# Ceph RADOS storage driver An implementation of the `storagedriver.StorageDriver` interface which uses [Ceph RADOS Object Storage][rados] for storage backend. ## Parameters
Parameter Required Description
poolname yes Ceph pool name.
username no Ceph cluster user to connect as (i.e. admin, not client.admin).
chunksize no Size of the written RADOS objects. Default value is 4MB (4194304).
The following parameters must be used to configure the storage driver (case-sensitive): * `poolname`: Name of the Ceph pool * `username` *optional*: The user to connect as (i.e. admin, not client.admin) * `chunksize` *optional*: Size of the written RADOS objects. Default value is 4MB (4194304). This drivers loads the [Ceph client configuration][rados-config] from the following regular paths (the first found is used): * `$CEPH_CONF` (environment variable) * `/etc/ceph/ceph.conf` * `~/.ceph/config` * `ceph.conf` (in the current working directory) ## Developing To include this driver when building Docker Distribution, use the build tag `include_rados`. Please see the [building documentation][building] for details. [rados]: http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/ [rados-config]: http://ceph.com/docs/master/rados/configuration/ceph-conf/ [building]: https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/docs/building.md#optional-build-tags