package health

import (


// Registers global /debug/health api endpoint, creates default registry
func init() {
	DefaultRegistry = NewRegistry()
	http.HandleFunc("/debug/health", StatusHandler)

// A Registry is a collection of checks. Most applications will use the global
// registry defined in DefaultRegistry. However, unit tests may need to create
// separate registries to isolate themselves from other tests.
type Registry struct {
	mu               sync.RWMutex
	registeredChecks map[string]Checker

// NewRegistry creates a new registry. This isn't necessary for normal use of
// the package, but may be useful for unit tests so individual tests have their
// own set of checks.
func NewRegistry() *Registry {
	return &Registry{
		registeredChecks: make(map[string]Checker),

// DefaultRegistry is the default registry where checks are registered. It is
// the registry used by the HTTP handler.
var DefaultRegistry *Registry

// Checker is the interface for a Health Checker
type Checker interface {
	// Check returns nil if the service is okay.
	Check(context.Context) error

// CheckFunc is a convenience type to create functions that implement
// the Checker interface
type CheckFunc func(context.Context) error

// Check Implements the Checker interface to allow for any func() error method
// to be passed as a Checker
func (cf CheckFunc) Check(ctx context.Context) error {
	return cf(ctx)

// Updater implements a health check that is explicitly set.
type Updater interface {

	// Update updates the current status of the health check.
	Update(status error)

// updater implements Checker and Updater, providing an asynchronous Update
// method.
// This allows us to have a Checker that returns the Check() call immediately
// not blocking on a potentially expensive check.
type updater struct {
	mu     sync.Mutex
	status error

// Check implements the Checker interface
func (u *updater) Check(context.Context) error {

	return u.status

// Update implements the Updater interface, allowing asynchronous access to
// the status of a Checker.
func (u *updater) Update(status error) {

	u.status = status

// NewStatusUpdater returns a new updater
func NewStatusUpdater() Updater {
	return &updater{}

// thresholdUpdater implements Checker and Updater, providing an asynchronous Update
// method.
// This allows us to have a Checker that returns the Check() call immediately
// not blocking on a potentially expensive check.
type thresholdUpdater struct {
	mu        sync.Mutex
	status    error
	threshold int
	count     int

// Check implements the Checker interface
func (tu *thresholdUpdater) Check(context.Context) error {

	if tu.count >= tu.threshold || errors.As(tu.status, new(pollingTerminatedErr)) {
		return tu.status

	return nil

// thresholdUpdater implements the Updater interface, allowing asynchronous
// access to the status of a Checker.
func (tu *thresholdUpdater) Update(status error) {

	if status == nil {
		tu.count = 0
	} else if tu.count < tu.threshold {

	tu.status = status

// NewThresholdStatusUpdater returns a new thresholdUpdater
func NewThresholdStatusUpdater(t int) Updater {
	if t > 0 {
		return &thresholdUpdater{threshold: t}
	return NewStatusUpdater()

type pollingTerminatedErr struct{ Err error }

func (e pollingTerminatedErr) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("health: check is not polled: %v", e.Err)

func (e pollingTerminatedErr) Unwrap() error { return e.Err }

// Poll periodically polls the checker c at interval and updates the updater u
// with the result. The checker is called with ctx as the context. When ctx is
// done, Poll updates the updater with ctx.Err() and returns.
func Poll(ctx context.Context, u Updater, c Checker, interval time.Duration) {
	t := time.NewTicker(interval)
	defer t.Stop()
	for {
		select {
		case <-ctx.Done():
			u.Update(pollingTerminatedErr{Err: ctx.Err()})
		case <-t.C:

// CheckStatus returns a map with all the current health check errors
func (registry *Registry) CheckStatus(ctx context.Context) map[string]string { // TODO(stevvooe) this needs a proper type
	statusKeys := make(map[string]string)
	for k, v := range registry.registeredChecks {
		err := v.Check(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			statusKeys[k] = err.Error()

	return statusKeys

// CheckStatus returns a map with all the current health check errors from the
// default registry.
func CheckStatus(ctx context.Context) map[string]string {
	return DefaultRegistry.CheckStatus(ctx)

// Register associates the checker with the provided name.
func (registry *Registry) Register(name string, check Checker) {
	if registry == nil {
		registry = DefaultRegistry
	_, ok := registry.registeredChecks[name]
	if ok {
		panic("Check already exists: " + name)
	registry.registeredChecks[name] = check

// Register associates the checker with the provided name in the default
// registry.
func Register(name string, check Checker) {
	DefaultRegistry.Register(name, check)

// RegisterFunc allows the convenience of registering a checker directly from
// an arbitrary func(context.Context) error.
func (registry *Registry) RegisterFunc(name string, check CheckFunc) {
	registry.Register(name, check)

// RegisterFunc allows the convenience of registering a checker in the default
// registry directly from an arbitrary func(context.Context) error.
func RegisterFunc(name string, check CheckFunc) {
	DefaultRegistry.RegisterFunc(name, check)

// StatusHandler returns a JSON blob with all the currently registered Health Checks
// and their corresponding status.
// Returns 503 if any Error status exists, 200 otherwise
func StatusHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if r.Method == http.MethodGet {
		checks := CheckStatus(r.Context())
		status := http.StatusOK

		// If there is an error, return 503
		if len(checks) != 0 {
			status = http.StatusServiceUnavailable

		statusResponse(w, r, status, checks)
	} else {
		http.NotFound(w, r)

// Handler returns a handler that will return 503 response code if the health
// checks have failed. If everything is okay with the health checks, the
// handler will pass through to the provided handler. Use this handler to
// disable a web application when the health checks fail.
func Handler(handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		checks := CheckStatus(r.Context())
		if len(checks) != 0 {
			// NOTE(milosgajdos): disable errcheck as the error is
			// accessible via /debug/health
			// nolint:errcheck
			errcode.ServeJSON(w, errcode.ErrorCodeUnavailable.
				WithDetail("health check failed: please see /debug/health"))

		handler.ServeHTTP(w, r) // pass through

// statusResponse completes the request with a response describing the health
// of the service.
func statusResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, status int, checks map[string]string) {
	p, err := json.Marshal(checks)
	if err != nil {
		dcontext.GetLogger(r.Context()).Errorf("error serializing health status: %v", err)
		p, err = json.Marshal(struct {
			ServerError string `json:"server_error"`
			ServerError: "Could not parse error message",
		status = http.StatusInternalServerError

		if err != nil {
			dcontext.GetLogger(r.Context()).Errorf("error serializing health status failure message: %v", err)

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprint(len(p)))
	if _, err := w.Write(p); err != nil {
		dcontext.GetLogger(r.Context()).Errorf("error writing health status response body: %v", err)