#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")" # Root directory of Distribution DISTRIBUTION_ROOT=$(cd ../..; pwd -P) volumeMount="" if [ "$DOCKER_VOLUME" != "" ]; then volumeMount="-v ${DOCKER_VOLUME}:/var/lib/docker" fi # Image containing the integration tests environment. INTEGRATION_IMAGE=${INTEGRATION_IMAGE:-distribution/docker-integration} # Make sure we upgrade the integration environment. # Not yet on hub, run `docker build -t distribution/docker-integration .` #docker pull $INTEGRATION_IMAGE # Start the integration tests in a Docker container. ID=$(docker run -d -t --privileged $volumeMount \ -v ${DISTRIBUTION_ROOT}:/go/src/github.com/docker/distribution \ -e "DOCKER_VERSION=$DOCKER_VERSION" \ -e "STORAGE_DRIVER=$STORAGE_DRIVER" \ -e "EXEC_DRIVER=$EXEC_DRIVER" \ ${INTEGRATION_IMAGE} \ ./test_runner.sh "$@") # Clean it up when we exit. trap "docker rm -f -v $ID > /dev/null" EXIT docker logs -f $ID