and no wildcard we will process this as an NXDOMAIN response.
for {
parts, shot = z.nameFromRight(qname, i)
// We overshot the name, break and check if we previously found something.
if shot {
elem, found = tr.Search(parts)
if !found {
// Apex will always be found, when we are here we can search for a wildcard
// and save the result of that search. So when nothing match, but we have a
// wildcard we should expand the wildcard.
wildcard := replaceWithAsteriskLabel(parts)
if wild, found := tr.Search(wildcard); found {
wildElem = wild
// Keep on searching, because maybe we hit an empty-non-terminal (which aren't
// stored in the tree. Only when we have match the full qname (and possible wildcard
// we can be confident that we didn't find anything.
// If we see DNAME records, we should return those.
if dnamerrs := elem.Type(dns.TypeDNAME); dnamerrs != nil {
// Only one DNAME is allowed per name. We just pick the first one to synthesize from.
dname := dnamerrs[0]
if cname := synthesizeCNAME(state.Name(), dname.(*dns.DNAME)); cname != nil {
answer, ns, extra, rcode := z.externalLookup(ctx, state, elem, []dns.RR{cname})
if do {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, dns.TypeDNAME)
dnamerrs = append(dnamerrs, sigs...)
// The relevant DNAME RR should be included in the answer section,
// if the DNAME is being employed as a substitution instruction.
answer = append(dnamerrs, answer...)
return answer, ns, extra, rcode
// The domain name that owns a DNAME record is allowed to have other RR types
// at that domain name, except those have restrictions on what they can coexist
// with (e.g. another DNAME). So there is nothing special left here.
// If we see NS records, it means the name as been delegated, and we should return the delegation.
if nsrrs := elem.Type(dns.TypeNS); nsrrs != nil {
// If the query is specifically for DS and the qname matches the delegated name, we should
// return the DS in the answer section and leave the rest empty, i.e. just continue the loop
// and continue searching.
if qtype == dns.TypeDS && elem.Name() == qname {
glue := tr.Glue(nsrrs, do)
if do {
dss := typeFromElem(elem, dns.TypeDS, do)
nsrrs = append(nsrrs, dss...)
return nil, nsrrs, glue, Delegation
// What does found and !shot mean - do we ever hit it?
if found && !shot {
return nil, nil, nil, ServerFailure
// Found entire name.
if found && shot {
if rrs := elem.Type(dns.TypeCNAME); len(rrs) > 0 && qtype != dns.TypeCNAME {
return z.externalLookup(ctx, state, elem, rrs)
rrs := elem.Type(qtype)
if len(rrs) == 0 {
ret := ap.soa(do)
if do {
nsec := typeFromElem(elem, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
return nil, ret, nil, NoData
// Additional section processing for MX, SRV. Check response and see if any of the names are in bailiwick -
// if so add IP addresses to the additional section.
additional := z.additionalProcessing(rrs, do)
if do {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, qtype)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs, ap.ns(do), additional, Success
// Haven't found the original name.
// Found wildcard.
if wildElem != nil {
auth := ap.ns(do)
if rrs := wildElem.TypeForWildcard(dns.TypeCNAME, qname); len(rrs) > 0 {
return z.externalLookup(ctx, state, wildElem, rrs)
rrs := wildElem.TypeForWildcard(qtype, qname)
// NODATA response.
if len(rrs) == 0 {
ret := ap.soa(do)
if do {
nsec := typeFromElem(wildElem, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
return nil, ret, nil, Success
if do {
// An NSEC is needed to say no longer name exists under this wildcard.
if deny, found := tr.Prev(qname); found {
nsec := typeFromElem(deny, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
auth = append(auth, nsec...)
sigs := wildElem.TypeForWildcard(dns.TypeRRSIG, qname)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, qtype)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs, auth, nil, Success
rcode := NameError
// Hacky way to get around empty-non-terminals. If a longer name does exist, but this qname, does not, it
// must be an empty-non-terminal. If so, we do the proper NXDOMAIN handling, but set the rcode to be success.
if x, found := tr.Next(qname); found {
if dns.IsSubDomain(qname, x.Name()) {
rcode = Success
ret := ap.soa(do)
if do {
deny, found := tr.Prev(qname)
if !found {
goto Out
nsec := typeFromElem(deny, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
if rcode != NameError {
goto Out
ce, found := z.ClosestEncloser(qname)
// wildcard denial only for NXDOMAIN
if found {
// wildcard denial
wildcard := "*." + ce.Name()
if ss, found := tr.Prev(wildcard); found {
// Only add this nsec if it is different than the one already added
if ss.Name() != deny.Name() {
nsec := typeFromElem(ss, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
return nil, ret, nil, rcode
// typeFromElem returns the type tp from e and adds signatures (if they exist) and do is true.
func typeFromElem(elem *tree.Elem, tp uint16, do bool) []dns.RR {
rrs := elem.Type(tp)
if do {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, tp)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs
func (a Apex) soa(do bool) []dns.RR {
if do {
ret := append([]dns.RR{a.SOA}, a.SIGSOA...)
return ret
return []dns.RR{a.SOA}
func (a Apex) ns(do bool) []dns.RR {
if do {
ret := append(a.NS, a.SIGNS...)
return ret
return a.NS
// externalLookup adds signatures and tries to resolve CNAMEs that point to external names.
func (z *Zone) externalLookup(ctx context.Context, state request.Request, elem *tree.Elem, rrs []dns.RR) ([]dns.RR, []dns.RR, []dns.RR, Result) {
qtype := state.QType()
do := state.Do()
if do {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, dns.TypeCNAME)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
targetName := rrs[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target
elem, _ = z.Tree.Search(targetName)
if elem == nil {
rrs = append(rrs, z.doLookup(ctx, state, targetName, qtype)...)
return rrs, z.Apex.ns(do), nil, Success
i := 0
cname := elem.Type(dns.TypeCNAME)
if len(cname) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, cname...)
if do {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, dns.TypeCNAME)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
targetName := cname[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target
elem, _ = z.Tree.Search(targetName)
if elem == nil {
rrs = append(rrs, z.doLookup(ctx, state, targetName, qtype)...)
return rrs, z.Apex.ns(do), nil, Success
if i > 8 {
return rrs, z.Apex.ns(do), nil, Success
goto Redo
targets := rrutil.CNAMEForType(elem.All(), qtype)
if len(targets) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, targets...)
if do {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, qtype)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs, z.Apex.ns(do), nil, Success
func (z *Zone) doLookup(ctx context.Context, state request.Request, target string, qtype uint16) []dns.RR {
m, e := z.Upstream.Lookup(ctx, state, target, qtype)
if e != nil {
return nil
if m == nil {
return nil
return m.Answer
// additionalProcessing checks the current answer section and retrieves A or AAAA records
// (and possible SIGs) to need to be put in the additional section.
func (z *Zone) additionalProcessing(answer []dns.RR, do bool) (extra []dns.RR) {
for _, rr := range answer {
name := ""
switch x := rr.(type) {
case *dns.SRV:
name = x.Target
case *dns.MX:
name = x.Mx
if !dns.IsSubDomain(z.origin, name) {
elem, _ := z.Tree.Search(name)
if elem == nil {
sigs := elem.Type(dns.TypeRRSIG)
for _, addr := range []uint16{dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA} {
if a := elem.Type(addr); a != nil {
extra = append(extra, a...)
if do {
sig := rrutil.SubTypeSignature(sigs, addr)
extra = append(extra, sig...)
return extra