Go vet and golint the new code once again. Drop Name from NameTemplate - it's cleaner: nametemplate.Template.
127 lines
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127 lines
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package nametemplate
import (
const (
zone = 0
namespace = 1
service = 2
// Map of format string :: expected locations of name symbols in the format.
// -1 value indicates that symbol does not exist in format.
var exampleTemplates = map[string][]int{
"{service}.{namespace}.{zone}": []int{2, 1, 0}, // service symbol expected @ position 0, namespace @ 1, zone @ 2
"{namespace}.{zone}": []int{1, 0, -1},
"": []int{-1, -1, -1},
func TestSetTemplate(t *testing.T) {
for s, expectedValue := range exampleTemplates {
n := new(Template)
// check the indexes resulting from calling SetTemplate() against expectedValues
if expectedValue[zone] != -1 {
if n.Element["zone"] != expectedValue[zone] {
t.Errorf("Expected zone at index '%v', instead found at index '%v' for format string '%v'", expectedValue[zone], n.Element["zone"], s)
func TestServiceFromSegmentArray(t *testing.T) {
var (
n *Template
formatString string
queryString string
splitQuery []string
expectedService string
actualService string
// Case where template contains {service}
n = new(Template)
formatString = "{service}.{namespace}.{zone}"
queryString = "myservice.mynamespace.coredns"
splitQuery = strings.Split(queryString, ".")
expectedService = "myservice"
actualService = n.ServiceFromSegmentArray(splitQuery)
if actualService != expectedService {
t.Errorf("Expected service name '%v', instead got service name '%v' for query string '%v' and format '%v'", expectedService, actualService, queryString, formatString)
// Case where template does not contain {service}
n = new(Template)
formatString = "{namespace}.{zone}"
queryString = "mynamespace.coredns"
splitQuery = strings.Split(queryString, ".")
expectedService = ""
actualService = n.ServiceFromSegmentArray(splitQuery)
if actualService != expectedService {
t.Errorf("Expected service name '%v', instead got service name '%v' for query string '%v' and format '%v'", expectedService, actualService, queryString, formatString)
func TestZoneFromSegmentArray(t *testing.T) {
var (
n *Template
formatString string
queryString string
splitQuery []string
expectedZone string
actualZone string
// Case where template contains {zone}
n = new(Template)
formatString = "{service}.{namespace}.{zone}"
queryString = "myservice.mynamespace.coredns"
splitQuery = strings.Split(queryString, ".")
expectedZone = "coredns"
actualZone = n.ZoneFromSegmentArray(splitQuery)
if actualZone != expectedZone {
t.Errorf("Expected zone name '%v', instead got zone name '%v' for query string '%v' and format '%v'", expectedZone, actualZone, queryString, formatString)
// Case where template does not contain {zone}
n = new(Template)
formatString = "{service}.{namespace}"
queryString = "mynamespace.coredns"
splitQuery = strings.Split(queryString, ".")
expectedZone = ""
actualZone = n.ZoneFromSegmentArray(splitQuery)
if actualZone != expectedZone {
t.Errorf("Expected zone name '%v', instead got zone name '%v' for query string '%v' and format '%v'", expectedZone, actualZone, queryString, formatString)
// Case where zone is multiple segments
n = new(Template)
formatString = "{service}.{namespace}.{zone}"
queryString = "myservice.mynamespace.coredns.cluster.local"
splitQuery = strings.Split(queryString, ".")
expectedZone = "coredns.cluster.local"
actualZone = n.ZoneFromSegmentArray(splitQuery)
if actualZone != expectedZone {
t.Errorf("Expected zone name '%v', instead got zone name '%v' for query string '%v' and format '%v'", expectedZone, actualZone, queryString, formatString)