package gorelic import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "os" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) const linuxSystemQueryInterval = 60 // Number of goroutines metrica type noGoroutinesMetrica struct{} func (metrica *noGoroutinesMetrica) GetName() string { return "Runtime/General/NOGoroutines" } func (metrica *noGoroutinesMetrica) GetUnits() string { return "goroutines" } func (metrica *noGoroutinesMetrica) GetValue() (float64, error) { return float64(runtime.NumGoroutine()), nil } // Number of CGO calls metrica type noCgoCallsMetrica struct { lastValue int64 } func (metrica *noCgoCallsMetrica) GetName() string { return "Runtime/General/NOCgoCalls" } func (metrica *noCgoCallsMetrica) GetUnits() string { return "calls" } func (metrica *noCgoCallsMetrica) GetValue() (float64, error) { currentValue := runtime.NumCgoCall() value := float64(currentValue - metrica.lastValue) metrica.lastValue = currentValue return value, nil } //OS specific metrics data source interface type iSystemMetricaDataSource interface { GetValue(key string) (float64, error) } // iSystemMetricaDataSource fabrica func newSystemMetricaDataSource() iSystemMetricaDataSource { var ds iSystemMetricaDataSource switch runtime.GOOS { default: ds = &systemMetricaDataSource{} case "linux": ds = &linuxSystemMetricaDataSource{ systemData: make(map[string]string), } } return ds } //Default implementation of iSystemMetricaDataSource. Just return an error type systemMetricaDataSource struct{} func (ds *systemMetricaDataSource) GetValue(key string) (float64, error) { return 0, fmt.Errorf("this metrica was not implemented yet for %s", runtime.GOOS) } // Linux OS implementation of ISystemMetricaDataSource type linuxSystemMetricaDataSource struct { lastUpdate time.Time systemData map[string]string } func (ds *linuxSystemMetricaDataSource) GetValue(key string) (float64, error) { if err := ds.checkAndUpdateData(); err != nil { return 0, err } else if val, ok := ds.systemData[key]; !ok { return 0, fmt.Errorf("system data with key %s was not found", key) } else if key == "VmSize" || key == "VmPeak" || key == "VmHWM" || key == "VmRSS" { valueParts := strings.Split(val, " ") if len(valueParts) != 2 { return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid format for value %s", key) } valConverted, err := strconv.ParseFloat(valueParts[0], 64) if err != nil { return 0, err } switch valueParts[1] { case "kB": valConverted *= 1 << 10 case "mB": valConverted *= 1 << 20 case "gB": valConverted *= 1 << 30 } return valConverted, nil } else if valConverted, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64); err != nil { return valConverted, nil } else { return valConverted, nil } } func (ds *linuxSystemMetricaDataSource) checkAndUpdateData() error { startTime := time.Now() if startTime.Sub(ds.lastUpdate) > time.Second*linuxSystemQueryInterval { path := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/status", os.Getpid()) rawStats, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path) if err != nil { return err } lines := strings.Split(string(rawStats), "\n") for _, line := range lines { parts := strings.Split(line, ":") if len(parts) == 2 { k := strings.TrimSpace(parts[0]) v := strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]) ds.systemData[k] = v } } ds.lastUpdate = startTime } return nil } // OS specific metrica type systemMetrica struct { sourceKey string newrelicName string units string dataSource iSystemMetricaDataSource } func (metrica *systemMetrica) GetName() string { return metrica.newrelicName } func (metrica *systemMetrica) GetUnits() string { return metrica.units } func (metrica *systemMetrica) GetValue() (float64, error) { return metrica.dataSource.GetValue(metrica.sourceKey) } func addRuntimeMericsToComponent(component newrelic_platform_go.IComponent) { component.AddMetrica(&noGoroutinesMetrica{}) component.AddMetrica(&noCgoCallsMetrica{}) ds := newSystemMetricaDataSource() metrics := []*systemMetrica{ &systemMetrica{ sourceKey: "Threads", units: "Threads", newrelicName: "Runtime/System/Threads", }, &systemMetrica{ sourceKey: "FDSize", units: "fd", newrelicName: "Runtime/System/FDSize", }, // Peak virtual memory size &systemMetrica{ sourceKey: "VmPeak", units: "bytes", newrelicName: "Runtime/System/Memory/VmPeakSize", }, //Virtual memory size &systemMetrica{ sourceKey: "VmSize", units: "bytes", newrelicName: "Runtime/System/Memory/VmCurrent", }, //Peak resident set size &systemMetrica{ sourceKey: "VmHWM", units: "bytes", newrelicName: "Runtime/System/Memory/RssPeak", }, //Resident set size &systemMetrica{ sourceKey: "VmRSS", units: "bytes", newrelicName: "Runtime/System/Memory/RssCurrent", }, } for _, m := range metrics { m.dataSource = ds component.AddMetrica(m) } }