327 lines
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327 lines
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package clouddns
import (
gcp "google.golang.org/api/dns/v1"
type fakeGCPClient struct {
func (c fakeGCPClient) zoneExists(projectName, hostedZoneName string) error {
return nil
func (c fakeGCPClient) listRRSets(ctx context.Context, projectName, hostedZoneName string) (*gcp.ResourceRecordSetsListResponse, error) {
if projectName == "bad-project" || hostedZoneName == "bad-zone" {
return nil, errors.New("the 'parameters.managedZone' resource named 'bad-zone' does not exist")
var rr []*gcp.ResourceRecordSet
if hostedZoneName == "sample-zone-1" {
rr = []*gcp.ResourceRecordSet{
Name: "example.org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "A",
Rrdatas: []string{""},
Name: "www.example.org",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "A",
Rrdatas: []string{""},
Name: "*.www.example.org",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "CNAME",
Rrdatas: []string{"www.example.org"},
Name: "example.org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "AAAA",
Rrdatas: []string{"2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334"},
Name: "sample.example.org",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "CNAME",
Rrdatas: []string{"example.org"},
Name: "example.org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "PTR",
Rrdatas: []string{"ptr.example.org."},
Name: "org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "SOA",
Rrdatas: []string{"ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 300 259200 300"},
Name: "com.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "NS",
Rrdatas: []string{"ns-cloud-c4.googledomains.com."},
Name: "split-example.gov.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "A",
Rrdatas: []string{""},
Name: "swag.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "YOLO",
Rrdatas: []string{"foobar"},
} else {
rr = []*gcp.ResourceRecordSet{
Name: "split-example.org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "A",
Rrdatas: []string{""},
Name: "other-example.org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "A",
Rrdatas: []string{""},
Name: "org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "SOA",
Rrdatas: []string{"ns-cloud-e1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 300 259200 300"},
Name: "_dummy._tcp.example.org.",
Ttl: 300,
Type: "SRV",
Rrdatas: []string{
"0 0 5269 split-example.org",
"0 0 5269 other-example.org",
return &gcp.ResourceRecordSetsListResponse{Rrsets: rr}, nil
func TestCloudDNS(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
r, err := New(ctx, fakeGCPClient{}, map[string][]string{"bad.": {"bad-project:bad-zone"}}, &upstream.Upstream{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create Cloud DNS: %v", err)
if err = r.Run(ctx); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected errors for zone bad.")
r, err = New(ctx, fakeGCPClient{}, map[string][]string{"org.": {"sample-project-1:sample-zone-2", "sample-project-1:sample-zone-1"}, "gov.": {"sample-project-1:sample-zone-2", "sample-project-1:sample-zone-1"}}, &upstream.Upstream{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create Cloud DNS: %v", err)
r.Fall = fall.Zero
r.Next = test.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, w dns.ResponseWriter, r *dns.Msg) (int, error) {
state := request.Request{W: w, Req: r}
qname := state.Name()
m := new(dns.Msg)
rcode := dns.RcodeServerFailure
if qname == "example.gov." {
rr, err := dns.NewRR("example.gov. 300 IN A")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to create Resource Record: %v", err)
m.Answer = []dns.RR{rr}
m.Authoritative = true
rcode = dns.RcodeSuccess
m.SetRcode(r, rcode)
return rcode, nil
err = r.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to initialize Cloud DNS: %v", err)
tests := []struct {
qname string
qtype uint16
wantRetCode int
wantAnswer []string // ownernames for the records in the additional section.
wantMsgRCode int
wantNS []string
expectedErr error
// 0. example.org A found - success.
qname: "example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantAnswer: []string{"example.org. 300 IN A"},
// 1. example.org AAAA found - success.
qname: "example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeAAAA,
wantAnswer: []string{"example.org. 300 IN AAAA 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334"},
// 2. exampled.org PTR found - success.
qname: "example.org",
qtype: dns.TypePTR,
wantAnswer: []string{"example.org. 300 IN PTR ptr.example.org."},
// 3. sample.example.org points to example.org CNAME.
// Query must return both CNAME and A recs.
qname: "sample.example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantAnswer: []string{
"sample.example.org. 300 IN CNAME example.org.",
"example.org. 300 IN A",
// 4. Explicit CNAME query for sample.example.org.
// Query must return just CNAME.
qname: "sample.example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeCNAME,
wantAnswer: []string{"sample.example.org. 300 IN CNAME example.org."},
// 5. Explicit SOA query for example.org.
qname: "example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeNS,
wantNS: []string{"org. 300 IN SOA ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 300 259200 300"},
// 6. AAAA query for split-example.org must return NODATA.
qname: "split-example.gov",
qtype: dns.TypeAAAA,
wantRetCode: dns.RcodeSuccess,
wantNS: []string{"org. 300 IN SOA ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 300 259200 300"},
// 7. Zone not configured.
qname: "badexample.com",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantRetCode: dns.RcodeServerFailure,
wantMsgRCode: dns.RcodeServerFailure,
// 8. No record found. Return SOA record.
qname: "bad.org",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantRetCode: dns.RcodeSuccess,
wantMsgRCode: dns.RcodeNameError,
wantNS: []string{"org. 300 IN SOA ns-cloud-c1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 300 259200 300"},
// 9. No record found. Fallthrough.
qname: "example.gov",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantAnswer: []string{"example.gov. 300 IN A"},
// 10. other-zone.example.org is stored in a different hosted zone. success
qname: "other-example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantAnswer: []string{"other-example.org. 300 IN A"},
// 11. split-example.org only has A record. Expect NODATA.
qname: "split-example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeAAAA,
wantNS: []string{"org. 300 IN SOA ns-cloud-e1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 300 259200 300"},
// 12. *.www.example.org is a wildcard CNAME to www.example.org.
qname: "a.www.example.org",
qtype: dns.TypeA,
wantAnswer: []string{
"a.www.example.org. 300 IN CNAME www.example.org.",
"www.example.org. 300 IN A",
// 13. example.org SRV found with 2 answers - success.
qname: "_dummy._tcp.example.org.",
qtype: dns.TypeSRV,
wantAnswer: []string{
"_dummy._tcp.example.org. 300 IN SRV 0 0 5269 split-example.org.",
"_dummy._tcp.example.org. 300 IN SRV 0 0 5269 other-example.org.",
for ti, tc := range tests {
req := new(dns.Msg)
req.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(tc.qname), tc.qtype)
rec := dnstest.NewRecorder(&test.ResponseWriter{})
code, err := r.ServeDNS(ctx, rec, req)
if err != tc.expectedErr {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected error %v, but got %v", ti, tc.expectedErr, err)
if code != tc.wantRetCode {
t.Fatalf("Test %d: Expected returned status code %s, but got %s", ti, dns.RcodeToString[tc.wantRetCode], dns.RcodeToString[code])
if tc.wantMsgRCode != rec.Msg.Rcode {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected msg status code. Want: %s, got: %s", ti, dns.RcodeToString[tc.wantMsgRCode], dns.RcodeToString[rec.Msg.Rcode])
if len(tc.wantAnswer) != len(rec.Msg.Answer) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected number of Answers. Want: %d, got: %d", ti, len(tc.wantAnswer), len(rec.Msg.Answer))
} else {
for i, gotAnswer := range rec.Msg.Answer {
if gotAnswer.String() != tc.wantAnswer[i] {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected answer.\nWant:\n\t%s\nGot:\n\t%s", ti, tc.wantAnswer[i], gotAnswer)
if len(tc.wantNS) != len(rec.Msg.Ns) {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected NS number. Want: %d, got: %d", ti, len(tc.wantNS), len(rec.Msg.Ns))
} else {
for i, ns := range rec.Msg.Ns {
got, ok := ns.(*dns.SOA)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected NS type. Want: SOA, got: %v", ti, reflect.TypeOf(got))
if got.String() != tc.wantNS[i] {
t.Errorf("Test %d: Unexpected NS.\nWant: %v\nGot: %v", ti, tc.wantNS[i], got)