package client import ( "bytes" "crypto/rand" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func testServer(rrm testutil.RequestResponseMap) (string, func()) { h := testutil.NewHandler(rrm) s := httptest.NewServer(h) return s.URL, s.Close } func newRandomBlob(size int) (digest.Digest, []byte) { b := make([]byte, size) if n, err := rand.Read(b); err != nil { panic(err) } else if n != size { panic("unable to read enough bytes") } dgst, err := digest.FromBytes(b) if err != nil { panic(err) } return dgst, b } func addTestFetch(repo string, dgst digest.Digest, content []byte, m *testutil.RequestResponseMap) { *m = append(*m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: content, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) *m = append(*m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "HEAD", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) } func addTestCatalog(route string, content []byte, link string, m *testutil.RequestResponseMap) { headers := map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {strconv.Itoa(len(content))}, "Content-Type": {"application/json; charset=utf-8"}, } if link != "" { headers["Link"] = append(headers["Link"], link) } *m = append(*m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: route, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: content, Headers: http.Header(headers), }, }) } func TestBlobDelete(t *testing.T) { dgst, _ := newRandomBlob(1024) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap repo := "" m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "DELETE", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() ctx := context.Background() r, err := NewRepository(ctx, repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } l := r.Blobs(ctx) err = l.Delete(ctx, dgst) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Error deleting blob: %s", err.Error()) } } func TestBlobFetch(t *testing.T) { d1, b1 := newRandomBlob(1024) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap addTestFetch("", d1, b1, &m) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() ctx := context.Background() r, err := NewRepository(ctx, "", e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } l := r.Blobs(ctx) b, err := l.Get(ctx, d1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if bytes.Compare(b, b1) != 0 { t.Fatalf("Wrong bytes values fetched: [%d]byte != [%d]byte", len(b), len(b1)) } // TODO(dmcgowan): Test for unknown blob case } func TestBlobExistsNoContentLength(t *testing.T) { var m testutil.RequestResponseMap repo := "biff" dgst, content := newRandomBlob(1024) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: content, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ // "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "HEAD", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ // "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() ctx := context.Background() r, err := NewRepository(ctx, repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } l := r.Blobs(ctx) _, err = l.Stat(ctx, dgst) if err == nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "missing content-length heade") { t.Fatalf("Expected missing content-length error message") } } func TestBlobExists(t *testing.T) { d1, b1 := newRandomBlob(1024) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap addTestFetch("", d1, b1, &m) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() ctx := context.Background() r, err := NewRepository(ctx, "", e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } l := r.Blobs(ctx) stat, err := l.Stat(ctx, d1) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if stat.Digest != d1 { t.Fatalf("Unexpected digest: %s, expected %s", stat.Digest, d1) } if stat.Size != int64(len(b1)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected length: %d, expected %d", stat.Size, len(b1)) } // TODO(dmcgowan): Test error cases and ErrBlobUnknown case } func TestBlobUploadChunked(t *testing.T) { dgst, b1 := newRandomBlob(1024) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap chunks := [][]byte{ b1[0:256], b1[256:512], b1[512:513], b1[513:1024], } repo := "" uuids := []string{uuid.Generate().String()} m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "POST", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/", }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Location": {"/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uuids[0]}, "Docker-Upload-UUID": {uuids[0]}, "Range": {"0-0"}, }), }, }) offset := 0 for i, chunk := range chunks { uuids = append(uuids, uuid.Generate().String()) newOffset := offset + len(chunk) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "PATCH", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uuids[i], Body: chunk, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Location": {"/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uuids[i+1]}, "Docker-Upload-UUID": {uuids[i+1]}, "Range": {fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", offset, newOffset-1)}, }), }, }) offset = newOffset } m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "PUT", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uuids[len(uuids)-1], QueryParams: map[string][]string{ "digest": {dgst.String()}, }, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Docker-Content-Digest": {dgst.String()}, "Content-Range": {fmt.Sprintf("0-%d", offset-1)}, }), }, }) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "HEAD", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(offset)}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() ctx := context.Background() r, err := NewRepository(ctx, repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } l := r.Blobs(ctx) upload, err := l.Create(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if upload.ID() != uuids[0] { log.Fatalf("Unexpected UUID %s; expected %s", upload.ID(), uuids[0]) } for _, chunk := range chunks { n, err := upload.Write(chunk) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if n != len(chunk) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected length returned from write: %d; expected: %d", n, len(chunk)) } } blob, err := upload.Commit(ctx, distribution.Descriptor{ Digest: dgst, Size: int64(len(b1)), }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if blob.Size != int64(len(b1)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected blob size: %d; expected: %d", blob.Size, len(b1)) } } func TestBlobUploadMonolithic(t *testing.T) { dgst, b1 := newRandomBlob(1024) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap repo := "" uploadID := uuid.Generate().String() m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "POST", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/", }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Location": {"/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uploadID}, "Docker-Upload-UUID": {uploadID}, "Range": {"0-0"}, }), }, }) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "PATCH", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uploadID, Body: b1, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Location": {"/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uploadID}, "Docker-Upload-UUID": {uploadID}, "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Docker-Content-Digest": {dgst.String()}, "Range": {fmt.Sprintf("0-%d", len(b1)-1)}, }), }, }) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "PUT", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/uploads/" + uploadID, QueryParams: map[string][]string{ "digest": {dgst.String()}, }, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusCreated, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Docker-Content-Digest": {dgst.String()}, "Content-Range": {fmt.Sprintf("0-%d", len(b1)-1)}, }), }, }) m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "HEAD", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/blobs/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(b1))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() ctx := context.Background() r, err := NewRepository(ctx, repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } l := r.Blobs(ctx) upload, err := l.Create(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if upload.ID() != uploadID { log.Fatalf("Unexpected UUID %s; expected %s", upload.ID(), uploadID) } n, err := upload.ReadFrom(bytes.NewReader(b1)) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if n != int64(len(b1)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected ReadFrom length: %d; expected: %d", n, len(b1)) } blob, err := upload.Commit(ctx, distribution.Descriptor{ Digest: dgst, Size: int64(len(b1)), }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if blob.Size != int64(len(b1)) { t.Fatalf("Unexpected blob size: %d; expected: %d", blob.Size, len(b1)) } } func newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(name, tag string, blobCount int) (*schema1.SignedManifest, digest.Digest, []byte) { blobs := make([]schema1.FSLayer, blobCount) history := make([]schema1.History, blobCount) for i := 0; i < blobCount; i++ { dgst, blob := newRandomBlob((i % 5) * 16) blobs[i] = schema1.FSLayer{BlobSum: dgst} history[i] = schema1.History{V1Compatibility: fmt.Sprintf("{\"Hex\": \"%x\"}", blob)} } m := schema1.Manifest{ Name: name, Tag: tag, Architecture: "x86", FSLayers: blobs, History: history, Versioned: manifest.Versioned{ SchemaVersion: 1, }, } pk, err := libtrust.GenerateECP256PrivateKey() if err != nil { panic(err) } sm, err := schema1.Sign(&m, pk) if err != nil { panic(err) } p, err := sm.Payload() if err != nil { panic(err) } dgst, err := digest.FromBytes(p) if err != nil { panic(err) } return sm, dgst, p } func addTestManifestWithEtag(repo, reference string, content []byte, m *testutil.RequestResponseMap, dgst string) { actualDigest, _ := digest.FromBytes(content) getReqWithEtag := testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/" + reference, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "If-None-Match": {fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, dgst)}, }), } var getRespWithEtag testutil.Response if actualDigest.String() == dgst { getRespWithEtag = testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusNotModified, Body: []byte{}, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), } } else { getRespWithEtag = testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: content, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), } } *m = append(*m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{Request: getReqWithEtag, Response: getRespWithEtag}) } func addTestManifest(repo, reference string, content []byte, m *testutil.RequestResponseMap) { *m = append(*m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/" + reference, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: content, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) *m = append(*m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "HEAD", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/" + reference, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(content))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) } func checkEqualManifest(m1, m2 *schema1.SignedManifest) error { if m1.Name != m2.Name { return fmt.Errorf("name does not match %q != %q", m1.Name, m2.Name) } if m1.Tag != m2.Tag { return fmt.Errorf("tag does not match %q != %q", m1.Tag, m2.Tag) } if len(m1.FSLayers) != len(m2.FSLayers) { return fmt.Errorf("fs blob length does not match %d != %d", len(m1.FSLayers), len(m2.FSLayers)) } for i := range m1.FSLayers { if m1.FSLayers[i].BlobSum != m2.FSLayers[i].BlobSum { return fmt.Errorf("blobsum does not match %q != %q", m1.FSLayers[i].BlobSum, m2.FSLayers[i].BlobSum) } } if len(m1.History) != len(m2.History) { return fmt.Errorf("history length does not match %d != %d", len(m1.History), len(m2.History)) } for i := range m1.History { if m1.History[i].V1Compatibility != m2.History[i].V1Compatibility { return fmt.Errorf("blobsum does not match %q != %q", m1.History[i].V1Compatibility, m2.History[i].V1Compatibility) } } return nil } func TestManifestFetch(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() repo := "" m1, dgst, _ := newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(repo, "latest", 6) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap addTestManifest(repo, dgst.String(), m1.Raw, &m) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() r, err := NewRepository(context.Background(), repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ms, err := r.Manifests(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ok, err := ms.Exists(dgst) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !ok { t.Fatal("Manifest does not exist") } manifest, err := ms.Get(dgst) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := checkEqualManifest(manifest, m1); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestManifestFetchWithEtag(t *testing.T) { repo := "" _, d1, p1 := newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(repo, "latest", 6) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap addTestManifestWithEtag(repo, "latest", p1, &m, d1.String()) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() r, err := NewRepository(context.Background(), repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() ms, err := r.Manifests(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = ms.GetByTag("latest", AddEtagToTag("latest", d1.String())) if err != distribution.ErrManifestNotModified { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestManifestDelete(t *testing.T) { repo := "" _, dgst1, _ := newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(repo, "latest", 6) _, dgst2, _ := newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(repo, "latest", 6) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "DELETE", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/" + dgst1.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() r, err := NewRepository(context.Background(), repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() ms, err := r.Manifests(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := ms.Delete(dgst1); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := ms.Delete(dgst2); err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error deleting unknown manifest") } // TODO(dmcgowan): Check for specific unknown error } func TestManifestPut(t *testing.T) { repo := "" m1, dgst, _ := newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(repo, "other", 6) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "PUT", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/other", Body: m1.Raw, }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusAccepted, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {"0"}, "Docker-Content-Digest": {dgst.String()}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() r, err := NewRepository(context.Background(), repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() ms, err := r.Manifests(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if err := ms.Put(m1); err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // TODO(dmcgowan): Check for invalid input error } func TestManifestTags(t *testing.T) { repo := "" tagsList := []byte(strings.TrimSpace(` { "name": "", "tags": [ "tag1", "tag2", "funtag" ] } `)) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/tags/list", }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusOK, Body: tagsList, Headers: http.Header(map[string][]string{ "Content-Length": {fmt.Sprint(len(tagsList))}, "Last-Modified": {time.Now().Add(-1 * time.Second).Format(time.ANSIC)}, }), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() r, err := NewRepository(context.Background(), repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() ms, err := r.Manifests(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } tags, err := ms.Tags() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(tags) != 3 { t.Fatalf("Wrong number of tags returned: %d, expected 3", len(tags)) } // TODO(dmcgowan): Check array // TODO(dmcgowan): Check for error cases } func TestManifestUnauthorized(t *testing.T) { repo := "" _, dgst, _ := newRandomSchemaV1Manifest(repo, "latest", 6) var m testutil.RequestResponseMap m = append(m, testutil.RequestResponseMapping{ Request: testutil.Request{ Method: "GET", Route: "/v2/" + repo + "/manifests/" + dgst.String(), }, Response: testutil.Response{ StatusCode: http.StatusUnauthorized, Body: []byte("garbage"), }, }) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() r, err := NewRepository(context.Background(), repo, e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() ms, err := r.Manifests(ctx) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } _, err = ms.Get(dgst) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Expected error fetching manifest") } v2Err, ok := err.(errcode.Error) if !ok { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error type: %#v", err) } if v2Err.Code != errcode.ErrorCodeUnauthorized { t.Fatalf("Unexpected error code: %s", v2Err.Code.String()) } if expected := errcode.ErrorCodeUnauthorized.Message(); v2Err.Message != expected { t.Fatalf("Unexpected message value: %q, expected %q", v2Err.Message, expected) } } func TestCatalog(t *testing.T) { var m testutil.RequestResponseMap addTestCatalog( "/v2/_catalog?n=5", []byte("{\"repositories\":[\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\"]}"), "", &m) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() entries := make([]string, 5) r, err := NewRegistry(context.Background(), e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() numFilled, err := r.Repositories(ctx, entries, "") if err != io.EOF { t.Fatal(err) } if numFilled != 3 { t.Fatalf("Got wrong number of repos") } } func TestCatalogInParts(t *testing.T) { var m testutil.RequestResponseMap addTestCatalog( "/v2/_catalog?n=2", []byte("{\"repositories\":[\"bar\", \"baz\"]}"), "", &m) addTestCatalog( "/v2/_catalog?last=baz&n=2", []byte("{\"repositories\":[\"foo\"]}"), "", &m) e, c := testServer(m) defer c() entries := make([]string, 2) r, err := NewRegistry(context.Background(), e, nil) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } ctx := context.Background() numFilled, err := r.Repositories(ctx, entries, "") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if numFilled != 2 { t.Fatalf("Got wrong number of repos") } numFilled, err = r.Repositories(ctx, entries, "baz") if err != io.EOF { t.Fatal(err) } if numFilled != 1 { t.Fatalf("Got wrong number of repos") } } func TestSanitizeLocation(t *testing.T) { for _, testcase := range []struct { description string location string source string expected string err error }{ { description: "ensure relative location correctly resolved", location: "/v2/foo/baasdf", source: "", expected: "", }, { description: "ensure parameters are preserved", location: "/v2/foo/baasdf?_state=asdfasfdasdfasdf&digest=foo", source: "", expected: "", }, { description: "ensure new hostname overidden", location: "", source: "", expected: "", }, } { fatalf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) { t.Fatalf(testcase.description+": "+format, args...) } s, err := sanitizeLocation(testcase.location, testcase.source) if err != testcase.err { if testcase.err != nil { fatalf("expected error: %v != %v", err, testcase) } else { fatalf("unexpected error sanitizing: %v", err) } } if s != testcase.expected { fatalf("bad sanitize: %q != %q", s, testcase.expected) } } }