Make normalize return multiple "hosts" (= reverse zones) when a non-octet boundary cidr is given. Added pkg/cidr package that holds the cidr calculation routines; felt they didn't really fit dnsutil. This change means the IPNet return parameter isn't needed, the hosts are all correct. The tests that tests this is also removed: TestSplitHostPortReverse The fallout was that zoneAddr _also_ doesn't need the IPNet member, that in turn make it visible that zoneAddr in address.go duplicated a bunch of stuff from register.go; removed/refactored that too. Created a plugin.OriginsFromArgsOrServerBlock to help plugins do the right things, by consuming ZONE arguments; this now expands reverse zones correctly. This is mostly mechanical. Remove the reverse test in plugin/kubernetes which is a copy-paste from a core test (which has since been fixed). Remove MustNormalize as it has no plugin users. This change is not backwards compatible to plugins that have a ZONE argument that they parse in the setup util. All in-tree plugins have been updated. Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <>
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package metadata
import (
func init() { plugin.Register("metadata", setup) }
func setup(c *caddy.Controller) error {
m, err := metadataParse(c)
if err != nil {
return err
dnsserver.GetConfig(c).AddPlugin(func(next plugin.Handler) plugin.Handler {
m.Next = next
return m
c.OnStartup(func() error {
plugins := dnsserver.GetConfig(c).Handlers()
for _, p := range plugins {
if met, ok := p.(Provider); ok {
m.Providers = append(m.Providers, met)
return nil
return nil
func metadataParse(c *caddy.Controller) (*Metadata, error) {
m := &Metadata{}
m.Zones = plugin.OriginsFromArgsOrServerBlock(c.RemainingArgs(), c.ServerBlockKeys)
if c.NextBlock() || c.Next() {
return nil, plugin.Error("metadata", c.ArgErr())
return m, nil