Properly follow relative links when listing tags

The previous code assumed that the link returned when listing tags was
always absolute. However, some registries, such as, return the
link as a relative link (e.g. the second page for the
image is /v2/coreos/etcd/tags/list?next_page=<truncated>&n=50). Because
the relative link was retrieved directly, the fetch failed (with the
error `unsupported protocol scheme ""`).

Signed-off-by: Kevin Lin <>
Kevin Lin 2017-11-18 21:50:22 -08:00
parent e5b5e44386
commit 1bfbeca726
2 changed files with 30 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -205,13 +205,18 @@ type tags struct {
func (t *tags) All(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
var tags []string
u, err := t.ub.BuildTagsURL(
listURLStr, err := t.ub.BuildTagsURL(
if err != nil {
return tags, err
listURL, err := url.Parse(listURLStr)
if err != nil {
return tags, err
for {
resp, err := t.client.Get(u)
resp, err := t.client.Get(listURL.String())
if err != nil {
return tags, err
@ -231,7 +236,13 @@ func (t *tags) All(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) {
tags = append(tags, tagsResponse.Tags...)
if link := resp.Header.Get("Link"); link != "" {
u = strings.Trim(strings.Split(link, ";")[0], "<>")
linkURLStr := strings.Trim(strings.Split(link, ";")[0], "<>")
linkURL, err := url.Parse(linkURLStr)
if err != nil {
return tags, err
listURL = listURL.ResolveReference(linkURL)
} else {
return tags, nil

View File

@ -1136,13 +1136,27 @@ func TestManifestTagsPaginated(t *testing.T) {
queryParams["n"] = []string{"1"}
queryParams["last"] = []string{tagsList[i-1]}
// Test both relative and absolute links.
relativeLink := "/v2/" + repo.Name() + "/tags/list?n=1&last=" + tagsList[i]
var link string
switch i {
case 0:
link = relativeLink
case len(tagsList) - 1:
link = ""
link = s.URL + relativeLink
headers := http.Header(map[string][]string{
"Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(body))},
"Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)},
if i < 2 {
headers.Set("Link", "<"+s.URL+"/v2/"+repo.Name()+"/tags/list?n=1&last="+tagsList[i]+`>; rel="next"`)
if link != "" {
headers.Set("Link", fmt.Sprintf(`<%s>; rel="next"`, link))
m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{
Request: testutil.Request{
Method: "GET",