Add DNS-over-QUIC server Signed-off-by: jaehnri <> Signed-off-by: João Henri <>
346 lines
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package dnsserver
import (
clog ""
const (
// DoQCodeNoError is used when the connection or stream needs to be
// closed, but there is no error to signal.
DoQCodeNoError quic.ApplicationErrorCode = 0
// DoQCodeInternalError signals that the DoQ implementation encountered
// an internal error and is incapable of pursuing the transaction or the
// connection.
DoQCodeInternalError quic.ApplicationErrorCode = 1
// DoQCodeProtocolError signals that the DoQ implementation encountered
// a protocol error and is forcibly aborting the connection.
DoQCodeProtocolError quic.ApplicationErrorCode = 2
// ServerQUIC represents an instance of a DNS-over-QUIC server.
type ServerQUIC struct {
listenAddr net.Addr
tlsConfig *tls.Config
quicConfig *quic.Config
quicListener *quic.Listener
// NewServerQUIC returns a new CoreDNS QUIC server and compiles all plugin in to it.
func NewServerQUIC(addr string, group []*Config) (*ServerQUIC, error) {
s, err := NewServer(addr, group)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// The *tls* plugin must make sure that multiple conflicting
// TLS configuration returns an error: it can only be specified once.
var tlsConfig *tls.Config
for _, z := range s.zones {
for _, conf := range z {
// Should we error if some configs *don't* have TLS?
tlsConfig = conf.TLSConfig
if tlsConfig != nil {
tlsConfig.NextProtos = []string{"doq"}
var quicConfig *quic.Config
quicConfig = &quic.Config{
MaxIdleTimeout: s.idleTimeout,
MaxIncomingStreams: math.MaxUint16,
MaxIncomingUniStreams: math.MaxUint16,
// Enable 0-RTT by default for all connections on the server-side.
Allow0RTT: true,
return &ServerQUIC{Server: s, tlsConfig: tlsConfig, quicConfig: quicConfig}, nil
// ServePacket implements caddy.UDPServer interface.
func (s *ServerQUIC) ServePacket(p net.PacketConn) error {
s.listenAddr = s.quicListener.Addr()
return s.ServeQUIC()
// ServeQUIC listens for incoming QUIC packets.
func (s *ServerQUIC) ServeQUIC() error {
for {
conn, err := s.quicListener.Accept(context.Background())
if err != nil {
if s.isExpectedErr(err) {
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeNoError)
return err
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeInternalError)
return err
go s.serveQUICConnection(conn)
// serveQUICConnection handles a new QUIC connection. It waits for new streams
// and passes them to serveQUICStream.
func (s *ServerQUIC) serveQUICConnection(conn quic.Connection) {
for {
// In DoQ, one query consumes one stream.
// The client MUST select the next available client-initiated bidirectional
// stream for each subsequent query on a QUIC connection.
stream, err := conn.AcceptStream(context.Background())
if err != nil {
if s.isExpectedErr(err) {
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeNoError)
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeInternalError)
go s.serveQUICStream(stream, conn)
func (s *ServerQUIC) serveQUICStream(stream quic.Stream, conn quic.Connection) {
buf, err := readDOQMessage(stream)
// io.EOF does not really mean that there's any error, it is just
// the STREAM FIN indicating that there will be no data to read
// anymore from this stream.
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeProtocolError)
req := &dns.Msg{}
err = req.Unpack(buf)
if err != nil {
clog.Debugf("unpacking quic packet: %s", err)
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeProtocolError)
if !validRequest(req) {
// If a peer encounters such an error condition, it is considered a
// fatal error. It SHOULD forcibly abort the connection using QUIC's
// CONNECTION_CLOSE mechanism and SHOULD use the DoQ error code
// See
s.closeQUICConn(conn, DoQCodeProtocolError)
w := &DoQWriter{
localAddr: conn.LocalAddr(),
remoteAddr: conn.RemoteAddr(),
stream: stream,
Msg: req,
dnsCtx := context.WithValue(stream.Context(), Key{}, s.Server)
dnsCtx = context.WithValue(dnsCtx, LoopKey{}, 0)
s.ServeDNS(dnsCtx, w, req)
// ListenPacket implements caddy.UDPServer interface.
func (s *ServerQUIC) ListenPacket() (net.PacketConn, error) {
p, err := reuseport.ListenPacket("udp", s.Addr[len(transport.QUIC+"://"):])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer s.m.Unlock()
s.quicListener, err = quic.Listen(p, s.tlsConfig, s.quicConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// OnStartupComplete lists the sites served by this server
// and any relevant information, assuming Quiet is false.
func (s *ServerQUIC) OnStartupComplete() {
if Quiet {
out := startUpZones(transport.QUIC+"://", s.Addr, s.zones)
if out != "" {
// Stop stops the server non-gracefully. It blocks until the server is totally stopped.
func (s *ServerQUIC) Stop() error {
defer s.m.Unlock()
if s.quicListener != nil {
return s.quicListener.Close()
return nil
// Serve implements caddy.TCPServer interface.
func (s *ServerQUIC) Serve(l net.Listener) error { return nil }
// Listen implements caddy.TCPServer interface.
func (s *ServerQUIC) Listen() (net.Listener, error) { return nil, nil }
// closeQUICConn quietly closes the QUIC connection.
func (s *ServerQUIC) closeQUICConn(conn quic.Connection, code quic.ApplicationErrorCode) {
if conn == nil {
clog.Debugf("closing quic conn %s with code %d", conn.LocalAddr(), code)
err := conn.CloseWithError(code, "")
if err != nil {
clog.Debugf("failed to close quic connection with code %d: %s", code, err)
// DoQCodeNoError metrics are already registered after s.ServeDNS()
if code != DoQCodeNoError {
// validRequest checks for protocol errors in the unpacked DNS message.
// See
func validRequest(req *dns.Msg) (ok bool) {
// 1. a client or server receives a message with a non-zero Message ID.
if req.Id != 0 {
return false
// 2. an implementation receives a message containing the edns-tcp-keepalive
// EDNS(0) Option [RFC7828].
if opt := req.IsEdns0(); opt != nil {
for _, option := range opt.Option {
if option.Option() == dns.EDNS0TCPKEEPALIVE {
clog.Debug("client sent EDNS0 TCP keepalive option")
return false
// 3. the client or server does not indicate the expected STREAM FIN after
// sending requests or responses.
// This is quite problematic to validate this case since this would imply
// we have to wait until STREAM FIN is arrived before we start processing
// the message. So we're consciously ignoring this case in this
// implementation.
// 4. a server receives a "replayable" transaction in 0-RTT data
// The information necessary to validate this is not exposed by quic-go.
return true
// readDOQMessage reads a DNS over QUIC (DOQ) message from the given stream
// and returns the message bytes.
// Drafts of the RFC9250 did not require the 2-byte prefixed message length.
// Thus, we are only supporting the official version (DoQ v1).
func readDOQMessage(r io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
// All DNS messages (queries and responses) sent over DoQ connections MUST
// be encoded as a 2-octet length field followed by the message content as
// specified in [RFC1035].
// See
sizeBuf := make([]byte, 2)
_, err := io.ReadFull(r, sizeBuf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
size := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(sizeBuf)
if size == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("message size is 0: probably unsupported DoQ version")
buf := make([]byte, size)
_, err = io.ReadFull(r, buf)
// A client or server receives a STREAM FIN before receiving all the bytes
// for a message indicated in the 2-octet length field.
// See
if size != uint16(len(buf)) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("message size does not match 2-byte prefix")
return buf, err
// isExpectedErr returns true if err is an expected error, likely related to
// the current implementation.
func (s *ServerQUIC) isExpectedErr(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
// This error is returned when the QUIC listener was closed by us. As
// graceful shutdown is not implemented, the connection will be abruptly
// closed but there is no error to signal.
if errors.Is(err, quic.ErrServerClosed) {
return true
// This error happens when the connection was closed due to a DoQ
// protocol error but there's still something to read in the closed stream.
// For example, when the message was sent without the prefixed length.
var qAppErr *quic.ApplicationError
if errors.As(err, &qAppErr) && qAppErr.ErrorCode == 2 {
return true
// When a connection hits the idle timeout, quic.AcceptStream() returns
// an IdleTimeoutError. In this, case, we should just drop the connection
// with DoQCodeNoError.
var qIdleErr *quic.IdleTimeoutError
return errors.As(err, &qIdleErr)
func (s *ServerQUIC) countResponse(code quic.ApplicationErrorCode) {
switch code {
case DoQCodeNoError:
vars.QUICResponsesCount.WithLabelValues(s.Addr, "0x0").Inc()
case DoQCodeInternalError:
vars.QUICResponsesCount.WithLabelValues(s.Addr, "0x1").Inc()
case DoQCodeProtocolError:
vars.QUICResponsesCount.WithLabelValues(s.Addr, "0x2").Inc()