# Changelog ## 1.0 * Remove the old API: `NewConnWith`, `WithPrefix` and etc and move to a simple `New` function. * Prefix is no longer supported in this package. * Change the Hook structure to have only two members: `logrus.Formatter` and `io.Writer`. ## 0.4 * Update the name of the package from `logrus_logstash` to `logrustash` * Add TimeFormat to Hook * Replace the old logrus package path: `github.com/Sirupsen/logrus` with `github.com/sirupsen/logrus` ## 0.3 * Fix the Logstash format to set `@version` to `"1"` * Add unit-tests to logstash.go * Remove the assert package * Add prefix filtering ## Before that (major changes) * Update LICENSE to MIT from GPL