Derek McGowan a685e3fc98
Replace godep with vndr
Vndr has a simpler configuration and allows pointing to forked
packages. Additionally other docker projects are now using
vndr making vendoring in distribution more consistent.

Updates letsencrypt to use fork.
No longer uses sub-vendored packages.

Signed-off-by: Derek McGowan <derek@mcgstyle.net> (github: dmcgowan)
2016-11-23 15:07:06 -08:00

271 lines
6.8 KiB

//+build ignore
// types_generate.go is meant to run with go generate. It will use
// go/{importer,types} to track down all the RR struct types. Then for each type
// it will generate conversion tables (TypeToRR and TypeToString) and banal
// methods (len, Header, copy) based on the struct tags. The generated source is
// written to ztypes.go, and is meant to be checked into git.
package main
import (
var skipLen = map[string]struct{}{
"NSEC": {},
"NSEC3": {},
"OPT": {},
var packageHdr = `
// *** DO NOT MODIFY ***
// AUTOGENERATED BY go generate from type_generate.go
package dns
import (
var TypeToRR = template.Must(template.New("TypeToRR").Parse(`
// TypeToRR is a map of constructors for each RR type.
var TypeToRR = map[uint16]func() RR{
{{range .}}{{if ne . "RFC3597"}} Type{{.}}: func() RR { return new({{.}}) },
{{end}}{{end}} }
var typeToString = template.Must(template.New("typeToString").Parse(`
// TypeToString is a map of strings for each RR type.
var TypeToString = map[uint16]string{
{{range .}}{{if ne . "NSAPPTR"}} Type{{.}}: "{{.}}",
{{end}}{{end}} TypeNSAPPTR: "NSAP-PTR",
var headerFunc = template.Must(template.New("headerFunc").Parse(`
// Header() functions
{{range .}} func (rr *{{.}}) Header() *RR_Header { return &rr.Hdr }
// getTypeStruct will take a type and the package scope, and return the
// (innermost) struct if the type is considered a RR type (currently defined as
// those structs beginning with a RR_Header, could be redefined as implementing
// the RR interface). The bool return value indicates if embedded structs were
// resolved.
func getTypeStruct(t types.Type, scope *types.Scope) (*types.Struct, bool) {
st, ok := t.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if !ok {
return nil, false
if st.Field(0).Type() == scope.Lookup("RR_Header").Type() {
return st, false
if st.Field(0).Anonymous() {
st, _ := getTypeStruct(st.Field(0).Type(), scope)
return st, true
return nil, false
func main() {
// Import and type-check the package
pkg, err := importer.Default().Import("github.com/miekg/dns")
scope := pkg.Scope()
// Collect constants like TypeX
var numberedTypes []string
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
if o == nil || !o.Exported() {
b, ok := o.Type().(*types.Basic)
if !ok || b.Kind() != types.Uint16 {
if !strings.HasPrefix(o.Name(), "Type") {
name := strings.TrimPrefix(o.Name(), "Type")
if name == "PrivateRR" {
numberedTypes = append(numberedTypes, name)
// Collect actual types (*X)
var namedTypes []string
for _, name := range scope.Names() {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
if o == nil || !o.Exported() {
if st, _ := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope); st == nil {
if name == "PrivateRR" {
// Check if corresponding TypeX exists
if scope.Lookup("Type"+o.Name()) == nil && o.Name() != "RFC3597" {
log.Fatalf("Constant Type%s does not exist.", o.Name())
namedTypes = append(namedTypes, o.Name())
b := &bytes.Buffer{}
// Generate TypeToRR
fatalIfErr(TypeToRR.Execute(b, namedTypes))
// Generate typeToString
fatalIfErr(typeToString.Execute(b, numberedTypes))
// Generate headerFunc
fatalIfErr(headerFunc.Execute(b, namedTypes))
// Generate len()
fmt.Fprint(b, "// len() functions\n")
for _, name := range namedTypes {
if _, ok := skipLen[name]; ok {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
if isEmbedded {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) len() int {\n", name)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "l := rr.Hdr.len()\n")
for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
o := func(s string) { fmt.Fprintf(b, s, st.Field(i).Name()) }
if _, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
switch st.Tag(i) {
case `dns:"-"`:
// ignored
case `dns:"cdomain-name"`, `dns:"domain-name"`, `dns:"txt"`:
o("for _, x := range rr.%s { l += len(x) + 1 }\n")
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
switch {
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"-"`:
// ignored
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"cdomain-name"`, st.Tag(i) == `dns:"domain-name"`:
o("l += len(rr.%s) + 1\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"octet"`:
o("l += len(rr.%s)\n")
case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-base64`):
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"base64"`:
o("l += base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(rr.%s))\n")
case strings.HasPrefix(st.Tag(i), `dns:"size-hex`):
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"hex"`:
o("l += len(rr.%s)/2 + 1\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"a"`:
o("l += net.IPv4len // %s\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"aaaa"`:
o("l += net.IPv6len // %s\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"txt"`:
o("for _, t := range rr.%s { l += len(t) + 1 }\n")
case st.Tag(i) == `dns:"uint48"`:
o("l += 6 // %s\n")
case st.Tag(i) == "":
switch st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Basic).Kind() {
case types.Uint8:
o("l += 1 // %s\n")
case types.Uint16:
o("l += 2 // %s\n")
case types.Uint32:
o("l += 4 // %s\n")
case types.Uint64:
o("l += 8 // %s\n")
case types.String:
o("l += len(rr.%s) + 1\n")
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name())
log.Fatalln(name, st.Field(i).Name(), st.Tag(i))
fmt.Fprintf(b, "return l }\n")
// Generate copy()
fmt.Fprint(b, "// copy() functions\n")
for _, name := range namedTypes {
o := scope.Lookup(name)
st, isEmbedded := getTypeStruct(o.Type(), scope)
if isEmbedded {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "func (rr *%s) copy() RR {\n", name)
fields := []string{"*rr.Hdr.copyHeader()"}
for i := 1; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
f := st.Field(i).Name()
if sl, ok := st.Field(i).Type().(*types.Slice); ok {
t := sl.Underlying().String()
t = strings.TrimPrefix(t, "[]")
if strings.Contains(t, ".") {
splits := strings.Split(t, ".")
t = splits[len(splits)-1]
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s := make([]%s, len(rr.%s)); copy(%s, rr.%s)\n",
f, t, f, f, f)
fields = append(fields, f)
if st.Field(i).Type().String() == "net.IP" {
fields = append(fields, "copyIP(rr."+f+")")
fields = append(fields, "rr."+f)
fmt.Fprintf(b, "return &%s{%s}\n", name, strings.Join(fields, ","))
fmt.Fprintf(b, "}\n")
// gofmt
res, err := format.Source(b.Bytes())
if err != nil {
// write result
f, err := os.Create("ztypes.go")
defer f.Close()
func fatalIfErr(err error) {
if err != nil {