* cname target rewrite part in answer sec tion Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * upstream request Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * fix looping issue Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * support exact, prefix, suffix, substring, and regex types for cname rewrite Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * support any qtype, corrected prefix, suffix, substring types behavior Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * unit tests added, mocked the upstream call Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * fix lint errors Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * add newline to fix test issue Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * add default rewrite type, add readme Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * readme grammar fix Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * reuse rewrite types Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> * comment fixed Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk> --------- Signed-off-by: amila <amila.15@cse.mrt.ac.lk>
449 lines
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449 lines
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package rewrite
import (
// stringRewriter rewrites a string
type stringRewriter interface {
rewriteString(src string) string
// regexStringRewriter can be used to rewrite strings by regex pattern.
// it contains all the information required to detect and execute a rewrite
// on a string.
type regexStringRewriter struct {
pattern *regexp.Regexp
replacement string
var _ stringRewriter = ®exStringRewriter{}
func newStringRewriter(pattern *regexp.Regexp, replacement string) stringRewriter {
return ®exStringRewriter{pattern, replacement}
func (r *regexStringRewriter) rewriteString(src string) string {
regexGroups := r.pattern.FindStringSubmatch(src)
if len(regexGroups) == 0 {
return src
s := r.replacement
for groupIndex, groupValue := range regexGroups {
groupIndexStr := "{" + strconv.Itoa(groupIndex) + "}"
s = strings.Replace(s, groupIndexStr, groupValue, -1)
return s
// remapStringRewriter maps a dedicated string to another string
// it also maps a the domain of a sub domain.
type remapStringRewriter struct {
orig string
replacement string
var _ stringRewriter = &remapStringRewriter{}
func newRemapStringRewriter(orig, replacement string) stringRewriter {
return &remapStringRewriter{orig, replacement}
func (r *remapStringRewriter) rewriteString(src string) string {
if src == r.orig {
return r.replacement
if strings.HasSuffix(src, "."+r.orig) {
return src[0:len(src)-len(r.orig)] + r.replacement
return src
// suffixStringRewriter maps a dedicated suffix string to another string
type suffixStringRewriter struct {
suffix string
replacement string
var _ stringRewriter = &suffixStringRewriter{}
func newSuffixStringRewriter(orig, replacement string) stringRewriter {
return &suffixStringRewriter{orig, replacement}
func (r *suffixStringRewriter) rewriteString(src string) string {
if strings.HasSuffix(src, r.suffix) {
return strings.TrimSuffix(src, r.suffix) + r.replacement
return src
// nameRewriterResponseRule maps a record name according to a stringRewriter.
type nameRewriterResponseRule struct {
func (r *nameRewriterResponseRule) RewriteResponse(res *dns.Msg, rr dns.RR) {
rr.Header().Name = r.rewriteString(rr.Header().Name)
// valueRewriterResponseRule maps a record value according to a stringRewriter.
type valueRewriterResponseRule struct {
func (r *valueRewriterResponseRule) RewriteResponse(res *dns.Msg, rr dns.RR) {
value := getRecordValueForRewrite(rr)
if value != "" {
new := r.rewriteString(value)
if new != value {
setRewrittenRecordValue(rr, new)
const (
// ExactMatch matches only on exact match of the name in the question section of a request
ExactMatch = "exact"
// PrefixMatch matches when the name begins with the matching string
PrefixMatch = "prefix"
// SuffixMatch matches when the name ends with the matching string
SuffixMatch = "suffix"
// SubstringMatch matches on partial match of the name in the question section of a request
SubstringMatch = "substring"
// RegexMatch matches when the name in the question section of a request matches a regular expression
RegexMatch = "regex"
// AnswerMatch matches an answer rewrite
AnswerMatch = "answer"
// AutoMatch matches the auto name answer rewrite
AutoMatch = "auto"
// NameMatch matches the name answer rewrite
NameMatch = "name"
// ValueMatch matches the value answer rewrite
ValueMatch = "value"
type nameRuleBase struct {
nextAction string
auto bool
replacement string
static ResponseRules
func newNameRuleBase(nextAction string, auto bool, replacement string, staticResponses ResponseRules) nameRuleBase {
return nameRuleBase{
nextAction: nextAction,
auto: auto,
replacement: replacement,
static: staticResponses,
// responseRuleFor create for auto mode dynamically response rewriters for name and value
// reverting the mapping done by the name rewrite rule, which can be found in the state.
func (rule *nameRuleBase) responseRuleFor(state request.Request) (ResponseRules, Result) {
if !rule.auto {
return rule.static, RewriteDone
rewriter := newRemapStringRewriter(state.Req.Question[0].Name, state.Name())
rules := ResponseRules{
return append(rules, rule.static...), RewriteDone
// Mode returns the processing nextAction
func (rule *nameRuleBase) Mode() string { return rule.nextAction }
// exactNameRule rewrites the current request based upon exact match of the name
// in the question section of the request.
type exactNameRule struct {
from string
func newExactNameRule(nextAction string, orig, replacement string, answers ResponseRules) Rule {
return &exactNameRule{
newNameRuleBase(nextAction, true, replacement, answers),
func (rule *exactNameRule) Rewrite(ctx context.Context, state request.Request) (ResponseRules, Result) {
if rule.from == state.Name() {
state.Req.Question[0].Name = rule.replacement
return rule.responseRuleFor(state)
return nil, RewriteIgnored
// prefixNameRule rewrites the current request when the name begins with the matching string.
type prefixNameRule struct {
prefix string
func newPrefixNameRule(nextAction string, auto bool, prefix, replacement string, answers ResponseRules) Rule {
return &prefixNameRule{
newNameRuleBase(nextAction, auto, replacement, answers),
func (rule *prefixNameRule) Rewrite(ctx context.Context, state request.Request) (ResponseRules, Result) {
if strings.HasPrefix(state.Name(), rule.prefix) {
state.Req.Question[0].Name = rule.replacement + strings.TrimPrefix(state.Name(), rule.prefix)
return rule.responseRuleFor(state)
return nil, RewriteIgnored
// suffixNameRule rewrites the current request when the name ends with the matching string.
type suffixNameRule struct {
suffix string
func newSuffixNameRule(nextAction string, auto bool, suffix, replacement string, answers ResponseRules) Rule {
var rules ResponseRules
if auto {
// for a suffix rewriter better standard response rewrites can be done
// just by using the original suffix/replacement in the opposite order
rewriter := newSuffixStringRewriter(replacement, suffix)
rules = ResponseRules{
return &suffixNameRule{
newNameRuleBase(nextAction, false, replacement, append(rules, answers...)),
func (rule *suffixNameRule) Rewrite(ctx context.Context, state request.Request) (ResponseRules, Result) {
if strings.HasSuffix(state.Name(), rule.suffix) {
state.Req.Question[0].Name = strings.TrimSuffix(state.Name(), rule.suffix) + rule.replacement
return rule.responseRuleFor(state)
return nil, RewriteIgnored
// substringNameRule rewrites the current request based upon partial match of the
// name in the question section of the request.
type substringNameRule struct {
substring string
func newSubstringNameRule(nextAction string, auto bool, substring, replacement string, answers ResponseRules) Rule {
return &substringNameRule{
newNameRuleBase(nextAction, auto, replacement, answers),
func (rule *substringNameRule) Rewrite(ctx context.Context, state request.Request) (ResponseRules, Result) {
if strings.Contains(state.Name(), rule.substring) {
state.Req.Question[0].Name = strings.Replace(state.Name(), rule.substring, rule.replacement, -1)
return rule.responseRuleFor(state)
return nil, RewriteIgnored
// regexNameRule rewrites the current request when the name in the question
// section of the request matches a regular expression.
type regexNameRule struct {
pattern *regexp.Regexp
func newRegexNameRule(nextAction string, auto bool, pattern *regexp.Regexp, replacement string, answers ResponseRules) Rule {
return ®exNameRule{
newNameRuleBase(nextAction, auto, replacement, answers),
func (rule *regexNameRule) Rewrite(ctx context.Context, state request.Request) (ResponseRules, Result) {
regexGroups := rule.pattern.FindStringSubmatch(state.Name())
if len(regexGroups) == 0 {
return nil, RewriteIgnored
s := rule.replacement
for groupIndex, groupValue := range regexGroups {
groupIndexStr := "{" + strconv.Itoa(groupIndex) + "}"
s = strings.Replace(s, groupIndexStr, groupValue, -1)
state.Req.Question[0].Name = s
return rule.responseRuleFor(state)
// newNameRule creates a name matching rule based on exact, partial, or regex match
func newNameRule(nextAction string, args ...string) (Rule, error) {
var matchType, rewriteQuestionFrom, rewriteQuestionTo string
if len(args) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("too few arguments for a name rule")
if len(args) == 2 {
matchType = ExactMatch
rewriteQuestionFrom = plugin.Name(args[0]).Normalize()
rewriteQuestionTo = plugin.Name(args[1]).Normalize()
if len(args) >= 3 {
matchType = strings.ToLower(args[0])
if matchType == RegexMatch {
rewriteQuestionFrom = args[1]
rewriteQuestionTo = args[2]
} else {
rewriteQuestionFrom = plugin.Name(args[1]).Normalize()
rewriteQuestionTo = plugin.Name(args[2]).Normalize()
if matchType == ExactMatch || matchType == SuffixMatch {
if !hasClosingDot(rewriteQuestionFrom) {
rewriteQuestionFrom = rewriteQuestionFrom + "."
if !hasClosingDot(rewriteQuestionTo) {
rewriteQuestionTo = rewriteQuestionTo + "."
var err error
var answers ResponseRules
auto := false
if len(args) > 3 {
auto, answers, err = parseAnswerRules(matchType, args[3:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch matchType {
case ExactMatch:
if _, err := isValidRegexPattern(rewriteQuestionTo, rewriteQuestionFrom); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newExactNameRule(nextAction, rewriteQuestionFrom, rewriteQuestionTo, answers), nil
case PrefixMatch:
return newPrefixNameRule(nextAction, auto, rewriteQuestionFrom, rewriteQuestionTo, answers), nil
case SuffixMatch:
return newSuffixNameRule(nextAction, auto, rewriteQuestionFrom, rewriteQuestionTo, answers), nil
case SubstringMatch:
return newSubstringNameRule(nextAction, auto, rewriteQuestionFrom, rewriteQuestionTo, answers), nil
case RegexMatch:
rewriteQuestionFromPattern, err := isValidRegexPattern(rewriteQuestionFrom, rewriteQuestionTo)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rewriteQuestionTo := plugin.Name(args[2]).Normalize()
return newRegexNameRule(nextAction, auto, rewriteQuestionFromPattern, rewriteQuestionTo, answers), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("name rule supports only exact, prefix, suffix, substring, and regex name matching, received: %s", matchType)
func parseAnswerRules(name string, args []string) (auto bool, rules ResponseRules, err error) {
auto = false
arg := 0
nameRules := 0
last := ""
if len(args) < 2 {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid arguments for %s rule", name)
for arg < len(args) {
if last == "" && args[arg] != AnswerMatch {
if last == "" {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded the number of arguments for a non-answer rule argument for %s rule", name)
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("exceeded the number of arguments for %s answer rule for %s rule", last, name)
if args[arg] == AnswerMatch {
if len(args)-arg == 0 {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("type missing for answer rule for %s rule", name)
last = args[arg]
switch last {
case AutoMatch:
auto = true
case NameMatch:
if len(args)-arg < 2 {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s answer rule for %s rule: 2 arguments required", last, name)
rewriteAnswerFrom := args[arg]
rewriteAnswerTo := args[arg+1]
rewriteAnswerFromPattern, err := isValidRegexPattern(rewriteAnswerFrom, rewriteAnswerTo)
rewriteAnswerTo = plugin.Name(rewriteAnswerTo).Normalize()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s answer rule for %s rule: %s", last, name, err)
rules = append(rules, &nameRewriterResponseRule{newStringRewriter(rewriteAnswerFromPattern, rewriteAnswerTo)})
arg += 2
case ValueMatch:
if len(args)-arg < 2 {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s answer rule for %s rule: 2 arguments required", last, name)
rewriteAnswerFrom := args[arg]
rewriteAnswerTo := args[arg+1]
rewriteAnswerFromPattern, err := isValidRegexPattern(rewriteAnswerFrom, rewriteAnswerTo)
rewriteAnswerTo = plugin.Name(rewriteAnswerTo).Normalize()
if err != nil {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s answer rule for %s rule: %s", last, name, err)
rules = append(rules, &valueRewriterResponseRule{newStringRewriter(rewriteAnswerFromPattern, rewriteAnswerTo)})
arg += 2
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid type %q for answer rule for %s rule", last, name)
if auto && nameRules > 0 {
return false, nil, fmt.Errorf("auto name answer rule cannot be combined with explicit name anwer rules")
// hasClosingDot returns true if s has a closing dot at the end.
func hasClosingDot(s string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(s, ".")
// getSubExprUsage returns the number of subexpressions used in s.
func getSubExprUsage(s string) int {
subExprUsage := 0
for i := 0; i <= 100; i++ {
if strings.Contains(s, "{"+strconv.Itoa(i)+"}") {
return subExprUsage
// isValidRegexPattern returns a regular expression for pattern matching or errors, if any.
func isValidRegexPattern(rewriteFrom, rewriteTo string) (*regexp.Regexp, error) {
rewriteFromPattern, err := regexp.Compile(rewriteFrom)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid regex matching pattern: %s", rewriteFrom)
if getSubExprUsage(rewriteTo) > rewriteFromPattern.NumSubexp() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("the rewrite regex pattern (%s) uses more subexpressions than its corresponding matching regex pattern (%s)", rewriteTo, rewriteFrom)
return rewriteFromPattern, nil