* Default to upstream to self This is a backwards incompatible change. This is a massive (cleanup) PR where we default to resolving external names by the coredns process itself, instead of directly forwarding them to some upstream. This ignores any arguments `upstream` may have had and makes it depend on proxy/forward configuration in the Corefile. This allows resolved upstream names to be cached and we have better healthchecking of the upstreams. It also means there is only one way to resolve names, by either using the proxy or forward plugin. The proxy/forward lookup.go functions have been removed. This also lessen the dependency on proxy, meaning deprecating proxy will become easier. Some tests have been removed as well, or moved to the top-level test directory as they now require a full coredns process instead of just the plugin. For the etcd plugin, the entire StubZone resolving is *dropped*! This was a hacky (but working) solution to say the least. If someone cares deeply it can be brought back (maybe)? The pkg/upstream is now very small and almost does nothing. Also the New() function was changed to return a pointer to upstream.Upstream. It also returns only one parameter, so any stragglers using it will encounter a compile error. All documentation has been adapted. This affected the following plugins: * etcd * file * auto * secondary * federation * template * route53 A followup PR will make any upstream directives with arguments an error, right now they are ignored. Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl> * Fix etcd build - probably still fails unit test Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl> * Slightly smarter lookup check in upstream Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl> * Compilez Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl>
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package file
import (
// Result is the result of a Lookup
type Result int
const (
// Success is a successful lookup.
Success Result = iota
// NameError indicates a nameerror
// Delegation indicates the lookup resulted in a delegation.
// NoData indicates the lookup resulted in a NODATA.
// ServerFailure indicates a server failure during the lookup.
// Lookup looks up qname and qtype in the zone. When do is true DNSSEC records are included.
// Three sets of records are returned, one for the answer, one for authority and one for the additional section.
func (z *Zone) Lookup(state request.Request, qname string) ([]dns.RR, []dns.RR, []dns.RR, Result) {
qtype := state.QType()
do := state.Do()
if 0 < z.ReloadInterval {
defer func() {
if 0 < z.ReloadInterval {
// If z is a secondary zone we might not have transferred it, meaning we have
// all zone context setup, except the actual record. This means (for one thing) the apex
// is empty and we don't have a SOA record.
soa := z.Apex.SOA
if soa == nil {
return nil, nil, nil, ServerFailure
if qtype == dns.TypeSOA {
return z.soa(do), z.ns(do), nil, Success
if qtype == dns.TypeNS && qname == z.origin {
nsrrs := z.ns(do)
glue := z.Glue(nsrrs, do)
return nsrrs, nil, glue, Success
var (
found, shot bool
parts string
i int
elem, wildElem *tree.Elem
// Lookup:
// * Per label from the right, look if it exists. We do this to find potential
// delegation records.
// * If the per-label search finds nothing, we will look for the wildcard at the
// level. If found we keep it around. If we don't find the complete name we will
// use the wildcard.
// Main for-loop handles delegation and finding or not finding the qname.
// If found we check if it is a CNAME/DNAME and do CNAME processing
// We also check if we have type and do a nodata resposne.
// If not found, we check the potential wildcard, and use that for further processing.
// If not found and no wildcard we will process this as an NXDOMAIN response.
for {
parts, shot = z.nameFromRight(qname, i)
// We overshot the name, break and check if we previously found something.
if shot {
elem, found = z.Tree.Search(parts)
if !found {
// Apex will always be found, when we are here we can search for a wildcard
// and save the result of that search. So when nothing match, but we have a
// wildcard we should expand the wildcard.
wildcard := replaceWithAsteriskLabel(parts)
if wild, found := z.Tree.Search(wildcard); found {
wildElem = wild
// Keep on searching, because maybe we hit an empty-non-terminal (which aren't
// stored in the tree. Only when we have match the full qname (and possible wildcard
// we can be confident that we didn't find anything.
// If we see DNAME records, we should return those.
if dnamerrs := elem.Types(dns.TypeDNAME); dnamerrs != nil {
// Only one DNAME is allowed per name. We just pick the first one to synthesize from.
dname := dnamerrs[0]
if cname := synthesizeCNAME(state.Name(), dname.(*dns.DNAME)); cname != nil {
answer, ns, extra, rcode := z.additionalProcessing(state, elem, []dns.RR{cname})
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, dns.TypeDNAME)
dnamerrs = append(dnamerrs, sigs...)
// The relevant DNAME RR should be included in the answer section,
// if the DNAME is being employed as a substitution instruction.
answer = append(dnamerrs, answer...)
return answer, ns, extra, rcode
// The domain name that owns a DNAME record is allowed to have other RR types
// at that domain name, except those have restrictions on what they can coexist
// with (e.g. another DNAME). So there is nothing special left here.
// If we see NS records, it means the name as been delegated, and we should return the delegation.
if nsrrs := elem.Types(dns.TypeNS); nsrrs != nil {
// If the query is specifically for DS and the qname matches the delegated name, we should
// return the DS in the answer section and leave the rest empty, i.e. just continue the loop
// and continue searching.
if qtype == dns.TypeDS && elem.Name() == qname {
glue := z.Glue(nsrrs, do)
if do {
dss := z.typeFromElem(elem, dns.TypeDS, do)
nsrrs = append(nsrrs, dss...)
return nil, nsrrs, glue, Delegation
// What does found and !shot mean - do we ever hit it?
if found && !shot {
return nil, nil, nil, ServerFailure
// Found entire name.
if found && shot {
if rrs := elem.Types(dns.TypeCNAME); len(rrs) > 0 && qtype != dns.TypeCNAME {
return z.additionalProcessing(state, elem, rrs)
rrs := elem.Types(qtype, qname)
if len(rrs) == 0 {
ret := z.soa(do)
if do {
nsec := z.typeFromElem(elem, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
return nil, ret, nil, NoData
// Additional section processing for MX, SRV. Check response and see if any of the names are in baliwick -
// if so add IP addresses to the additional section.
additional := additionalProcessing(z, rrs, do)
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, qtype)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs, z.ns(do), additional, Success
// Haven't found the original name.
// Found wildcard.
if wildElem != nil {
auth := z.ns(do)
if rrs := wildElem.Types(dns.TypeCNAME, qname); len(rrs) > 0 {
return z.additionalProcessing(state, wildElem, rrs)
rrs := wildElem.Types(qtype, qname)
// NODATA response.
if len(rrs) == 0 {
ret := z.soa(do)
if do {
nsec := z.typeFromElem(wildElem, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
return nil, ret, nil, Success
if do {
// An NSEC is needed to say no longer name exists under this wildcard.
if deny, found := z.Tree.Prev(qname); found {
nsec := z.typeFromElem(deny, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
auth = append(auth, nsec...)
sigs := wildElem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG, qname)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, qtype)
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs, auth, nil, Success
rcode := NameError
// Hacky way to get around empty-non-terminals. If a longer name does exist, but this qname, does not, it
// must be an empty-non-terminal. If so, we do the proper NXDOMAIN handling, but set the rcode to be success.
if x, found := z.Tree.Next(qname); found {
if dns.IsSubDomain(qname, x.Name()) {
rcode = Success
ret := z.soa(do)
if do {
deny, found := z.Tree.Prev(qname)
if !found {
goto Out
nsec := z.typeFromElem(deny, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
if rcode != NameError {
goto Out
ce, found := z.ClosestEncloser(qname)
// wildcard denial only for NXDOMAIN
if found {
// wildcard denial
wildcard := "*." + ce.Name()
if ss, found := z.Tree.Prev(wildcard); found {
// Only add this nsec if it is different than the one already added
if ss.Name() != deny.Name() {
nsec := z.typeFromElem(ss, dns.TypeNSEC, do)
ret = append(ret, nsec...)
return nil, ret, nil, rcode
// Return type tp from e and add signatures (if they exists) and do is true.
func (z *Zone) typeFromElem(elem *tree.Elem, tp uint16, do bool) []dns.RR {
rrs := elem.Types(tp)
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, tp)
if len(sigs) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs
func (z *Zone) soa(do bool) []dns.RR {
if do {
ret := append([]dns.RR{z.Apex.SOA}, z.Apex.SIGSOA...)
return ret
return []dns.RR{z.Apex.SOA}
func (z *Zone) ns(do bool) []dns.RR {
if do {
ret := append(z.Apex.NS, z.Apex.SIGNS...)
return ret
return z.Apex.NS
// aditionalProcessing adds signatures and tries to resolve CNAMEs that point to external names.
func (z *Zone) additionalProcessing(state request.Request, elem *tree.Elem, rrs []dns.RR) ([]dns.RR, []dns.RR, []dns.RR, Result) {
qtype := state.QType()
do := state.Do()
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, dns.TypeCNAME)
if len(sigs) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
targetName := rrs[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target
elem, _ = z.Tree.Search(targetName)
if elem == nil {
rrs = append(rrs, z.externalLookup(state, targetName, qtype)...)
return rrs, z.ns(do), nil, Success
i := 0
cname := elem.Types(dns.TypeCNAME)
if len(cname) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, cname...)
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, dns.TypeCNAME)
if len(sigs) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
targetName := cname[0].(*dns.CNAME).Target
elem, _ = z.Tree.Search(targetName)
if elem == nil {
rrs = append(rrs, z.externalLookup(state, targetName, qtype)...)
return rrs, z.ns(do), nil, Success
if i > maxChain {
return rrs, z.ns(do), nil, Success
goto Redo
targets := cnameForType(elem.All(), qtype)
if len(targets) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, targets...)
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, qtype)
if len(sigs) > 0 {
rrs = append(rrs, sigs...)
return rrs, z.ns(do), nil, Success
func cnameForType(targets []dns.RR, origQtype uint16) []dns.RR {
ret := []dns.RR{}
for _, target := range targets {
if target.Header().Rrtype == origQtype {
ret = append(ret, target)
return ret
func (z *Zone) externalLookup(state request.Request, target string, qtype uint16) []dns.RR {
m, e := z.Upstream.Lookup(state, target, qtype)
if e != nil {
return nil
if m == nil {
return nil
return m.Answer
// signatureForSubType range through the signature and return the correct ones for the subtype.
func signatureForSubType(rrs []dns.RR, subtype uint16) []dns.RR {
sigs := []dns.RR{}
for _, sig := range rrs {
if s, ok := sig.(*dns.RRSIG); ok {
if s.TypeCovered == subtype {
sigs = append(sigs, s)
return sigs
// Glue returns any potential glue records for nsrrs.
func (z *Zone) Glue(nsrrs []dns.RR, do bool) []dns.RR {
glue := []dns.RR{}
for _, rr := range nsrrs {
if ns, ok := rr.(*dns.NS); ok && dns.IsSubDomain(ns.Header().Name, ns.Ns) {
glue = append(glue, z.searchGlue(ns.Ns, do)...)
return glue
// searchGlue looks up A and AAAA for name.
func (z *Zone) searchGlue(name string, do bool) []dns.RR {
glue := []dns.RR{}
// A
if elem, found := z.Tree.Search(name); found {
glue = append(glue, elem.Types(dns.TypeA)...)
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, dns.TypeA)
glue = append(glue, sigs...)
if elem, found := z.Tree.Search(name); found {
glue = append(glue, elem.Types(dns.TypeAAAA)...)
if do {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
sigs = signatureForSubType(sigs, dns.TypeAAAA)
glue = append(glue, sigs...)
return glue
// additionalProcessing checks the current answer section and retrieves A or AAAA records
// (and possible SIGs) to need to be put in the additional section.
func additionalProcessing(z *Zone, answer []dns.RR, do bool) (extra []dns.RR) {
for _, rr := range answer {
name := ""
switch x := rr.(type) {
case *dns.SRV:
name = x.Target
case *dns.MX:
name = x.Mx
if !dns.IsSubDomain(z.origin, name) {
elem, _ := z.Tree.Search(name)
if elem == nil {
sigs := elem.Types(dns.TypeRRSIG)
for _, addr := range []uint16{dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA} {
if a := elem.Types(addr); a != nil {
extra = append(extra, a...)
if do {
sig := signatureForSubType(sigs, addr)
extra = append(extra, sig...)
return extra
const maxChain = 8