Move storagedriver package to registry/storage/driver
This change is slightly more complex than previous package maves in that the package name changed. To address this, we simply always reference the package driver as storagedriver to avoid compatbility issues with existing code. While unfortunate, this can be cleaned up over time. Signed-off-by: Stephen J Day <>
This commit is contained in:
47 changed files with 5674 additions and 24 deletions
@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import (
_ ""
_ ""
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import (
ctxu ""
storagedriver ""
@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import (
_ ""
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
ctxu ""
storagedriver ""
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
// cloudFrontLayerHandler provides an simple implementation of layerHandler that
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
// delegateLayerHandler provides a simple implementation of layerHandler that
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Docker-Registry Storage Driver
This document describes the registry storage driver model, implementation, and explains how to contribute new storage drivers.
Provided Drivers
This storage driver package comes bundled with three default drivers.
1. filesystem: A local storage driver configured to use a directory tree in the local filesystem.
2. s3: A driver storing objects in an Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3) bucket.
3. inmemory: A temporary storage driver using a local inmemory map. This exists solely for reference and testing.
Storage Driver API
The storage driver API is designed to model a filesystem-like key/value storage in a manner abstract enough to support a range of drivers from the local filesystem to Amazon S3 or other distributed object storage systems.
Storage drivers are required to implement the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface provided in `storagedriver.go`, which includes methods for reading, writing, and deleting content, as well as listing child objects of a specified prefix key.
Storage drivers are intended (but not required) to be written in go, providing compile-time validation of the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface, although an IPC driver wrapper means that it is not required for drivers to be included in the compiled registry. The `storagedriver/ipc` package provides a client/server protocol for running storage drivers provided in external executables as a managed child server process.
Driver Selection and Configuration
The preferred method of selecting a storage driver is using the `StorageDriverFactory` interface in the `storagedriver/factory` package. These factories provide a common interface for constructing storage drivers with a parameters map. The factory model is based off of the [Register]( and [Open]( methods in the builtin [database/sql]( package.
Storage driver factories may be registered by name using the `factory.Register` method, and then later invoked by calling `factory.Create` with a driver name and parameters map. If no driver is registered with the given name, this factory will attempt to find an executable storage driver with the executable name "registry-storage-\<driver name\>" and return an IPC storage driver wrapper managing the driver subprocess. If no such storage driver can be found, `factory.Create` will return an `InvalidStorageDriverError`.
Driver Contribution
## Writing new storage drivers
To create a valid storage driver, one must implement the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface and make sure to expose this driver via the factory system and as a distributable IPC server executable.
### In-process drivers
Storage drivers should call `factory.Register` with their driver name in an `init` method, allowing callers of `factory.New` to construct instances of this driver without requiring modification of imports throughout the codebase.
### Out-of-process drivers
As many users will run the registry as a pre-constructed docker container, storage drivers should also be distributable as IPC server executables. Drivers written in go should model the main method provided in `storagedriver/filesystem/registry-storage-filesystem/filesystem.go`. Parameters to IPC drivers will be provided as a JSON-serialized map in the first argument to the process. These parameters should be validated and then a blocking call to `ipc.StorageDriverServer` should be made with a new storage driver.
Out-of-process drivers must also implement the `ipc.IPCStorageDriver` interface, which exposes a `Version` check for the storage driver. This is used to validate storage driver api compatibility at driver load-time.
## Testing
Storage driver test suites are provided in `storagedriver/testsuites/testsuites.go` and may be used for any storage driver written in go. Two methods are provided for registering test suites, `RegisterInProcessSuite` and `RegisterIPCSuite`, which run the same set of tests for the driver imported or managed over IPC respectively.
## Drivers written in other languages
Although storage drivers are strongly recommended to be written in go for consistency, compile-time validation, and support, the IPC framework allows for a level of language-agnosticism. Non-go drivers must implement the storage driver protocol by mimicing StorageDriverServer in `storagedriver/ipc/server.go`. As the IPC framework is a layer on top of [docker/libchan](, this currently limits language support to Java via [ndeloof/chan]( and Javascript via [GraftJS/jschan](, although contributions to the libchan project are welcome.
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@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
// Package azure provides a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation to
// store blobs in Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Service.
package azure
import (
storagedriver ""
azure ""
const driverName = "azure"
const (
paramAccountName = "accountname"
paramAccountKey = "accountkey"
paramContainer = "container"
type driver struct {
client azure.BlobStorageClient
container string
type baseEmbed struct{ base.Base }
// Driver is a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation backed by
// Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Service.
type Driver struct{ baseEmbed }
func init() {
factory.Register(driverName, &azureDriverFactory{})
type azureDriverFactory struct{}
func (factory *azureDriverFactory) Create(parameters map[string]interface{}) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return FromParameters(parameters)
// FromParameters constructs a new Driver with a given parameters map.
func FromParameters(parameters map[string]interface{}) (*Driver, error) {
accountName, ok := parameters[paramAccountName]
if !ok || fmt.Sprint(accountName) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No %s parameter provided", paramAccountName)
accountKey, ok := parameters[paramAccountKey]
if !ok || fmt.Sprint(accountKey) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No %s parameter provided", paramAccountKey)
container, ok := parameters[paramContainer]
if !ok || fmt.Sprint(container) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No %s parameter provided", paramContainer)
return New(fmt.Sprint(accountName), fmt.Sprint(accountKey), fmt.Sprint(container))
// New constructs a new Driver with the given Azure Storage Account credentials
func New(accountName, accountKey, container string) (*Driver, error) {
api, err := azure.NewBasicClient(accountName, accountKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
blobClient := api.GetBlobService()
// Create registry container
if _, err = blobClient.CreateContainerIfNotExists(container, azure.ContainerAccessTypePrivate); err != nil {
return nil, err
d := &driver{
client: *blobClient,
container: container}
return &Driver{baseEmbed: baseEmbed{Base: base.Base{StorageDriver: d}}}, nil
// Implement the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface.
// GetContent retrieves the content stored at "path" as a []byte.
func (d *driver) GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) {
blob, err := d.client.GetBlob(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
if is404(err) {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
return nil, err
return ioutil.ReadAll(blob)
// PutContent stores the []byte content at a location designated by "path".
func (d *driver) PutContent(path string, contents []byte) error {
return d.client.PutBlockBlob(d.container, path, ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(contents)))
// ReadStream retrieves an io.ReadCloser for the content stored at "path" with a
// given byte offset.
func (d *driver) ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if ok, err := d.client.BlobExists(d.container, path); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !ok {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
info, err := d.client.GetBlobProperties(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
size := int64(info.ContentLength)
if offset >= size {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil)), nil
bytesRange := fmt.Sprintf("%v-", offset)
resp, err := d.client.GetBlobRange(d.container, path, bytesRange)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
// WriteStream stores the contents of the provided io.ReadCloser at a location
// designated by the given path.
func (d *driver) WriteStream(path string, offset int64, reader io.Reader) (int64, error) {
if blobExists, err := d.client.BlobExists(d.container, path); err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if !blobExists {
err := d.client.CreateBlockBlob(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if offset < 0 {
return 0, storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{Path: path, Offset: offset}
bs := newAzureBlockStorage(d.client)
bw := newRandomBlobWriter(&bs, azure.MaxBlobBlockSize)
zw := newZeroFillWriter(&bw)
return zw.Write(d.container, path, offset, reader)
// Stat retrieves the FileInfo for the given path, including the current size
// in bytes and the creation time.
func (d *driver) Stat(path string) (storagedriver.FileInfo, error) {
// Check if the path is a blob
if ok, err := d.client.BlobExists(d.container, path); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
blob, err := d.client.GetBlobProperties(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mtim, err := time.Parse(http.TimeFormat, blob.LastModified)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return storagedriver.FileInfoInternal{FileInfoFields: storagedriver.FileInfoFields{
Path: path,
Size: int64(blob.ContentLength),
ModTime: mtim,
IsDir: false,
}}, nil
// Check if path is a virtual container
virtContainerPath := path
if !strings.HasSuffix(virtContainerPath, "/") {
virtContainerPath += "/"
blobs, err := d.client.ListBlobs(d.container, azure.ListBlobsParameters{
Prefix: virtContainerPath,
MaxResults: 1,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(blobs.Blobs) > 0 {
// path is a virtual container
return storagedriver.FileInfoInternal{FileInfoFields: storagedriver.FileInfoFields{
Path: path,
IsDir: true,
}}, nil
// path is not a blob or virtual container
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
// List returns a list of the objects that are direct descendants of the given
// path.
func (d *driver) List(path string) ([]string, error) {
if path == "/" {
path = ""
blobs, err := d.listBlobs(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
return blobs, err
list := directDescendants(blobs, path)
return list, nil
// Move moves an object stored at sourcePath to destPath, removing the original
// object.
func (d *driver) Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error {
sourceBlobURL := d.client.GetBlobUrl(d.container, sourcePath)
err := d.client.CopyBlob(d.container, destPath, sourceBlobURL)
if err != nil {
if is404(err) {
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: sourcePath}
return err
return d.client.DeleteBlob(d.container, sourcePath)
// Delete recursively deletes all objects stored at "path" and its subpaths.
func (d *driver) Delete(path string) error {
ok, err := d.client.DeleteBlobIfExists(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
return nil // was a blob and deleted, return
// Not a blob, see if path is a virtual container with blobs
blobs, err := d.listBlobs(d.container, path)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, b := range blobs {
if err = d.client.DeleteBlob(d.container, b); err != nil {
return err
if len(blobs) == 0 {
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
return nil
// URLFor returns a publicly accessible URL for the blob stored at given path
// for specified duration by making use of Azure Storage Shared Access Signatures (SAS).
// See for more info.
func (d *driver) URLFor(path string, options map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
expiresTime := time.Now().UTC().Add(20 * time.Minute) // default expiration
expires, ok := options["expiry"]
if ok {
t, ok := expires.(time.Time)
if ok {
expiresTime = t
return d.client.GetBlobSASURI(d.container, path, expiresTime, "r")
// directDescendants will find direct descendants (blobs or virtual containers)
// of from list of blob paths and will return their full paths. Elements in blobs
// list must be prefixed with a "/" and
// Example: direct descendants of "/" in {"/foo", "/bar/1", "/bar/2"} is
// {"/foo", "/bar"} and direct descendants of "bar" is {"/bar/1", "/bar/2"}
func directDescendants(blobs []string, prefix string) []string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(prefix, "/") { // add trailing '/'
prefix = "/" + prefix
if !strings.HasSuffix(prefix, "/") { // containerify the path
prefix += "/"
out := make(map[string]bool)
for _, b := range blobs {
if strings.HasPrefix(b, prefix) {
rel := b[len(prefix):]
c := strings.Count(rel, "/")
if c == 0 {
out[b] = true
} else {
out[prefix+rel[:strings.Index(rel, "/")]] = true
var keys []string
for k := range out {
keys = append(keys, k)
return keys
func (d *driver) listBlobs(container, virtPath string) ([]string, error) {
if virtPath != "" && !strings.HasSuffix(virtPath, "/") { // containerify the path
virtPath += "/"
out := []string{}
marker := ""
for {
resp, err := d.client.ListBlobs(d.container, azure.ListBlobsParameters{
Marker: marker,
Prefix: virtPath,
if err != nil {
return out, err
for _, b := range resp.Blobs {
out = append(out, b.Name)
if len(resp.Blobs) == 0 || resp.NextMarker == "" {
marker = resp.NextMarker
return out, nil
func is404(err error) bool {
e, ok := err.(azure.StorageServiceError)
return ok && e.StatusCode == 404
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
package azure
import (
storagedriver ""
. ""
const (
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
func init() {
var (
accountName string
accountKey string
container string
config := []struct {
env string
value *string
{envAccountName, &accountName},
{envAccountKey, &accountKey},
{envContainer, &container},
missing := []string{}
for _, v := range config {
*v.value = os.Getenv(v.env)
if *v.value == "" {
missing = append(missing, v.env)
azureDriverConstructor := func() (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return New(accountName, accountKey, container)
// Skip Azure storage driver tests if environment variable parameters are not provided
skipCheck := func() string {
if len(missing) > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("Must set %s environment variables to run Azure tests", strings.Join(missing, ", "))
return ""
testsuites.RegisterInProcessSuite(azureDriverConstructor, skipCheck)
// testsuites.RegisterIPCSuite(driverName, map[string]string{
// paramAccountName: accountName,
// paramAccountKey: accountKey,
// paramContainer: container,
// }, skipCheck)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package azure
import (
azure ""
// azureBlockStorage is adaptor between azure.BlobStorageClient and
// blockStorage interface.
type azureBlockStorage struct {
func (b *azureBlockStorage) GetSectionReader(container, blob string, start, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
return b.BlobStorageClient.GetBlobRange(container, blob, fmt.Sprintf("%v-%v", start, start+length-1))
func newAzureBlockStorage(b azure.BlobStorageClient) azureBlockStorage {
a := azureBlockStorage{}
a.BlobStorageClient = b
return a
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
package azure
import (
azure ""
type StorageSimulator struct {
blobs map[string]*BlockBlob
type BlockBlob struct {
blocks map[string]*DataBlock
blockList []string
type DataBlock struct {
data []byte
committed bool
func (s *StorageSimulator) path(container, blob string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", container, blob)
func (s *StorageSimulator) BlobExists(container, blob string) (bool, error) {
_, ok := s.blobs[s.path(container, blob)]
return ok, nil
func (s *StorageSimulator) GetBlob(container, blob string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
bb, ok := s.blobs[s.path(container, blob)]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("blob not found")
var readers []io.Reader
for _, bID := range bb.blockList {
readers = append(readers, bytes.NewReader(bb.blocks[bID].data))
return ioutil.NopCloser(io.MultiReader(readers...)), nil
func (s *StorageSimulator) GetSectionReader(container, blob string, start, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
r, err := s.GetBlob(container, blob)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b[start : start+length])), nil
func (s *StorageSimulator) CreateBlockBlob(container, blob string) error {
path := s.path(container, blob)
bb := &BlockBlob{
blocks: make(map[string]*DataBlock),
blockList: []string{},
s.blobs[path] = bb
return nil
func (s *StorageSimulator) PutBlock(container, blob, blockID string, chunk []byte) error {
path := s.path(container, blob)
bb, ok := s.blobs[path]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("blob not found")
data := make([]byte, len(chunk))
copy(data, chunk)
bb.blocks[blockID] = &DataBlock{data: data, committed: false} // add block to blob
return nil
func (s *StorageSimulator) GetBlockList(container, blob string, blockType azure.BlockListType) (azure.BlockListResponse, error) {
resp := azure.BlockListResponse{}
bb, ok := s.blobs[s.path(container, blob)]
if !ok {
return resp, fmt.Errorf("blob not found")
// Iterate committed blocks (in order)
if blockType == azure.BlockListTypeAll || blockType == azure.BlockListTypeCommitted {
for _, blockID := range bb.blockList {
b := bb.blocks[blockID]
block := azure.BlockResponse{
Name: blockID,
Size: int64(len(,
resp.CommittedBlocks = append(resp.CommittedBlocks, block)
// Iterate uncommitted blocks (in no order)
if blockType == azure.BlockListTypeAll || blockType == azure.BlockListTypeCommitted {
for blockID, b := range bb.blocks {
block := azure.BlockResponse{
Name: blockID,
Size: int64(len(,
if !b.committed {
resp.UncommittedBlocks = append(resp.UncommittedBlocks, block)
return resp, nil
func (s *StorageSimulator) PutBlockList(container, blob string, blocks []azure.Block) error {
bb, ok := s.blobs[s.path(container, blob)]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("blob not found")
var blockIDs []string
for _, v := range blocks {
bl, ok := bb.blocks[v.Id]
if !ok { // check if block ID exists
return fmt.Errorf("Block id '%s' not found", v.Id)
bl.committed = true
blockIDs = append(blockIDs, v.Id)
// Mark all other blocks uncommitted
for k, b := range bb.blocks {
inList := false
for _, v := range blockIDs {
if k == v {
inList = true
if !inList {
b.committed = false
bb.blockList = blockIDs
return nil
func NewStorageSimulator() StorageSimulator {
return StorageSimulator{
blobs: make(map[string]*BlockBlob),
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package azure
import (
azure ""
type blockIDGenerator struct {
pool map[string]bool
r *rand.Rand
m sync.Mutex
// Generate returns an unused random block id and adds the generated ID
// to list of used IDs so that the same block name is not used again.
func (b *blockIDGenerator) Generate() string {
defer b.m.Unlock()
var id string
for {
id = toBlockID(int(b.r.Int()))
if !b.exists(id) {
b.pool[id] = true
return id
func (b *blockIDGenerator) exists(id string) bool {
_, used := b.pool[id]
return used
func (b *blockIDGenerator) Feed(blocks azure.BlockListResponse) {
defer b.m.Unlock()
for _, bl := range append(blocks.CommittedBlocks, blocks.UncommittedBlocks...) {
b.pool[bl.Name] = true
func newBlockIDGenerator() *blockIDGenerator {
return &blockIDGenerator{
pool: make(map[string]bool),
r: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))}
// toBlockId converts given integer to base64-encoded block ID of a fixed length.
func toBlockID(i int) string {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%029d", i) // add zero padding for same length-blobs
return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(s))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package azure
import (
azure ""
func Test_blockIdGenerator(t *testing.T) {
r := newBlockIDGenerator()
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
if expected := i - 1; len(r.pool) != expected {
t.Fatalf("rand pool had wrong number of items: %d, expected:%d", len(r.pool), expected)
if id := r.Generate(); id == "" {
t.Fatal("returned empty id")
if expected := i; len(r.pool) != expected {
t.Fatalf("rand pool has wrong number of items: %d, expected:%d", len(r.pool), expected)
func Test_blockIdGenerator_Feed(t *testing.T) {
r := newBlockIDGenerator()
if expected := 0; len(r.pool) != expected {
t.Fatalf("rand pool had wrong number of items: %d, expected:%d", len(r.pool), expected)
// feed empty list
blocks := azure.BlockListResponse{}
if expected := 0; len(r.pool) != expected {
t.Fatalf("rand pool had wrong number of items: %d, expected:%d", len(r.pool), expected)
// feed blocks
blocks = azure.BlockListResponse{
CommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"1", 1},
{"2", 2},
UncommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"3", 3},
if expected := 3; len(r.pool) != expected {
t.Fatalf("rand pool had wrong number of items: %d, expected:%d", len(r.pool), expected)
// feed same block IDs with committed/uncommitted place changed
blocks = azure.BlockListResponse{
CommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"3", 3},
UncommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"1", 1},
if expected := 3; len(r.pool) != expected {
t.Fatalf("rand pool had wrong number of items: %d, expected:%d", len(r.pool), expected)
func Test_toBlockId(t *testing.T) {
min := 0
max := math.MaxInt64
if len(toBlockID(min)) != len(toBlockID(max)) {
t.Fatalf("different-sized blockIDs are returned")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
package azure
import (
azure ""
// blockStorage is the interface required from a block storage service
// client implementation
type blockStorage interface {
CreateBlockBlob(container, blob string) error
GetBlob(container, blob string) (io.ReadCloser, error)
GetSectionReader(container, blob string, start, length int64) (io.ReadCloser, error)
PutBlock(container, blob, blockID string, chunk []byte) error
GetBlockList(container, blob string, blockType azure.BlockListType) (azure.BlockListResponse, error)
PutBlockList(container, blob string, blocks []azure.Block) error
// randomBlobWriter enables random access semantics on Azure block blobs
// by enabling writing arbitrary length of chunks to arbitrary write offsets
// within the blob. Normally, Azure Blob Storage does not support random
// access semantics on block blobs; however, this writer can download, split and
// reupload the overlapping blocks and discards those being overwritten entirely.
type randomBlobWriter struct {
bs blockStorage
blockSize int
func newRandomBlobWriter(bs blockStorage, blockSize int) randomBlobWriter {
return randomBlobWriter{bs: bs, blockSize: blockSize}
// WriteBlobAt writes the given chunk to the specified position of an existing blob.
// The offset must be equals to size of the blob or smaller than it.
func (r *randomBlobWriter) WriteBlobAt(container, blob string, offset int64, chunk io.Reader) (int64, error) {
rand := newBlockIDGenerator()
blocks, err :=, blob, azure.BlockListTypeCommitted)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
rand.Feed(blocks) // load existing block IDs
// Check for write offset for existing blob
size := getBlobSize(blocks)
if offset < 0 || offset > size {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("wrong offset for Write: %v", offset)
// Upload the new chunk as blocks
blockList, nn, err := r.writeChunkToBlocks(container, blob, chunk, rand)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// For non-append operations, existing blocks may need to be splitted
if offset != size {
// Split the block on the left end (if any)
leftBlocks, err := r.blocksLeftSide(container, blob, offset, rand)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
blockList = append(leftBlocks, blockList...)
// Split the block on the right end (if any)
rightBlocks, err := r.blocksRightSide(container, blob, offset, nn, rand)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
blockList = append(blockList, rightBlocks...)
} else {
// Use existing block list
var existingBlocks []azure.Block
for _, v := range blocks.CommittedBlocks {
existingBlocks = append(existingBlocks, azure.Block{Id: v.Name, Status: azure.BlockStatusCommitted})
blockList = append(existingBlocks, blockList...)
// Put block list
return nn,, blob, blockList)
func (r *randomBlobWriter) GetSize(container, blob string) (int64, error) {
blocks, err :=, blob, azure.BlockListTypeCommitted)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return getBlobSize(blocks), nil
// writeChunkToBlocks writes given chunk to one or multiple blocks within specified
// blob and returns their block representations. Those blocks are not committed, yet
func (r *randomBlobWriter) writeChunkToBlocks(container, blob string, chunk io.Reader, rand *blockIDGenerator) ([]azure.Block, int64, error) {
var newBlocks []azure.Block
var nn int64
// Read chunks of at most size N except the last chunk to
// maximize block size and minimize block count.
buf := make([]byte, r.blockSize)
for {
n, err := io.ReadFull(chunk, buf)
if err == io.EOF {
nn += int64(n)
data := buf[:n]
blockID := rand.Generate()
if err :=, blob, blockID, data); err != nil {
return newBlocks, nn, err
newBlocks = append(newBlocks, azure.Block{Id: blockID, Status: azure.BlockStatusUncommitted})
return newBlocks, nn, nil
// blocksLeftSide returns the blocks that are going to be at the left side of
// the writeOffset: [0, writeOffset) by identifying blocks that will remain
// the same and splitting blocks and reuploading them as needed.
func (r *randomBlobWriter) blocksLeftSide(container, blob string, writeOffset int64, rand *blockIDGenerator) ([]azure.Block, error) {
var left []azure.Block
bx, err :=, blob, azure.BlockListTypeAll)
if err != nil {
return left, err
o := writeOffset
elapsed := int64(0)
for _, v := range bx.CommittedBlocks {
blkSize := int64(v.Size)
if o >= blkSize { // use existing block
left = append(left, azure.Block{Id: v.Name, Status: azure.BlockStatusCommitted})
o -= blkSize
elapsed += blkSize
} else if o > 0 { // current block needs to be splitted
start := elapsed
size := o
part, err :=, blob, start, size)
if err != nil {
return left, err
newBlockID := rand.Generate()
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(part)
if err != nil {
return left, err
if err =, blob, newBlockID, data); err != nil {
return left, err
left = append(left, azure.Block{Id: newBlockID, Status: azure.BlockStatusUncommitted})
return left, nil
// blocksRightSide returns the blocks that are going to be at the right side of
// the written chunk: [writeOffset+size, +inf) by identifying blocks that will remain
// the same and splitting blocks and reuploading them as needed.
func (r *randomBlobWriter) blocksRightSide(container, blob string, writeOffset int64, chunkSize int64, rand *blockIDGenerator) ([]azure.Block, error) {
var right []azure.Block
bx, err :=, blob, azure.BlockListTypeAll)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
re := writeOffset + chunkSize - 1 // right end of written chunk
var elapsed int64
for _, v := range bx.CommittedBlocks {
var (
bs = elapsed // left end of current block
be = elapsed + int64(v.Size) - 1 // right end of current block
if bs > re { // take the block as is
right = append(right, azure.Block{Id: v.Name, Status: azure.BlockStatusCommitted})
} else if be > re { // current block needs to be splitted
part, err :=, blob, re+1, be-(re+1)+1)
if err != nil {
return right, err
newBlockID := rand.Generate()
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(part)
if err != nil {
return right, err
if err =, blob, newBlockID, data); err != nil {
return right, err
right = append(right, azure.Block{Id: newBlockID, Status: azure.BlockStatusUncommitted})
elapsed += int64(v.Size)
return right, nil
func getBlobSize(blocks azure.BlockListResponse) int64 {
var n int64
for _, v := range blocks.CommittedBlocks {
n += int64(v.Size)
return n
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
package azure
import (
azure ""
func TestRandomWriter_writeChunkToBlocks(t *testing.T) {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
rw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 3)
rand := newBlockIDGenerator()
c := []byte("AAABBBCCCD")
if err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
bw, nn, err := rw.writeChunkToBlocks("a", "b", bytes.NewReader(c), rand)
if err != nil {
if expected := int64(len(c)); nn != expected {
t.Fatalf("wrong nn:%v, expected:%v", nn, expected)
if expected := 4; len(bw) != expected {
t.Fatal("unexpected written block count")
bx, err := s.GetBlockList("a", "b", azure.BlockListTypeAll)
if err != nil {
if expected := 0; len(bx.CommittedBlocks) != expected {
t.Fatal("unexpected committed block count")
if expected := 4; len(bx.UncommittedBlocks) != expected {
t.Fatalf("unexpected uncommitted block count: %d -- %#v", len(bx.UncommittedBlocks), bx)
if err :="a", "b", bw); err != nil {
r, err :="a", "b")
if err != nil {
assertBlobContents(t, r, c)
func TestRandomWriter_blocksLeftSide(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
offset int64
expectedBlob string
expectedPattern []azure.BlockStatus
{0, "", []azure.BlockStatus{}}, // write to beginning, discard all
{13, blob, []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusCommitted, azure.BlockStatusCommitted, azure.BlockStatusCommitted}}, // write to end, no change
{1, "A", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusUncommitted}}, // write at 1
{5, "AAAAA", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusCommitted}}, // write just after first block
{6, "AAAAAB", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusCommitted, azure.BlockStatusUncommitted}}, // split the second block
{9, "AAAAABBBB", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusCommitted, azure.BlockStatusUncommitted}}, // write just after first block
for _, c := range cases {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
rw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 5)
rand := newBlockIDGenerator()
if err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
bw, _, err := rw.writeChunkToBlocks("a", "b", strings.NewReader(blob), rand)
if err != nil {
if err :="a", "b", bw); err != nil {
bx, err := rw.blocksLeftSide("a", "b", c.offset, rand)
if err != nil {
bs := []azure.BlockStatus{}
for _, v := range bx {
bs = append(bs, v.Status)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bs, c.expectedPattern) {
t.Logf("Committed blocks %v", bw)
t.Fatalf("For offset %v: Expected pattern: %v, Got: %v\n(Returned: %v)", c.offset, c.expectedPattern, bs, bx)
if"a", "b", bx); err != nil {
r, err :="a", "b")
if err != nil {
cout, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
outBlob := string(cout)
if outBlob != c.expectedBlob {
t.Fatalf("wrong blob contents: %v, expected: %v", outBlob, c.expectedBlob)
func TestRandomWriter_blocksRightSide(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
offset int64
size int64
expectedBlob string
expectedPattern []azure.BlockStatus
{0, 100, "", []azure.BlockStatus{}}, // overwrite the entire blob
{0, 3, "AABBBBBCCC", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusUncommitted, azure.BlockStatusCommitted, azure.BlockStatusCommitted}}, // split first block
{4, 1, "BBBBBCCC", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusCommitted, azure.BlockStatusCommitted}}, // write to last char of first block
{1, 6, "BBBCCC", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusUncommitted, azure.BlockStatusCommitted}}, // overwrite splits first and second block, last block remains
{3, 8, "CC", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusUncommitted}}, // overwrite a block in middle block, split end block
{10, 1, "CC", []azure.BlockStatus{azure.BlockStatusUncommitted}}, // overwrite first byte of rightmost block
{11, 2, "", []azure.BlockStatus{}}, // overwrite the rightmost index
{13, 20, "", []azure.BlockStatus{}}, // append to the end
for _, c := range cases {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
rw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 5)
rand := newBlockIDGenerator()
if err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
bw, _, err := rw.writeChunkToBlocks("a", "b", strings.NewReader(blob), rand)
if err != nil {
if err :="a", "b", bw); err != nil {
bx, err := rw.blocksRightSide("a", "b", c.offset, c.size, rand)
if err != nil {
bs := []azure.BlockStatus{}
for _, v := range bx {
bs = append(bs, v.Status)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(bs, c.expectedPattern) {
t.Logf("Committed blocks %v", bw)
t.Fatalf("For offset %v-size:%v: Expected pattern: %v, Got: %v\n(Returned: %v)", c.offset, c.size, c.expectedPattern, bs, bx)
if"a", "b", bx); err != nil {
r, err :="a", "b")
if err != nil {
cout, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
outBlob := string(cout)
if outBlob != c.expectedBlob {
t.Fatalf("For offset %v-size:%v: wrong blob contents: %v, expected: %v", c.offset, c.size, outBlob, c.expectedBlob)
func TestRandomWriter_Write_NewBlob(t *testing.T) {
var (
s = NewStorageSimulator()
rw = newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 1024*3) // 3 KB blocks
blob = randomContents(1024 * 7) // 7 KB blob
if err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
if _, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", 10, bytes.NewReader(blob)); err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
if _, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", 100000, bytes.NewReader(blob)); err == nil {
t.Fatal("expected error, got nil")
if nn, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(blob)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(blob)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, blob)
if bx, err :="a", "b", azure.BlockListTypeCommitted); err != nil {
} else if len(bx.CommittedBlocks) != 3 {
t.Fatalf("got wrong number of committed blocks: %v", len(bx.CommittedBlocks))
// Replace first 512 bytes
leftChunk := randomContents(512)
blob = append(leftChunk, blob[512:]...)
if nn, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(leftChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(leftChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, blob)
if bx, err :="a", "b", azure.BlockListTypeCommitted); err != nil {
} else if expected := 4; len(bx.CommittedBlocks) != expected {
t.Fatalf("got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v", len(bx.CommittedBlocks), expected)
// Replace last 512 bytes with 1024 bytes
rightChunk := randomContents(1024)
offset := int64(len(blob) - 512)
blob = append(blob[:offset], rightChunk...)
if nn, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", offset, bytes.NewReader(rightChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(rightChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, blob)
if bx, err :="a", "b", azure.BlockListTypeCommitted); err != nil {
} else if expected := 5; len(bx.CommittedBlocks) != expected {
t.Fatalf("got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v", len(bx.CommittedBlocks), expected)
// Replace 2K-4K (overlaps 2 blocks from L/R)
newChunk := randomContents(1024 * 2)
offset = 1024 * 2
blob = append(append(blob[:offset], newChunk...), blob[offset+int64(len(newChunk)):]...)
if nn, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", offset, bytes.NewReader(newChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(newChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, blob)
if bx, err :="a", "b", azure.BlockListTypeCommitted); err != nil {
} else if expected := 6; len(bx.CommittedBlocks) != expected {
t.Fatalf("got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v\n%v", len(bx.CommittedBlocks), expected, bx.CommittedBlocks)
// Replace the entire blob
newBlob := randomContents(1024 * 30)
if nn, err := rw.WriteBlobAt("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(newBlob)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(newBlob)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err :="a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, newBlob)
if bx, err :="a", "b", azure.BlockListTypeCommitted); err != nil {
} else if expected := 10; len(bx.CommittedBlocks) != expected {
t.Fatalf("got wrong number of committed blocks: %v, expected: %v\n%v", len(bx.CommittedBlocks), expected, bx.CommittedBlocks)
} else if expected, size := int64(1024*30), getBlobSize(bx); size != expected {
t.Fatalf("committed block size does not indicate blob size")
func Test_getBlobSize(t *testing.T) {
// with some committed blocks
if expected, size := int64(151), getBlobSize(azure.BlockListResponse{
CommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"A", 100},
{"B", 50},
{"C", 1},
UncommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"D", 200},
}}); expected != size {
t.Fatalf("wrong blob size: %v, expected: %v", size, expected)
// with no committed blocks
if expected, size := int64(0), getBlobSize(azure.BlockListResponse{
UncommittedBlocks: []azure.BlockResponse{
{"A", 100},
{"B", 50},
{"C", 1},
{"D", 200},
}}); expected != size {
t.Fatalf("wrong blob size: %v, expected: %v", size, expected)
func assertBlobContents(t *testing.T, r io.Reader, expected []byte) {
out, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, expected) {
t.Fatalf("wrong blob contents. size: %v, expected: %v", len(out), len(expected))
func randomContents(length int64) []byte {
b := make([]byte, length)
for i := range b {
b[i] = byte(rand.Intn(2 << 8))
return b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
package azure
import (
type blockBlobWriter interface {
GetSize(container, blob string) (int64, error)
WriteBlobAt(container, blob string, offset int64, chunk io.Reader) (int64, error)
// zeroFillWriter enables writing to an offset outside a block blob's size
// by offering the chunk to the underlying writer as a contiguous data with
// the gap in between filled with NUL (zero) bytes.
type zeroFillWriter struct {
func newZeroFillWriter(b blockBlobWriter) zeroFillWriter {
w := zeroFillWriter{}
w.blockBlobWriter = b
return w
// Write writes the given chunk to the specified existing blob even though
// offset is out of blob's size. The gaps are filled with zeros. Returned
// written number count does not include zeros written.
func (z *zeroFillWriter) Write(container, blob string, offset int64, chunk io.Reader) (int64, error) {
size, err := z.blockBlobWriter.GetSize(container, blob)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var reader io.Reader
var zeroPadding int64
if offset <= size {
reader = chunk
} else {
zeroPadding = offset - size
offset = size // adjust offset to be the append index
zeros := bytes.NewReader(make([]byte, zeroPadding))
reader = io.MultiReader(zeros, chunk)
nn, err := z.blockBlobWriter.WriteBlobAt(container, blob, offset, reader)
nn -= zeroPadding
return nn, err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package azure
import (
func Test_zeroFillWrite_AppendNoGap(t *testing.T) {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
bw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 1024*1)
zw := newZeroFillWriter(&bw)
if err := s.CreateBlockBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
firstChunk := randomContents(1024*3 + 512)
if nn, err := zw.Write("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(firstChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(firstChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, firstChunk)
secondChunk := randomContents(256)
if nn, err := zw.Write("a", "b", int64(len(firstChunk)), bytes.NewReader(secondChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(secondChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, append(firstChunk, secondChunk...))
func Test_zeroFillWrite_StartWithGap(t *testing.T) {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
bw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 1024*2)
zw := newZeroFillWriter(&bw)
if err := s.CreateBlockBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
chunk := randomContents(1024 * 5)
padding := int64(1024*2 + 256)
if nn, err := zw.Write("a", "b", padding, bytes.NewReader(chunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(chunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, append(make([]byte, padding), chunk...))
func Test_zeroFillWrite_AppendWithGap(t *testing.T) {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
bw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 1024*2)
zw := newZeroFillWriter(&bw)
if err := s.CreateBlockBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
firstChunk := randomContents(1024*3 + 512)
if _, err := zw.Write("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(firstChunk)); err != nil {
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, firstChunk)
secondChunk := randomContents(256)
padding := int64(1024 * 4)
if nn, err := zw.Write("a", "b", int64(len(firstChunk))+padding, bytes.NewReader(secondChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(secondChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, append(firstChunk, append(make([]byte, padding), secondChunk...)...))
func Test_zeroFillWrite_LiesWithinSize(t *testing.T) {
s := NewStorageSimulator()
bw := newRandomBlobWriter(&s, 1024*2)
zw := newZeroFillWriter(&bw)
if err := s.CreateBlockBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
firstChunk := randomContents(1024 * 3)
if _, err := zw.Write("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(firstChunk)); err != nil {
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, firstChunk)
// in this case, zerofill won't be used
secondChunk := randomContents(256)
if nn, err := zw.Write("a", "b", 0, bytes.NewReader(secondChunk)); err != nil {
} else if expected := int64(len(secondChunk)); expected != nn {
t.Fatalf("wrong written bytes count: %v, expected: %v", nn, expected)
if out, err := s.GetBlob("a", "b"); err != nil {
} else {
assertBlobContents(t, out, append(secondChunk, firstChunk[len(secondChunk):]...))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
// Package base provides a base implementation of the storage driver that can
// be used to implement common checks. The goal is to increase the amount of
// code sharing.
// The canonical approach to use this class is to embed in the exported driver
// struct such that calls are proxied through this implementation. First,
// declare the internal driver, as follows:
// type driver struct { ... internal ...}
// The resulting type should implement StorageDriver such that it can be the
// target of a Base struct. The exported type can then be declared as follows:
// type Driver struct {
// Base
// }
// Because Driver embeds Base, it effectively implements Base. If the driver
// needs to intercept a call, before going to base, Driver should implement
// that method. Effectively, Driver can intercept calls before coming in and
// driver implements the actual logic.
// To further shield the embed from other packages, it is recommended to
// employ a private embed struct:
// type baseEmbed struct {
// base.Base
// }
// Then, declare driver to embed baseEmbed, rather than Base directly:
// type Driver struct {
// baseEmbed
// }
// The type now implements StorageDriver, proxying through Base, without
// exporting an unnessecary field.
package base
import (
storagedriver ""
// Base provides a wrapper around a storagedriver implementation that provides
// common path and bounds checking.
type Base struct {
// GetContent wraps GetContent of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.GetContent(path)
// PutContent wraps PutContent of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) PutContent(path string, content []byte) error {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.PutContent(path, content)
// ReadStream wraps ReadStream of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if offset < 0 {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{Path: path, Offset: offset}
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.ReadStream(path, offset)
// WriteStream wraps WriteStream of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) WriteStream(path string, offset int64, reader io.Reader) (nn int64, err error) {
if offset < 0 {
return 0, storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{Path: path, Offset: offset}
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return 0, storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.WriteStream(path, offset, reader)
// Stat wraps Stat of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) Stat(path string) (storagedriver.FileInfo, error) {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.Stat(path)
// List wraps List of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) List(path string) ([]string, error) {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) && path != "/" {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.List(path)
// Move wraps Move of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(sourcePath) {
return storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: sourcePath}
} else if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(destPath) {
return storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: destPath}
return base.StorageDriver.Move(sourcePath, destPath)
// Delete wraps Delete of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) Delete(path string) error {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.Delete(path)
// URLFor wraps URLFor of underlying storage driver.
func (base *Base) URLFor(path string, options map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
if !storagedriver.PathRegexp.MatchString(path) {
return "", storagedriver.InvalidPathError{Path: path}
return base.StorageDriver.URLFor(path, options)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package factory
import (
storagedriver ""
// driverFactories stores an internal mapping between storage driver names and their respective
// factories
var driverFactories = make(map[string]StorageDriverFactory)
// StorageDriverFactory is a factory interface for creating storagedriver.StorageDriver interfaces
// Storage drivers should call Register() with a factory to make the driver available by name
type StorageDriverFactory interface {
// Create returns a new storagedriver.StorageDriver with the given parameters
// Parameters will vary by driver and may be ignored
// Each parameter key must only consist of lowercase letters and numbers
Create(parameters map[string]interface{}) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error)
// Register makes a storage driver available by the provided name.
// If Register is called twice with the same name or if driver factory is nil, it panics.
func Register(name string, factory StorageDriverFactory) {
if factory == nil {
panic("Must not provide nil StorageDriverFactory")
_, registered := driverFactories[name]
if registered {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("StorageDriverFactory named %s already registered", name))
driverFactories[name] = factory
// Create a new storagedriver.StorageDriver with the given name and parameters
// To run in-process, the StorageDriverFactory must first be registered with the given name
// If no in-process drivers are found with the given name, this attempts to create an IPC driver
// If no in-process or external drivers are found, an InvalidStorageDriverError is returned
func Create(name string, parameters map[string]interface{}) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
driverFactory, ok := driverFactories[name]
if !ok {
return nil, InvalidStorageDriverError{name}
// NOTE(stevvooe): We are disabling storagedriver ipc for now, as the
// server and client need to be updated for the changed API calls and
// there were some problems libchan hanging. We'll phase this
// functionality back in over the next few weeks.
// No registered StorageDriverFactory found, try ipc
// driverClient, err := ipc.NewDriverClient(name, parameters)
// if err != nil {
// return nil, InvalidStorageDriverError{name}
// }
// err = driverClient.Start()
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return driverClient, nil
return driverFactory.Create(parameters)
// InvalidStorageDriverError records an attempt to construct an unregistered storage driver
type InvalidStorageDriverError struct {
Name string
func (err InvalidStorageDriverError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("StorageDriver not registered: %s", err.Name)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
package driver
import "time"
// FileInfo returns information about a given path. Inspired by os.FileInfo,
// it elides the base name method for a full path instead.
type FileInfo interface {
// Path provides the full path of the target of this file info.
Path() string
// Size returns current length in bytes of the file. The return value can
// be used to write to the end of the file at path. The value is
// meaningless if IsDir returns true.
Size() int64
// ModTime returns the modification time for the file. For backends that
// don't have a modification time, the creation time should be returned.
ModTime() time.Time
// IsDir returns true if the path is a directory.
IsDir() bool
// NOTE(stevvooe): The next two types, FileInfoFields and FileInfoInternal
// should only be used by storagedriver implementations. They should moved to
// a "driver" package, similar to database/sql.
// FileInfoFields provides the exported fields for implementing FileInfo
// interface in storagedriver implementations. It should be used with
// InternalFileInfo.
type FileInfoFields struct {
// Path provides the full path of the target of this file info.
Path string
// Size is current length in bytes of the file. The value of this field
// can be used to write to the end of the file at path. The value is
// meaningless if IsDir is set to true.
Size int64
// ModTime returns the modification time for the file. For backends that
// don't have a modification time, the creation time should be returned.
ModTime time.Time
// IsDir returns true if the path is a directory.
IsDir bool
// FileInfoInternal implements the FileInfo interface. This should only be
// used by storagedriver implementations that don't have a specialized
// FileInfo type.
type FileInfoInternal struct {
var _ FileInfo = FileInfoInternal{}
var _ FileInfo = &FileInfoInternal{}
// Path provides the full path of the target of this file info.
func (fi FileInfoInternal) Path() string {
return fi.FileInfoFields.Path
// Size returns current length in bytes of the file. The return value can
// be used to write to the end of the file at path. The value is
// meaningless if IsDir returns true.
func (fi FileInfoInternal) Size() int64 {
return fi.FileInfoFields.Size
// ModTime returns the modification time for the file. For backends that
// don't have a modification time, the creation time should be returned.
func (fi FileInfoInternal) ModTime() time.Time {
return fi.FileInfoFields.ModTime
// IsDir returns true if the path is a directory.
func (fi FileInfoInternal) IsDir() bool {
return fi.FileInfoFields.IsDir
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Docker-Registry Filesystem Storage Driver
An implementation of the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface which uses the local filesystem.
## Parameters
`rootdirectory`: (optional) The root directory tree in which all registry files will be stored. Defaults to `/tmp/registry/storage`.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
package filesystem
import (
storagedriver ""
const driverName = "filesystem"
const defaultRootDirectory = "/tmp/registry/storage"
func init() {
factory.Register(driverName, &filesystemDriverFactory{})
// filesystemDriverFactory implements the factory.StorageDriverFactory interface
type filesystemDriverFactory struct{}
func (factory *filesystemDriverFactory) Create(parameters map[string]interface{}) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return FromParameters(parameters), nil
type driver struct {
rootDirectory string
type baseEmbed struct {
// Driver is a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation backed by a local
// filesystem. All provided paths will be subpaths of the RootDirectory.
type Driver struct {
// FromParameters constructs a new Driver with a given parameters map
// Optional Parameters:
// - rootdirectory
func FromParameters(parameters map[string]interface{}) *Driver {
var rootDirectory = defaultRootDirectory
if parameters != nil {
rootDir, ok := parameters["rootdirectory"]
if ok {
rootDirectory = fmt.Sprint(rootDir)
return New(rootDirectory)
// New constructs a new Driver with a given rootDirectory
func New(rootDirectory string) *Driver {
return &Driver{
baseEmbed: baseEmbed{
Base: base.Base{
StorageDriver: &driver{
rootDirectory: rootDirectory,
// Implement the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface
// GetContent retrieves the content stored at "path" as a []byte.
func (d *driver) GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) {
rc, err := d.ReadStream(path, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rc.Close()
p, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return p, nil
// PutContent stores the []byte content at a location designated by "path".
func (d *driver) PutContent(subPath string, contents []byte) error {
if _, err := d.WriteStream(subPath, 0, bytes.NewReader(contents)); err != nil {
return err
return os.Truncate(d.fullPath(subPath), int64(len(contents)))
// ReadStream retrieves an io.ReadCloser for the content stored at "path" with a
// given byte offset.
func (d *driver) ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
file, err := os.OpenFile(d.fullPath(path), os.O_RDONLY, 0644)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
return nil, err
seekPos, err := file.Seek(int64(offset), os.SEEK_SET)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if seekPos < int64(offset) {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{Path: path, Offset: offset}
return file, nil
// WriteStream stores the contents of the provided io.Reader at a location
// designated by the given path.
func (d *driver) WriteStream(subPath string, offset int64, reader io.Reader) (nn int64, err error) {
// TODO(stevvooe): This needs to be a requirement.
// if !path.IsAbs(subPath) {
// return fmt.Errorf("absolute path required: %q", subPath)
// }
fullPath := d.fullPath(subPath)
parentDir := path.Dir(fullPath)
if err := os.MkdirAll(parentDir, 0755); err != nil {
return 0, err
fp, err := os.OpenFile(fullPath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
if err != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): A few missing conditions in storage driver:
// 1. What if the path is already a directory?
// 2. Should number 1 be exposed explicitly in storagedriver?
// 2. Can this path not exist, even if we create above?
return 0, err
defer fp.Close()
nn, err = fp.Seek(offset, os.SEEK_SET)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if nn != offset {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("bad seek to %v, expected %v in fp=%v", offset, nn, fp)
return io.Copy(fp, reader)
// Stat retrieves the FileInfo for the given path, including the current size
// in bytes and the creation time.
func (d *driver) Stat(subPath string) (storagedriver.FileInfo, error) {
fullPath := d.fullPath(subPath)
fi, err := os.Stat(fullPath)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: subPath}
return nil, err
return fileInfo{
path: subPath,
FileInfo: fi,
}, nil
// List returns a list of the objects that are direct descendants of the given
// path.
func (d *driver) List(subPath string) ([]string, error) {
if subPath[len(subPath)-1] != '/' {
subPath += "/"
fullPath := d.fullPath(subPath)
dir, err := os.Open(fullPath)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: subPath}
return nil, err
defer dir.Close()
fileNames, err := dir.Readdirnames(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
keys := make([]string, 0, len(fileNames))
for _, fileName := range fileNames {
keys = append(keys, path.Join(subPath, fileName))
return keys, nil
// Move moves an object stored at sourcePath to destPath, removing the original
// object.
func (d *driver) Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error {
source := d.fullPath(sourcePath)
dest := d.fullPath(destPath)
if _, err := os.Stat(source); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: sourcePath}
if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(dest), 0755); err != nil {
return err
err := os.Rename(source, dest)
return err
// Delete recursively deletes all objects stored at "path" and its subpaths.
func (d *driver) Delete(subPath string) error {
fullPath := d.fullPath(subPath)
_, err := os.Stat(fullPath)
if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
} else if err != nil {
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: subPath}
err = os.RemoveAll(fullPath)
return err
// URLFor returns a URL which may be used to retrieve the content stored at the given path.
// May return an UnsupportedMethodErr in certain StorageDriver implementations.
func (d *driver) URLFor(path string, options map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
return "", storagedriver.ErrUnsupportedMethod
// fullPath returns the absolute path of a key within the Driver's storage.
func (d *driver) fullPath(subPath string) string {
return path.Join(d.rootDirectory, subPath)
type fileInfo struct {
path string
var _ storagedriver.FileInfo = fileInfo{}
// Path provides the full path of the target of this file info.
func (fi fileInfo) Path() string {
return fi.path
// Size returns current length in bytes of the file. The return value can
// be used to write to the end of the file at path. The value is
// meaningless if IsDir returns true.
func (fi fileInfo) Size() int64 {
if fi.IsDir() {
return 0
return fi.FileInfo.Size()
// ModTime returns the modification time for the file. For backends that
// don't have a modification time, the creation time should be returned.
func (fi fileInfo) ModTime() time.Time {
return fi.FileInfo.ModTime()
// IsDir returns true if the path is a directory.
func (fi fileInfo) IsDir() bool {
return fi.FileInfo.IsDir()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package filesystem
import (
storagedriver ""
. ""
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
func init() {
root, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "driver-")
if err != nil {
defer os.Remove(root)
testsuites.RegisterInProcessSuite(func() (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return New(root), nil
}, testsuites.NeverSkip)
// BUG(stevvooe): IPC is broken so we're disabling for now. Will revisit later.
// testsuites.RegisterIPCSuite(driverName, map[string]string{"rootdirectory": root}, testsuites.NeverSkip)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Docker-Registry In-Memory Storage Driver
An implementation of the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface which uses local memory for object storage.
**IMPORTANT**: This storage driver *does not* persist data across runs, and primarily exists for testing.
## Parameters
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
package inmemory
import (
storagedriver ""
const driverName = "inmemory"
func init() {
factory.Register(driverName, &inMemoryDriverFactory{})
// inMemoryDriverFacotry implements the factory.StorageDriverFactory interface.
type inMemoryDriverFactory struct{}
func (factory *inMemoryDriverFactory) Create(parameters map[string]interface{}) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return New(), nil
type driver struct {
root *dir
mutex sync.RWMutex
// baseEmbed allows us to hide the Base embed.
type baseEmbed struct {
// Driver is a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation backed by a local map.
// Intended solely for example and testing purposes.
type Driver struct {
baseEmbed // embedded, hidden base driver.
var _ storagedriver.StorageDriver = &Driver{}
// New constructs a new Driver.
func New() *Driver {
return &Driver{
baseEmbed: baseEmbed{
Base: base.Base{
StorageDriver: &driver{
root: &dir{
common: common{
p: "/",
mod: time.Now(),
// Implement the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface.
// GetContent retrieves the content stored at "path" as a []byte.
func (d *driver) GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) {
defer d.mutex.RUnlock()
rc, err := d.ReadStream(path, 0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rc.Close()
return ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
// PutContent stores the []byte content at a location designated by "path".
func (d *driver) PutContent(p string, contents []byte) error {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
f, err := d.root.mkfile(p)
if err != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): Again, we need to clarify when this is not a
// directory in StorageDriver API.
return fmt.Errorf("not a file")
f.WriteAt(contents, 0)
return nil
// ReadStream retrieves an io.ReadCloser for the content stored at "path" with a
// given byte offset.
func (d *driver) ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
defer d.mutex.RUnlock()
if offset < 0 {
return nil, storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{Path: path, Offset: offset}
path = normalize(path)
found := d.root.find(path)
if found.path() != path {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
if found.isdir() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is a directory", path)
return ioutil.NopCloser(found.(*file).sectionReader(offset)), nil
// WriteStream stores the contents of the provided io.ReadCloser at a location
// designated by the given path.
func (d *driver) WriteStream(path string, offset int64, reader io.Reader) (nn int64, err error) {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
if offset < 0 {
return 0, storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{Path: path, Offset: offset}
normalized := normalize(path)
f, err := d.root.mkfile(normalized)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("not a file")
// Unlock while we are reading from the source, in case we are reading
// from the same mfs instance. This can be fixed by a more granular
// locking model.
d.mutex.RLock() // Take the readlock to block other writers.
var buf bytes.Buffer
nn, err = buf.ReadFrom(reader)
if err != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): This condition is odd and we may need to clarify:
// we've read nn bytes from reader but have written nothing to the
// backend. What is the correct return value? Really, the caller needs
// to know that the reader has been advanced and reattempting the
// operation is incorrect.
return nn, err
f.WriteAt(buf.Bytes(), offset)
return nn, err
// Stat returns info about the provided path.
func (d *driver) Stat(path string) (storagedriver.FileInfo, error) {
defer d.mutex.RUnlock()
normalized := normalize(path)
found := d.root.find(path)
if found.path() != normalized {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
fi := storagedriver.FileInfoFields{
Path: path,
IsDir: found.isdir(),
ModTime: found.modtime(),
if !fi.IsDir {
fi.Size = int64(len(found.(*file).data))
return storagedriver.FileInfoInternal{FileInfoFields: fi}, nil
// List returns a list of the objects that are direct descendants of the given
// path.
func (d *driver) List(path string) ([]string, error) {
defer d.mutex.RUnlock()
normalized := normalize(path)
found := d.root.find(normalized)
if !found.isdir() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a directory") // TODO(stevvooe): Need error type for this...
entries, err := found.(*dir).list(normalized)
if err != nil {
switch err {
case errNotExists:
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
case errIsNotDir:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("not a directory")
return nil, err
return entries, nil
// Move moves an object stored at sourcePath to destPath, removing the original
// object.
func (d *driver) Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
normalizedSrc, normalizedDst := normalize(sourcePath), normalize(destPath)
err := d.root.move(normalizedSrc, normalizedDst)
switch err {
case errNotExists:
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: destPath}
return err
// Delete recursively deletes all objects stored at "path" and its subpaths.
func (d *driver) Delete(path string) error {
defer d.mutex.Unlock()
normalized := normalize(path)
err := d.root.delete(normalized)
switch err {
case errNotExists:
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
return err
// URLFor returns a URL which may be used to retrieve the content stored at the given path.
// May return an UnsupportedMethodErr in certain StorageDriver implementations.
func (d *driver) URLFor(path string, options map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
return "", storagedriver.ErrUnsupportedMethod
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package inmemory
import (
storagedriver ""
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { check.TestingT(t) }
func init() {
inmemoryDriverConstructor := func() (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return New(), nil
testsuites.RegisterInProcessSuite(inmemoryDriverConstructor, testsuites.NeverSkip)
// BUG(stevvooe): Disable flaky IPC tests for now when we can troubleshoot
// the problems with libchan.
// testsuites.RegisterIPCSuite(driverName, nil, testsuites.NeverSkip)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
package inmemory
import (
var (
errExists = fmt.Errorf("exists")
errNotExists = fmt.Errorf("notexists")
errIsNotDir = fmt.Errorf("notdir")
errIsDir = fmt.Errorf("isdir")
type node interface {
name() string
path() string
isdir() bool
modtime() time.Time
// dir is the central type for the memory-based storagedriver. All operations
// are dispatched from a root dir.
type dir struct {
// TODO(stevvooe): Use sorted slice + search.
children map[string]node
var _ node = &dir{}
func (d *dir) isdir() bool {
return true
// add places the node n into dir d.
func (d *dir) add(n node) {
if d.children == nil {
d.children = make(map[string]node)
d.children[] = n
d.mod = time.Now()
// find searches for the node, given path q in dir. If the node is found, it
// will be returned. If the node is not found, the closet existing parent. If
// the node is found, the returned (node).path() will match q.
func (d *dir) find(q string) node {
q = strings.Trim(q, "/")
i := strings.Index(q, "/")
if q == "" {
return d
if i == 0 {
panic("shouldn't happen, no root paths")
var component string
if i < 0 {
// No more path components
component = q
} else {
component = q[:i]
child, ok := d.children[component]
if !ok {
// Node was not found. Return p and the current node.
return d
if child.isdir() {
// traverse down!
q = q[i+1:]
return child.(*dir).find(q)
return child
func (d *dir) list(p string) ([]string, error) {
n := d.find(p)
if n.path() != p {
return nil, errNotExists
if !n.isdir() {
return nil, errIsNotDir
var children []string
for _, child := range n.(*dir).children {
children = append(children, child.path())
return children, nil
// mkfile or return the existing one. returns an error if it exists and is a
// directory. Essentially, this is open or create.
func (d *dir) mkfile(p string) (*file, error) {
n := d.find(p)
if n.path() == p {
if n.isdir() {
return nil, errIsDir
return n.(*file), nil
dirpath, filename := path.Split(p)
// Make any non-existent directories
n, err := d.mkdirs(dirpath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dd := n.(*dir)
n = &file{
common: common{
p: path.Join(dd.path(), filename),
mod: time.Now(),
return n.(*file), nil
// mkdirs creates any missing directory entries in p and returns the result.
func (d *dir) mkdirs(p string) (*dir, error) {
p = normalize(p)
n := d.find(p)
if !n.isdir() {
// Found something there
return nil, errIsNotDir
if n.path() == p {
return n.(*dir), nil
dd := n.(*dir)
relative := strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(p, n.path()), "/")
if relative == "" {
return dd, nil
components := strings.Split(relative, "/")
for _, component := range components {
d, err := dd.mkdir(component)
if err != nil {
// This should actually never happen, since there are no children.
return nil, err
dd = d
return dd, nil
// mkdir creates a child directory under d with the given name.
func (d *dir) mkdir(name string) (*dir, error) {
if name == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid dirname")
_, ok := d.children[name]
if ok {
return nil, errExists
child := &dir{
common: common{
p: path.Join(d.path(), name),
mod: time.Now(),
d.mod = time.Now()
return child, nil
func (d *dir) move(src, dst string) error {
dstDirname, _ := path.Split(dst)
dp, err := d.mkdirs(dstDirname)
if err != nil {
return err
srcDirname, srcFilename := path.Split(src)
sp := d.find(srcDirname)
if normalize(srcDirname) != normalize(sp.path()) {
return errNotExists
s, ok := sp.(*dir).children[srcFilename]
if !ok {
return errNotExists
delete(sp.(*dir).children, srcFilename)
switch n := s.(type) {
case *dir:
n.p = dst
case *file:
n.p = dst
return nil
func (d *dir) delete(p string) error {
dirname, filename := path.Split(p)
parent := d.find(dirname)
if normalize(dirname) != normalize(parent.path()) {
return errNotExists
if _, ok := parent.(*dir).children[filename]; !ok {
return errNotExists
delete(parent.(*dir).children, filename)
return nil
// dump outputs a primitive directory structure to stdout.
func (d *dir) dump(indent string) {
for _, child := range d.children {
if child.isdir() {
child.(*dir).dump(indent + "\t")
} else {
func (d *dir) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("&dir{path: %v, children: %v}", d.p, d.children)
// file stores actual data in the fs tree. It acts like an open, seekable file
// where operations are conducted through ReadAt and WriteAt. Use it with
// SectionReader for the best effect.
type file struct {
data []byte
var _ node = &file{}
func (f *file) isdir() bool {
return false
func (f *file) truncate() {
|||| =[:0]
func (f *file) sectionReader(offset int64) io.Reader {
return io.NewSectionReader(f, offset, int64(len(
func (f *file) ReadAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {
return copy(p,[offset:]), nil
func (f *file) WriteAt(p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) {
off := int(offset)
if cap( < off+len(p) {
data := make([]byte, len(, off+len(p))
|||| = data
f.mod = time.Now()
|||| =[:off+len(p)]
return copy([off:off+len(p)], p), nil
func (f *file) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("&file{path: %q}", f.p)
// common provides shared fields and methods for node implementations.
type common struct {
p string
mod time.Time
func (c *common) name() string {
_, name := path.Split(c.p)
return name
func (c *common) path() string {
return c.p
func (c *common) modtime() time.Time {
return c.mod
func normalize(p string) string {
return "/" + strings.Trim(p, "/")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
// +build ignore
package ipc
import (
storagedriver ""
// StorageDriverExecutablePrefix is the prefix which the IPC storage driver
// loader expects driver executables to begin with. For example, the s3 driver
// should be named "registry-storagedriver-s3".
const StorageDriverExecutablePrefix = "registry-storagedriver-"
// StorageDriverClient is a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation using a
// managed child process communicating over IPC using libchan with a unix domain
// socket
type StorageDriverClient struct {
subprocess *exec.Cmd
exitChan chan error
exitErr error
stopChan chan struct{}
socket *os.File
transport *spdy.Transport
sender libchan.Sender
version storagedriver.Version
// NewDriverClient constructs a new out-of-process storage driver using the
// driver name and configuration parameters
// A user must call Start on this driver client before remote method calls can
// be made
// Looks for drivers in the following locations in order:
// - Storage drivers directory (to be determined, yet not implemented)
// - $GOPATH/bin
// - $PATH
func NewDriverClient(name string, parameters map[string]string) (*StorageDriverClient, error) {
paramsBytes, err := json.Marshal(parameters)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
driverExecName := StorageDriverExecutablePrefix + name
driverPath, err := exec.LookPath(driverExecName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
command := exec.Command(driverPath, string(paramsBytes))
return &StorageDriverClient{
subprocess: command,
}, nil
// Start starts the designated child process storage driver and binds a socket
// to this process for IPC method calls
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) Start() error {
driver.exitErr = nil
driver.exitChan = make(chan error)
driver.stopChan = make(chan struct{})
fileDescriptors, err := syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_LOCAL, syscall.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
childSocket := os.NewFile(uintptr(fileDescriptors[0]), "childSocket")
driver.socket = os.NewFile(uintptr(fileDescriptors[1]), "parentSocket")
driver.subprocess.Stdout = os.Stdout
driver.subprocess.Stderr = os.Stderr
driver.subprocess.ExtraFiles = []*os.File{childSocket}
if err = driver.subprocess.Start(); err != nil {
return err
go driver.handleSubprocessExit()
if err = childSocket.Close(); err != nil {
return err
connection, err := net.FileConn(driver.socket)
if err != nil {
return err
driver.transport, err = spdy.NewClientTransport(connection)
if err != nil {
return err
driver.sender, err = driver.transport.NewSendChannel()
if err != nil {
return err
// Check the driver's version to determine compatibility
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
err = driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "Version", ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return err
var response VersionResponse
err = receiver.Receive(&response)
if err != nil {
return err
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error.Unwrap()
driver.version = response.Version
if driver.version.Major() != storagedriver.CurrentVersion.Major() || driver.version.Minor() > storagedriver.CurrentVersion.Minor() {
return IncompatibleVersionError{driver.version}
return nil
// Stop stops the child process storage driver
// storagedriver.StorageDriver methods called after Stop will fail
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) Stop() error {
var closeSenderErr, closeTransportErr, closeSocketErr, killErr error
if driver.sender != nil {
closeSenderErr = driver.sender.Close()
if driver.transport != nil {
closeTransportErr = driver.transport.Close()
if driver.socket != nil {
closeSocketErr = driver.socket.Close()
if driver.subprocess != nil {
killErr = driver.subprocess.Process.Kill()
if driver.stopChan != nil {
if closeSenderErr != nil {
return closeSenderErr
} else if closeTransportErr != nil {
return closeTransportErr
} else if closeSocketErr != nil {
return closeSocketErr
return killErr
// Implement the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface over IPC
// GetContent retrieves the content stored at "path" as a []byte.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return nil, err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "GetContent", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := new(ReadStreamResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if response.Error != nil {
return nil, response.Error.Unwrap()
defer response.Reader.Close()
contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return contents, nil
// PutContent stores the []byte content at a location designated by "path".
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) PutContent(path string, contents []byte) error {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path, "Reader": ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(contents))}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "PutContent", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return err
response := new(WriteStreamResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return err
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error.Unwrap()
return nil
// ReadStream retrieves an io.ReadCloser for the content stored at "path" with a
// given byte offset.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return nil, err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path, "Offset": offset}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "ReadStream", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := new(ReadStreamResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if response.Error != nil {
return nil, response.Error.Unwrap()
return response.Reader, nil
// WriteStream stores the contents of the provided io.ReadCloser at a location
// designated by the given path.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) WriteStream(path string, offset, size int64, reader io.ReadCloser) error {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path, "Offset": offset, "Size": size, "Reader": reader}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "WriteStream", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return err
response := new(WriteStreamResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return err
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error.Unwrap()
return nil
// CurrentSize retrieves the curernt size in bytes of the object at the given
// path.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) CurrentSize(path string) (uint64, error) {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return 0, err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "CurrentSize", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return 0, err
response := new(CurrentSizeResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if response.Error != nil {
return 0, response.Error.Unwrap()
return response.Position, nil
// List returns a list of the objects that are direct descendants of the given
// path.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) List(path string) ([]string, error) {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return nil, err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "List", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
response := new(ListResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if response.Error != nil {
return nil, response.Error.Unwrap()
return response.Keys, nil
// Move moves an object stored at sourcePath to destPath, removing the original
// object.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"SourcePath": sourcePath, "DestPath": destPath}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "Move", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return err
response := new(MoveResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return err
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error.Unwrap()
return nil
// Delete recursively deletes all objects stored at "path" and its subpaths.
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) Delete(path string) error {
if err := driver.exited(); err != nil {
return err
receiver, remoteSender := libchan.Pipe()
params := map[string]interface{}{"Path": path}
err := driver.sender.Send(&Request{Type: "Delete", Parameters: params, ResponseChannel: remoteSender})
if err != nil {
return err
response := new(DeleteResponse)
err = driver.receiveResponse(receiver, response)
if err != nil {
return err
if response.Error != nil {
return response.Error.Unwrap()
return nil
// handleSubprocessExit populates the exit channel until we have explicitly
// stopped the storage driver subprocess
// Requests can select on driver.exitChan and response receiving and not hang if
// the process exits
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) handleSubprocessExit() {
exitErr := driver.subprocess.Wait()
if exitErr == nil {
exitErr = fmt.Errorf("Storage driver subprocess already exited cleanly")
} else {
exitErr = fmt.Errorf("Storage driver subprocess exited with error: %s", exitErr)
driver.exitErr = exitErr
for {
select {
case driver.exitChan <- exitErr:
case <-driver.stopChan:
// receiveResponse populates the response value with the next result from the
// given receiver, or returns an error if receiving failed or the driver has
// stopped
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) receiveResponse(receiver libchan.Receiver, response interface{}) error {
receiveChan := make(chan error, 1)
go func(receiver libchan.Receiver, receiveChan chan<- error) {
receiveChan <- receiver.Receive(response)
}(receiver, receiveChan)
var err error
var ok bool
select {
case err = <-receiveChan:
case err, ok = <-driver.exitChan:
if !ok {
err = driver.exitErr
return err
// exited returns an exit error if the driver has exited or nil otherwise
func (driver *StorageDriverClient) exited() error {
select {
case err, ok := <-driver.exitChan:
if !ok {
return driver.exitErr
return err
return nil
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
// +build ignore
package ipc
import (
storagedriver ""
// StorageDriver is the interface which IPC storage drivers must implement. As external storage
// drivers may be defined to use a different version of the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface,
// we use an additional version check to determine compatiblity.
type StorageDriver interface {
// Version returns the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface version which this storage driver
// implements, which is used to determine driver compatibility
Version() (storagedriver.Version, error)
// IncompatibleVersionError is returned when a storage driver is using an incompatible version of
// the storagedriver.StorageDriver api
type IncompatibleVersionError struct {
version storagedriver.Version
func (e IncompatibleVersionError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Incompatible storage driver version: %s", e.version)
// Request defines a remote method call request
// A return value struct is to be sent over the ResponseChannel
type Request struct {
Type string `codec:",omitempty"`
Parameters map[string]interface{} `codec:",omitempty"`
ResponseChannel libchan.Sender `codec:",omitempty"`
// ResponseError is a serializable error type.
// The Type and Parameters may be used to reconstruct the same error on the
// client side, falling back to using the Type and Message if this cannot be
// done.
type ResponseError struct {
Type string `codec:",omitempty"`
Message string `codec:",omitempty"`
Parameters map[string]interface{} `codec:",omitempty"`
// WrapError wraps an error in a serializable struct containing the error's type
// and message.
func WrapError(err error) *ResponseError {
if err == nil {
return nil
v := reflect.ValueOf(err)
re := ResponseError{
Type: v.Type().String(),
Message: err.Error(),
if v.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
re.Parameters = make(map[string]interface{})
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
field := v.Type().Field(i)
re.Parameters[field.Name] = v.Field(i).Interface()
return &re
// Unwrap returns the underlying error if it can be reconstructed, or the
// original ResponseError otherwise.
func (err *ResponseError) Unwrap() error {
var errVal reflect.Value
var zeroVal reflect.Value
switch err.Type {
case "storagedriver.PathNotFoundError":
errVal = reflect.ValueOf(&storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{})
case "storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError":
errVal = reflect.ValueOf(&storagedriver.InvalidOffsetError{})
if errVal == zeroVal {
return err
for k, v := range err.Parameters {
fieldVal := errVal.Elem().FieldByName(k)
if fieldVal == zeroVal {
return err
if unwrapped, ok := errVal.Elem().Interface().(error); ok {
return unwrapped
return err
func (err *ResponseError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", err.Type, err.Message)
// IPC method call response object definitions
// VersionResponse is a response for a Version request
type VersionResponse struct {
Version storagedriver.Version `codec:",omitempty"`
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
// ReadStreamResponse is a response for a ReadStream request
type ReadStreamResponse struct {
Reader io.ReadCloser `codec:",omitempty"`
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
// WriteStreamResponse is a response for a WriteStream request
type WriteStreamResponse struct {
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
// CurrentSizeResponse is a response for a CurrentSize request
type CurrentSizeResponse struct {
Position uint64 `codec:",omitempty"`
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
// ListResponse is a response for a List request
type ListResponse struct {
Keys []string `codec:",omitempty"`
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
// MoveResponse is a response for a Move request
type MoveResponse struct {
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
// DeleteResponse is a response for a Delete request
type DeleteResponse struct {
Error *ResponseError `codec:",omitempty"`
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
// +build ignore
package ipc
import (
storagedriver ""
// StorageDriverServer runs a new IPC server handling requests for the given
// storagedriver.StorageDriver
// This explicitly uses file descriptor 3 for IPC communication, as storage drivers are spawned in
// client.go
// To create a new out-of-process driver, create a main package which calls StorageDriverServer with
// a storagedriver.StorageDriver
func StorageDriverServer(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver) error {
childSocket := os.NewFile(3, "childSocket")
defer childSocket.Close()
conn, err := net.FileConn(childSocket)
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
if transport, err := spdy.NewServerTransport(conn); err != nil {
} else {
for {
receiver, err := transport.WaitReceiveChannel()
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
} else if err != nil {
go receive(driver, receiver)
// receive receives new storagedriver.StorageDriver method requests and creates a new goroutine to
// handle each request
// Requests are expected to be of type ipc.Request as the parameters are unknown until the request
// type is deserialized
func receive(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, receiver libchan.Receiver) {
for {
var request Request
err := receiver.Receive(&request)
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
go handleRequest(driver, request)
// handleRequest handles storagedriver.StorageDriver method requests as defined in client.go
// Responds to requests using the Request.ResponseChannel
func handleRequest(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, request Request) {
switch request.Type {
case "Version":
err := request.ResponseChannel.Send(&VersionResponse{Version: storagedriver.CurrentVersion})
if err != nil {
case "GetContent":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
content, err := driver.GetContent(path)
var response ReadStreamResponse
if err != nil {
response = ReadStreamResponse{Error: WrapError(err)}
} else {
response = ReadStreamResponse{Reader: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(content))}
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "PutContent":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
reader, _ := request.Parameters["Reader"].(io.ReadCloser)
contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
defer reader.Close()
if err == nil {
err = driver.PutContent(path, contents)
response := WriteStreamResponse{
Error: WrapError(err),
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "ReadStream":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
// Depending on serialization method, Offset may be convereted to any int/uint type
offset := reflect.ValueOf(request.Parameters["Offset"]).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))).Int()
reader, err := driver.ReadStream(path, offset)
var response ReadStreamResponse
if err != nil {
response = ReadStreamResponse{Error: WrapError(err)}
} else {
response = ReadStreamResponse{Reader: reader}
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "WriteStream":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
// Depending on serialization method, Offset may be convereted to any int/uint type
offset := reflect.ValueOf(request.Parameters["Offset"]).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))).Int()
// Depending on serialization method, Size may be convereted to any int/uint type
size := reflect.ValueOf(request.Parameters["Size"]).Convert(reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))).Int()
reader, _ := request.Parameters["Reader"].(io.ReadCloser)
err := driver.WriteStream(path, offset, size, reader)
response := WriteStreamResponse{
Error: WrapError(err),
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "CurrentSize":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
position, err := driver.CurrentSize(path)
response := CurrentSizeResponse{
Position: position,
Error: WrapError(err),
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "List":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
keys, err := driver.List(path)
response := ListResponse{
Keys: keys,
Error: WrapError(err),
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "Move":
sourcePath, _ := request.Parameters["SourcePath"].(string)
destPath, _ := request.Parameters["DestPath"].(string)
err := driver.Move(sourcePath, destPath)
response := MoveResponse{
Error: WrapError(err),
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
case "Delete":
path, _ := request.Parameters["Path"].(string)
err := driver.Delete(path)
response := DeleteResponse{
Error: WrapError(err),
err = request.ResponseChannel.Send(&response)
if err != nil {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
Docker-Registry S3 Storage Driver
An implementation of the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface which uses Amazon S3 for object storage.
## Parameters
`accesskey`: Your aws access key.
`secretkey`: Your aws secret key.
**Note** You can provide empty strings for your access and secret keys if you plan on running the driver on an ec2 instance and will handle authentication with the instance's credentials.
`region`: The name of the aws region in which you would like to store objects (for example `us-east-1`). For a list of regions, you can look at
`bucket`: The name of your s3 bucket where you wish to store objects (needs to already be created prior to driver initialization).
`encrypt`: (optional) Whether you would like your data encrypted on the server side (defaults to false if not specified).
`secure`: (optional) Whether you would like to transfer data to the bucket over ssl or not. Defaults to true (meaning transfering over ssl) if not specified. Note that while setting this to false will improve performance, it is not recommended due to security concerns.
`v4auth`: (optional) Whether you would like to use aws signature version 4 with your requests. This defaults to true if not specified (note that the eu-central-1 region does not work with version 2 signatures, so the driver will error out if initialized with this region and v4auth set to false)
`chunksize`: (optional) The default part size for multipart uploads (performed by WriteStream) to s3. The default is 10 MB. Keep in mind that the minimum part size for s3 is 5MB. You might experience better performance for larger chunk sizes depending on the speed of your connection to s3.
`rootdirectory`: (optional) The root directory tree in which all registry files will be stored. Defaults to the empty string (bucket root).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
// Package s3 provides a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation to
// store blobs in Amazon S3 cloud storage.
// This package leverages the AdRoll/goamz client library for interfacing with
// s3.
// Because s3 is a key, value store the Stat call does not support last modification
// time for directories (directories are an abstraction for key, value stores)
// Keep in mind that s3 guarantees only eventual consistency, so do not assume
// that a successful write will mean immediate access to the data written (although
// in most regions a new object put has guaranteed read after write). The only true
// guarantee is that once you call Stat and receive a certain file size, that much of
// the file is already accessible.
package s3
import (
storagedriver ""
const driverName = "s3"
// minChunkSize defines the minimum multipart upload chunk size
// S3 API requires multipart upload chunks to be at least 5MB
const minChunkSize = 5 << 20
const defaultChunkSize = 2 * minChunkSize
// listMax is the largest amount of objects you can request from S3 in a list call
const listMax = 1000
//DriverParameters A struct that encapsulates all of the driver parameters after all values have been set
type DriverParameters struct {
AccessKey string
SecretKey string
Bucket string
Region aws.Region
Encrypt bool
Secure bool
V4Auth bool
ChunkSize int64
RootDirectory string
func init() {
factory.Register(driverName, &s3DriverFactory{})
// s3DriverFactory implements the factory.StorageDriverFactory interface
type s3DriverFactory struct{}
func (factory *s3DriverFactory) Create(parameters map[string]interface{}) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return FromParameters(parameters)
type driver struct {
S3 *s3.S3
Bucket *s3.Bucket
ChunkSize int64
Encrypt bool
RootDirectory string
type baseEmbed struct {
// Driver is a storagedriver.StorageDriver implementation backed by Amazon S3
// Objects are stored at absolute keys in the provided bucket.
type Driver struct {
// FromParameters constructs a new Driver with a given parameters map
// Required parameters:
// - accesskey
// - secretkey
// - region
// - bucket
// - encrypt
func FromParameters(parameters map[string]interface{}) (*Driver, error) {
// Providing no values for these is valid in case the user is authenticating
// with an IAM on an ec2 instance (in which case the instance credentials will
// be summoned when GetAuth is called)
accessKey, ok := parameters["accesskey"]
if !ok {
accessKey = ""
secretKey, ok := parameters["secretkey"]
if !ok {
secretKey = ""
regionName, ok := parameters["region"]
if !ok || fmt.Sprint(regionName) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No region parameter provided")
region := aws.GetRegion(fmt.Sprint(regionName))
if region.Name == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Invalid region provided: %v", region)
bucket, ok := parameters["bucket"]
if !ok || fmt.Sprint(bucket) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No bucket parameter provided")
encryptBool := false
encrypt, ok := parameters["encrypt"]
if ok {
encryptBool, ok = encrypt.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The encrypt parameter should be a boolean")
secureBool := true
secure, ok := parameters["secure"]
if ok {
secureBool, ok = secure.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The secure parameter should be a boolean")
v4AuthBool := false
v4Auth, ok := parameters["v4auth"]
if ok {
v4AuthBool, ok = v4Auth.(bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The v4auth parameter should be a boolean")
chunkSize := int64(defaultChunkSize)
chunkSizeParam, ok := parameters["chunksize"]
if ok {
chunkSize, ok = chunkSizeParam.(int64)
if !ok || chunkSize < minChunkSize {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The chunksize parameter should be a number that is larger than 5*1024*1024")
rootDirectory, ok := parameters["rootdirectory"]
if !ok {
rootDirectory = ""
params := DriverParameters{
return New(params)
// New constructs a new Driver with the given AWS credentials, region, encryption flag, and
// bucketName
func New(params DriverParameters) (*Driver, error) {
auth, err := aws.GetAuth(params.AccessKey, params.SecretKey, "", time.Time{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !params.Secure {
params.Region.S3Endpoint = strings.Replace(params.Region.S3Endpoint, "https", "http", 1)
s3obj := s3.New(auth, params.Region)
bucket := s3obj.Bucket(params.Bucket)
if params.V4Auth {
s3obj.Signature = aws.V4Signature
} else {
if params.Region.Name == "eu-central-1" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("The eu-central-1 region only works with v4 authentication")
// Validate that the given credentials have at least read permissions in the
// given bucket scope.
if _, err := bucket.List(strings.TrimRight(params.RootDirectory, "/"), "", "", 1); err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO Currently multipart uploads have no timestamps, so this would be unwise
// if you initiated a new s3driver while another one is running on the same bucket.
// multis, _, err := bucket.ListMulti("", "")
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// for _, multi := range multis {
// err := multi.Abort()
// //TODO appropriate to do this error checking?
// if err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// }
d := &driver{
S3: s3obj,
Bucket: bucket,
ChunkSize: params.ChunkSize,
Encrypt: params.Encrypt,
RootDirectory: params.RootDirectory,
return &Driver{
baseEmbed: baseEmbed{
Base: base.Base{
StorageDriver: d,
}, nil
// Implement the storagedriver.StorageDriver interface
// GetContent retrieves the content stored at "path" as a []byte.
func (d *driver) GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error) {
content, err := d.Bucket.Get(d.s3Path(path))
if err != nil {
return nil, parseError(path, err)
return content, nil
// PutContent stores the []byte content at a location designated by "path".
func (d *driver) PutContent(path string, contents []byte) error {
return parseError(path, d.Bucket.Put(d.s3Path(path), contents, d.getContentType(), getPermissions(), d.getOptions()))
// ReadStream retrieves an io.ReadCloser for the content stored at "path" with a
// given byte offset.
func (d *driver) ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
headers := make(http.Header)
headers.Add("Range", "bytes="+strconv.FormatInt(offset, 10)+"-")
resp, err := d.Bucket.GetResponseWithHeaders(d.s3Path(path), headers)
if err != nil {
if s3Err, ok := err.(*s3.Error); ok && s3Err.Code == "InvalidRange" {
return ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(nil)), nil
return nil, parseError(path, err)
return resp.Body, nil
// WriteStream stores the contents of the provided io.Reader at a
// location designated by the given path. The driver will know it has
// received the full contents when the reader returns io.EOF. The number
// of successfully READ bytes will be returned, even if an error is
// returned. May be used to resume writing a stream by providing a nonzero
// offset. Offsets past the current size will write from the position
// beyond the end of the file.
func (d *driver) WriteStream(path string, offset int64, reader io.Reader) (totalRead int64, err error) {
partNumber := 1
bytesRead := 0
var putErrChan chan error
parts := []s3.Part{}
var part s3.Part
multi, err := d.Bucket.InitMulti(d.s3Path(path), d.getContentType(), getPermissions(), d.getOptions())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
buf := make([]byte, d.ChunkSize)
zeroBuf := make([]byte, d.ChunkSize)
// We never want to leave a dangling multipart upload, our only consistent state is
// when there is a whole object at path. This is in order to remain consistent with
// the stat call.
// Note that if the machine dies before executing the defer, we will be left with a dangling
// multipart upload, which will eventually be cleaned up, but we will lose all of the progress
// made prior to the machine crashing.
defer func() {
if putErrChan != nil {
if putErr := <-putErrChan; putErr != nil {
err = putErr
if len(parts) > 0 {
if multi == nil {
// Parts should be empty if the multi is not initialized
} else {
if multi.Complete(parts) != nil {
// Fills from 0 to total from current
fromSmallCurrent := func(total int64) error {
current, err := d.ReadStream(path, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
bytesRead = 0
for int64(bytesRead) < total {
//The loop should very rarely enter a second iteration
nn, err := current.Read(buf[bytesRead:total])
bytesRead += nn
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return err
return nil
// Fills from parameter to chunkSize from reader
fromReader := func(from int64) error {
bytesRead = 0
for from+int64(bytesRead) < d.ChunkSize {
nn, err := reader.Read(buf[from+int64(bytesRead):])
totalRead += int64(nn)
bytesRead += nn
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return err
if putErrChan == nil {
putErrChan = make(chan error)
} else {
if putErr := <-putErrChan; putErr != nil {
putErrChan = nil
return putErr
go func(bytesRead int, from int64, buf []byte) {
// parts and partNumber are safe, because this function is the only one modifying them and we
// force it to be executed serially.
if bytesRead > 0 {
part, putErr := multi.PutPart(int(partNumber), bytes.NewReader(buf[0:int64(bytesRead)+from]))
if putErr != nil {
putErrChan <- putErr
parts = append(parts, part)
putErrChan <- nil
}(bytesRead, from, buf)
buf = make([]byte, d.ChunkSize)
return nil
if offset > 0 {
resp, err := d.Bucket.Head(d.s3Path(path), nil)
if err != nil {
if s3Err, ok := err.(*s3.Error); !ok || s3Err.Code != "NoSuchKey" {
return 0, err
currentLength := int64(0)
if err == nil {
currentLength = resp.ContentLength
if currentLength >= offset {
if offset < d.ChunkSize {
// chunkSize > currentLength >= offset
if err = fromSmallCurrent(offset); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if err = fromReader(offset); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if totalRead+offset < d.ChunkSize {
return totalRead, nil
} else {
// currentLength >= offset >= chunkSize
_, part, err = multi.PutPartCopy(partNumber,
s3.CopyOptions{CopySourceOptions: "bytes=0-" + strconv.FormatInt(offset-1, 10)},
if err != nil {
return 0, err
parts = append(parts, part)
} else {
// Fills between parameters with 0s but only when to - from <= chunkSize
fromZeroFillSmall := func(from, to int64) error {
bytesRead = 0
for from+int64(bytesRead) < to {
nn, err := bytes.NewReader(zeroBuf).Read(buf[from+int64(bytesRead) : to])
bytesRead += nn
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Fills between parameters with 0s, making new parts
fromZeroFillLarge := func(from, to int64) error {
bytesRead64 := int64(0)
for to-(from+bytesRead64) >= d.ChunkSize {
part, err := multi.PutPart(int(partNumber), bytes.NewReader(zeroBuf))
if err != nil {
return err
bytesRead64 += d.ChunkSize
parts = append(parts, part)
return fromZeroFillSmall(0, (to-from)%d.ChunkSize)
// currentLength < offset
if currentLength < d.ChunkSize {
if offset < d.ChunkSize {
// chunkSize > offset > currentLength
if err = fromSmallCurrent(currentLength); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if err = fromZeroFillSmall(currentLength, offset); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if err = fromReader(offset); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if totalRead+offset < d.ChunkSize {
return totalRead, nil
} else {
// offset >= chunkSize > currentLength
if err = fromSmallCurrent(currentLength); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if err = fromZeroFillSmall(currentLength, d.ChunkSize); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
part, err = multi.PutPart(int(partNumber), bytes.NewReader(buf))
if err != nil {
return totalRead, err
parts = append(parts, part)
//Zero fill from chunkSize up to offset, then some reader
if err = fromZeroFillLarge(d.ChunkSize, offset); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if err = fromReader(offset % d.ChunkSize); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if totalRead+(offset%d.ChunkSize) < d.ChunkSize {
return totalRead, nil
} else {
// offset > currentLength >= chunkSize
_, part, err = multi.PutPartCopy(partNumber,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
parts = append(parts, part)
//Zero fill from currentLength up to offset, then some reader
if err = fromZeroFillLarge(currentLength, offset); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if err = fromReader((offset - currentLength) % d.ChunkSize); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if totalRead+((offset-currentLength)%d.ChunkSize) < d.ChunkSize {
return totalRead, nil
for {
if err = fromReader(0); err != nil {
return totalRead, err
if int64(bytesRead) < d.ChunkSize {
return totalRead, nil
// Stat retrieves the FileInfo for the given path, including the current size
// in bytes and the creation time.
func (d *driver) Stat(path string) (storagedriver.FileInfo, error) {
listResponse, err := d.Bucket.List(d.s3Path(path), "", "", 1)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fi := storagedriver.FileInfoFields{
Path: path,
if len(listResponse.Contents) == 1 {
if listResponse.Contents[0].Key != d.s3Path(path) {
fi.IsDir = true
} else {
fi.IsDir = false
fi.Size = listResponse.Contents[0].Size
timestamp, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, listResponse.Contents[0].LastModified)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fi.ModTime = timestamp
} else if len(listResponse.CommonPrefixes) == 1 {
fi.IsDir = true
} else {
return nil, storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
return storagedriver.FileInfoInternal{FileInfoFields: fi}, nil
// List returns a list of the objects that are direct descendants of the given path.
func (d *driver) List(path string) ([]string, error) {
if path != "/" && path[len(path)-1] != '/' {
path = path + "/"
listResponse, err := d.Bucket.List(d.s3Path(path), "/", "", listMax)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
files := []string{}
directories := []string{}
for {
for _, key := range listResponse.Contents {
files = append(files, strings.Replace(key.Key, d.s3Path(""), "", 1))
for _, commonPrefix := range listResponse.CommonPrefixes {
directories = append(directories, strings.Replace(commonPrefix[0:len(commonPrefix)-1], d.s3Path(""), "", 1))
if listResponse.IsTruncated {
listResponse, err = d.Bucket.List(d.s3Path(path), "/", listResponse.NextMarker, listMax)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
return append(files, directories...), nil
// Move moves an object stored at sourcePath to destPath, removing the original
// object.
func (d *driver) Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error {
/* This is terrible, but aws doesn't have an actual move. */
_, err := d.Bucket.PutCopy(d.s3Path(destPath), getPermissions(),
s3.CopyOptions{Options: d.getOptions(), ContentType: d.getContentType()}, d.Bucket.Name+"/"+d.s3Path(sourcePath))
if err != nil {
return parseError(sourcePath, err)
return d.Delete(sourcePath)
// Delete recursively deletes all objects stored at "path" and its subpaths.
func (d *driver) Delete(path string) error {
listResponse, err := d.Bucket.List(d.s3Path(path), "", "", listMax)
if err != nil || len(listResponse.Contents) == 0 {
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
s3Objects := make([]s3.Object, listMax)
for len(listResponse.Contents) > 0 {
for index, key := range listResponse.Contents {
s3Objects[index].Key = key.Key
err := d.Bucket.DelMulti(s3.Delete{Quiet: false, Objects: s3Objects[0:len(listResponse.Contents)]})
if err != nil {
return nil
listResponse, err = d.Bucket.List(d.s3Path(path), "", "", listMax)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// URLFor returns a URL which may be used to retrieve the content stored at the given path.
// May return an UnsupportedMethodErr in certain StorageDriver implementations.
func (d *driver) URLFor(path string, options map[string]interface{}) (string, error) {
methodString := "GET"
method, ok := options["method"]
if ok {
methodString, ok = method.(string)
if !ok || (methodString != "GET" && methodString != "HEAD") {
return "", storagedriver.ErrUnsupportedMethod
expiresTime := time.Now().Add(20 * time.Minute)
expires, ok := options["expiry"]
if ok {
et, ok := expires.(time.Time)
if ok {
expiresTime = et
return d.Bucket.SignedURLWithMethod(methodString, d.s3Path(path), expiresTime, nil, nil), nil
func (d *driver) s3Path(path string) string {
return strings.TrimLeft(strings.TrimRight(d.RootDirectory, "/")+path, "/")
func parseError(path string, err error) error {
if s3Err, ok := err.(*s3.Error); ok && s3Err.Code == "NoSuchKey" {
return storagedriver.PathNotFoundError{Path: path}
return err
func hasCode(err error, code string) bool {
s3err, ok := err.(*aws.Error)
return ok && s3err.Code == code
func (d *driver) getOptions() s3.Options {
return s3.Options{SSE: d.Encrypt}
func getPermissions() s3.ACL {
return s3.Private
func (d *driver) getContentType() string {
return "application/octet-stream"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package s3
import (
storagedriver ""
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { check.TestingT(t) }
func init() {
accessKey := os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
secretKey := os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_KEY")
bucket := os.Getenv("S3_BUCKET")
encrypt := os.Getenv("S3_ENCRYPT")
secure := os.Getenv("S3_SECURE")
v4auth := os.Getenv("S3_USE_V4_AUTH")
region := os.Getenv("AWS_REGION")
root, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "driver-")
if err != nil {
defer os.Remove(root)
s3DriverConstructor := func(region aws.Region) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
encryptBool := false
if encrypt != "" {
encryptBool, err = strconv.ParseBool(encrypt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
secureBool := true
if secure != "" {
secureBool, err = strconv.ParseBool(secure)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v4AuthBool := true
if v4auth != "" {
v4AuthBool, err = strconv.ParseBool(v4auth)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
parameters := DriverParameters{
return New(parameters)
// Skip S3 storage driver tests if environment variable parameters are not provided
skipCheck := func() string {
if accessKey == "" || secretKey == "" || region == "" || bucket == "" || encrypt == "" {
return "Must set AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, AWS_REGION, S3_BUCKET, and S3_ENCRYPT to run S3 tests"
return ""
// for _, region := range aws.Regions {
// if region == aws.USGovWest {
// continue
// }
testsuites.RegisterInProcessSuite(func() (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
return s3DriverConstructor(aws.GetRegion(region))
}, skipCheck)
// testsuites.RegisterIPCSuite(driverName, map[string]string{
// "accesskey": accessKey,
// "secretkey": secretKey,
// "region": region.Name,
// "bucket": bucket,
// "encrypt": encrypt,
// }, skipCheck)
// }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package driver
import (
// Version is a string representing the storage driver version, of the form
// Major.Minor.
// The registry must accept storage drivers with equal major version and greater
// minor version, but may not be compatible with older storage driver versions.
type Version string
// Major returns the major (primary) component of a version.
func (version Version) Major() uint {
majorPart := strings.Split(string(version), ".")[0]
major, _ := strconv.ParseUint(majorPart, 10, 0)
return uint(major)
// Minor returns the minor (secondary) component of a version.
func (version Version) Minor() uint {
minorPart := strings.Split(string(version), ".")[1]
minor, _ := strconv.ParseUint(minorPart, 10, 0)
return uint(minor)
// CurrentVersion is the current storage driver Version.
const CurrentVersion Version = "0.1"
// StorageDriver defines methods that a Storage Driver must implement for a
// filesystem-like key/value object storage.
type StorageDriver interface {
// GetContent retrieves the content stored at "path" as a []byte.
// This should primarily be used for small objects.
GetContent(path string) ([]byte, error)
// PutContent stores the []byte content at a location designated by "path".
// This should primarily be used for small objects.
PutContent(path string, content []byte) error
// ReadStream retrieves an io.ReadCloser for the content stored at "path"
// with a given byte offset.
// May be used to resume reading a stream by providing a nonzero offset.
ReadStream(path string, offset int64) (io.ReadCloser, error)
// WriteStream stores the contents of the provided io.ReadCloser at a
// location designated by the given path.
// May be used to resume writing a stream by providing a nonzero offset.
// The offset must be no larger than the CurrentSize for this path.
WriteStream(path string, offset int64, reader io.Reader) (nn int64, err error)
// Stat retrieves the FileInfo for the given path, including the current
// size in bytes and the creation time.
Stat(path string) (FileInfo, error)
// List returns a list of the objects that are direct descendants of the
//given path.
List(path string) ([]string, error)
// Move moves an object stored at sourcePath to destPath, removing the
// original object.
// Note: This may be no more efficient than a copy followed by a delete for
// many implementations.
Move(sourcePath string, destPath string) error
// Delete recursively deletes all objects stored at "path" and its subpaths.
Delete(path string) error
// URLFor returns a URL which may be used to retrieve the content stored at
// the given path, possibly using the given options.
// May return an UnsupportedMethodErr in certain StorageDriver
// implementations.
URLFor(path string, options map[string]interface{}) (string, error)
// PathRegexp is the regular expression which each file path must match. A
// file path is absolute, beginning with a slash and containing a positive
// number of path components separated by slashes, where each component is
// restricted to lowercase alphanumeric characters or a period, underscore, or
// hyphen.
var PathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(/[a-z0-9._-]+)+$`)
// UnsupportedMethodErr may be returned in the case where a StorageDriver implementation does not support an optional method.
var ErrUnsupportedMethod = errors.New("Unsupported method")
// PathNotFoundError is returned when operating on a nonexistent path.
type PathNotFoundError struct {
Path string
func (err PathNotFoundError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Path not found: %s", err.Path)
// InvalidPathError is returned when the provided path is malformed.
type InvalidPathError struct {
Path string
func (err InvalidPathError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid path: %s", err.Path)
// InvalidOffsetError is returned when attempting to read or write from an
// invalid offset.
type InvalidOffsetError struct {
Path string
Offset int64
func (err InvalidOffsetError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid offset: %d for path: %s", err.Offset, err.Path)
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
// TODO(stevvooe): Set an optimal buffer size here. We'll have to
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import (
func TestSimpleRead(t *testing.T) {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
// fileWriter implements a remote file writer backed by a storage driver.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
// TestSimpleWrite takes the fileWriter through common write operations
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
// LayerHandler provides middleware for serving the contents of a Layer.
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import (
ctxu ""
storagedriver ""
type layerStore struct {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import (
ctxu ""
storagedriver ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import (
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package storage
import (
storagedriver ""
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import (
storagedriver ""
// tagStore provides methods to manage manifest tags in a backend storage driver.
Add table
Reference in a new issue