# DEP #X: Awesome proposal ## Scope This is related to "Foo" (eg: authentication/storage/extension/...). ## Abstract This proposal suggests to add support for "bar". ## User stories "I'm a Hub user, and 'bar' allows me to do baz1" "I'm a FOSS user running my private registry and 'bar' allows me to do baz2" "I'm a company running the registry and 'bar' allows me to do baz3" ## Technology pre-requisites 'bar' can be implemented using: * foobar approach * barfoo concurrent approach ## Dependencies Project depends on baz to be completed (eg: docker engine support, or another registry proposal). ## Technical proposal We are going to do foofoo alongside with some chunks of barbaz. ## Roadmap * YYYY-MM-DD: proposal submitted * YYYY-MM-DD: proposal reviewed and updated * YYYY-MM-DD: implementation started (WIP PR) * YYYY-MM-DD: implementation complete ready for thorough review * YYYY-MM-DD: final PR version * YYYY-MM-DD: implementation merged ## Editors Editors: * my Company, or maybe just me Implementors: * me and my buddies * another team working on a different approach