Loose the colon from the commands to release a new coredns version. Signed-off-by: Miek Gieben <miek@miek.nl>
161 lines
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161 lines
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# Makefile for releasing CoreDNS
# The release is controlled from coremain/version.go. The version found there is
# used to tag the git repo and to build the assets that are uploaded to github
# (after some sanity checks).
# The release should be accompanied by release notes in the notes/ subdirectory.
# These are published on coredns.io. For example see: notes/coredns-1.5.1.md
# Getting the authors for this release is done with the following command line
# git log --pretty=format:'%an' v$(VERSION)..master | sort -u
# Getting all pull requests merged since the last tag can be done with this "oneliner"
# % git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --oneline | awk ' { $1="";print } ' | sed 's/^ //' | sed -e 's|#\([0-9]\)|https://github.com/coredns/coredns/pull/\1|'
# As seen in notes/coredns-1.5.1.md we want to style the notes in the following manner:
# * important changes at the top
# * people who committed/review code (the latter is harder to get)
# * Slightly abbreviated list of pull requests merged for this release.
# Steps to release, first:
# 1. Up the version in coremain/version.go
# 2. Do a make -f Makefile.doc
# 3. go generate
# 4. Send PR to get this merged.
# Then:
# 1. Open an issue for this release
# 2. In an issue give the command: /release master VERSION
# Where VERSION is the version of the release - the release script double checks this with the
# actual CoreDNS version in coremain/version.go
# 3. (to test as release /release -t master VERSION can be used.
# See https://github.com/coredns/release for documentation README on what needs to be setup for this to be
# automated (can still be done by hand if needed). Especially what environment variables need to be
# set! This further depends on Caddy being setup and [dreck](https://github.com/miekg/dreck) running as a plugin in Caddy.
# To release we run, these target from the this Makefile.release ordered like:
# * make release
# * make docker
# * make github-push
# * make docker-push
ifeq (, $(shell which curl))
$(error "No curl in $$PATH, please install")
VERSION:=$(shell grep 'CoreVersion' coremain/version.go | awk '{ print $$3 }' | tr -d '"')
# mips is not in LINUX_ARCH because it's not supported by the manifest-tool.
LINUX_ARCH:=amd64 arm arm64 ppc64le s390x
PLATFORMS:=$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(foreach arch,$(LINUX_ARCH),linux/$(arch)))
ifeq ($(DOCKER),)
$(error "Please specify Docker registry to use. Use DOCKER=coredns for releases")
@echo Use the 'release' target to build a release, 'docker' for docker build.
release: pre build tar
docker: docker-build
.PHONY: pre
GO111MODULE=off go get github.com/estesp/manifest-tool
.PHONY: build
@echo Cleaning old builds
@rm -rf build && mkdir build
@echo Building: darwin/amd64 - $(VERSION)
mkdir -p build/darwin/amd64 && $(MAKE) coredns BINARY=build/darwin/amd64/$(NAME) SYSTEM="GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64" CHECKS="" BUILDOPTS=""
@echo Building: windows/amd64 - $(VERSION)
mkdir -p build/windows/amd64 && $(MAKE) coredns BINARY=build/windows/amd64/$(NAME).exe SYSTEM="GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64" CHECKS="" BUILDOPTS=""
@echo Building: linux/mips - $(VERSION)
mkdir -p build/linux/mips && $(MAKE) coredns BINARY=build/linux/mips/$(NAME) SYSTEM="GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips" CHECKS="" BUILDOPTS=""
@echo Building: linux/$(LINUX_ARCH) - $(VERSION) ;\
for arch in $(LINUX_ARCH); do \
mkdir -p build/linux/$$arch && $(MAKE) coredns BINARY=build/linux/$$arch/$(NAME) SYSTEM="GOOS=linux GOARCH=$$arch" CHECKS="" BUILDOPTS="" ;\
.PHONY: tar
@echo Cleaning old releases
@rm -rf release && mkdir release
tar -zcf release/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)_darwin_amd64.tgz -C build/darwin/amd64 $(NAME)
tar -zcf release/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)_windows_amd64.tgz -C build/windows/amd64 $(NAME).exe
tar -zcf release/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)_linux_mips.tgz -C build/linux/mips $(NAME)
for arch in $(LINUX_ARCH); do \
tar -zcf release/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)_linux_$$arch.tgz -C build/linux/$$arch $(NAME) ;\
.PHONY: github-push
@echo Releasing: $(VERSION)
@$(eval RELEASE:=$(shell curl -s -d '{"tag_name": "v$(VERSION)", "name": "v$(VERSION)"}' "https://api.github.com/repos/$(GITHUB)/$(NAME)/releases?access_token=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}" | grep -m 1 '"id"' | tr -cd '[[:digit:]]'))
@echo ReleaseID: $(RELEASE)
@( cd release; for asset in `ls -A *tgz`; do \
echo $$asset; \
curl -o /dev/null -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/gzip" \
--data-binary "@$$asset" \
"https://uploads.github.com/repos/$(GITHUB)/$(NAME)/releases/$(RELEASE)/assets?name=$${asset}&access_token=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}" ; \
done )
@( cd release; for asset in `ls -A *tgz`; do \
sha256sum $$asset > $$asset.sha256; \
done )
@( cd release; for asset in `ls -A *sha256`; do \
echo $$asset; \
curl -o /dev/null -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: text/plain" \
--data-binary "@$$asset" \
"https://uploads.github.com/repos/$(GITHUB)/$(NAME)/releases/$(RELEASE)/assets?name=$${asset}&access_token=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}" ; \
done )
.PHONY: docker-build
docker-build: tar
@# Steps:
@# 1. Copy appropriate coredns binary to build/docker/linux/<arch>
@# 2. Copy Dockerfile to build/docker/linux/<arch>
@rm -rf build/docker
for arch in $(LINUX_ARCH); do \
mkdir -p build/docker/linux/$$arch ;\
tar -xzf release/$(NAME)_$(VERSION)_linux_$$arch.tgz -C build/docker/linux/$$arch ;\
cp Dockerfile build/docker/linux/$$arch ;\
docker build -t coredns build/docker/linux/$$arch ;\
docker tag coredns $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):coredns-$$arch ;\
.PHONY: docker-push
@echo $(DOCKER_PASSWORD) | docker login -u $(DOCKER_LOGIN) --password-stdin
@echo Pushing: $(VERSION) to $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)
for arch in $(LINUX_ARCH); do \
docker push $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):coredns-$$arch ;\
manifest-tool push from-args --platforms $(PLATFORMS) --template $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):coredns-ARCH --target $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(VERSION)
manifest-tool push from-args --platforms $(PLATFORMS) --template $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):coredns-ARCH --target $(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):latest
.PHONY: version
@echo $(VERSION)
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf release
rm -rf build