Olivier 0cbe144826
Merge pull request #2602 from dmage/errmessage
Use e.Message field instead of e.Code.Message()
2018-08-09 15:21:32 -07:00

1072 lines
36 KiB

package handlers
import (
cryptorand "crypto/rand"
dcontext "github.com/docker/distribution/context"
prometheus "github.com/docker/distribution/metrics"
registrymiddleware "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/middleware/registry"
repositorymiddleware "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/middleware/repository"
memorycache "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage/cache/memory"
rediscache "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage/cache/redis"
storagedriver "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage/driver"
storagemiddleware "github.com/docker/distribution/registry/storage/driver/middleware"
// randomSecretSize is the number of random bytes to generate if no secret
// was specified.
const randomSecretSize = 32
// defaultCheckInterval is the default time in between health checks
const defaultCheckInterval = 10 * time.Second
// App is a global registry application object. Shared resources can be placed
// on this object that will be accessible from all requests. Any writable
// fields should be protected.
type App struct {
Config *configuration.Configuration
router *mux.Router // main application router, configured with dispatchers
driver storagedriver.StorageDriver // driver maintains the app global storage driver instance.
registry distribution.Namespace // registry is the primary registry backend for the app instance.
repoRemover distribution.RepositoryRemover // repoRemover provides ability to delete repos
accessController auth.AccessController // main access controller for application
// httpHost is a parsed representation of the http.host parameter from
// the configuration. Only the Scheme and Host fields are used.
httpHost url.URL
// events contains notification related configuration.
events struct {
sink notifications.Sink
source notifications.SourceRecord
redis *redis.Pool
// trustKey is a deprecated key used to sign manifests converted to
// schema1 for backward compatibility. It should not be used for any
// other purposes.
trustKey libtrust.PrivateKey
// isCache is true if this registry is configured as a pull through cache
isCache bool
// readOnly is true if the registry is in a read-only maintenance mode
readOnly bool
// NewApp takes a configuration and returns a configured app, ready to serve
// requests. The app only implements ServeHTTP and can be wrapped in other
// handlers accordingly.
func NewApp(ctx context.Context, config *configuration.Configuration) *App {
app := &App{
Config: config,
Context: ctx,
router: v2.RouterWithPrefix(config.HTTP.Prefix),
isCache: config.Proxy.RemoteURL != "",
// Register the handler dispatchers.
app.register(v2.RouteNameBase, func(ctx *Context, r *http.Request) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(apiBase)
app.register(v2.RouteNameManifest, manifestDispatcher)
app.register(v2.RouteNameCatalog, catalogDispatcher)
app.register(v2.RouteNameTags, tagsDispatcher)
app.register(v2.RouteNameBlob, blobDispatcher)
app.register(v2.RouteNameBlobUpload, blobUploadDispatcher)
app.register(v2.RouteNameBlobUploadChunk, blobUploadDispatcher)
// override the storage driver's UA string for registry outbound HTTP requests
storageParams := config.Storage.Parameters()
if storageParams == nil {
storageParams = make(configuration.Parameters)
storageParams["useragent"] = fmt.Sprintf("docker-distribution/%s %s", version.Version, runtime.Version())
var err error
app.driver, err = factory.Create(config.Storage.Type(), storageParams)
if err != nil {
// TODO(stevvooe): Move the creation of a service into a protected
// method, where this is created lazily. Its status can be queried via
// a health check.
purgeConfig := uploadPurgeDefaultConfig()
if mc, ok := config.Storage["maintenance"]; ok {
if v, ok := mc["uploadpurging"]; ok {
purgeConfig, ok = v.(map[interface{}]interface{})
if !ok {
panic("uploadpurging config key must contain additional keys")
if v, ok := mc["readonly"]; ok {
readOnly, ok := v.(map[interface{}]interface{})
if !ok {
panic("readonly config key must contain additional keys")
if readOnlyEnabled, ok := readOnly["enabled"]; ok {
app.readOnly, ok = readOnlyEnabled.(bool)
if !ok {
panic("readonly's enabled config key must have a boolean value")
startUploadPurger(app, app.driver, dcontext.GetLogger(app), purgeConfig)
app.driver, err = applyStorageMiddleware(app.driver, config.Middleware["storage"])
if err != nil {
options := registrymiddleware.GetRegistryOptions()
if config.Compatibility.Schema1.TrustKey != "" {
app.trustKey, err = libtrust.LoadKeyFile(config.Compatibility.Schema1.TrustKey)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`could not load schema1 "signingkey" parameter: %v`, err))
} else {
// Generate an ephemeral key to be used for signing converted manifests
// for clients that don't support schema2.
app.trustKey, err = libtrust.GenerateECP256PrivateKey()
if err != nil {
options = append(options, storage.Schema1SigningKey(app.trustKey))
if config.HTTP.Host != "" {
u, err := url.Parse(config.HTTP.Host)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf(`could not parse http "host" parameter: %v`, err))
app.httpHost = *u
if app.isCache {
options = append(options, storage.DisableDigestResumption)
// configure deletion
if d, ok := config.Storage["delete"]; ok {
e, ok := d["enabled"]
if ok {
if deleteEnabled, ok := e.(bool); ok && deleteEnabled {
options = append(options, storage.EnableDelete)
// configure redirects
var redirectDisabled bool
if redirectConfig, ok := config.Storage["redirect"]; ok {
v := redirectConfig["disable"]
switch v := v.(type) {
case bool:
redirectDisabled = v
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type for redirect config: %#v", redirectConfig))
if redirectDisabled {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("backend redirection disabled")
} else {
options = append(options, storage.EnableRedirect)
if !config.Validation.Enabled {
config.Validation.Enabled = !config.Validation.Disabled
// configure validation
if config.Validation.Enabled {
if len(config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Allow) == 0 && len(config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Deny) == 0 {
// If Allow and Deny are empty, allow nothing.
options = append(options, storage.ManifestURLsAllowRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("^$")))
} else {
if len(config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Allow) > 0 {
for i, s := range config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Allow {
// Validate via compilation.
if _, err := regexp.Compile(s); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("validation.manifests.urls.allow: %s", err))
// Wrap with non-capturing group.
config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Allow[i] = fmt.Sprintf("(?:%s)", s)
re := regexp.MustCompile(strings.Join(config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Allow, "|"))
options = append(options, storage.ManifestURLsAllowRegexp(re))
if len(config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Deny) > 0 {
for i, s := range config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Deny {
// Validate via compilation.
if _, err := regexp.Compile(s); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("validation.manifests.urls.deny: %s", err))
// Wrap with non-capturing group.
config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Deny[i] = fmt.Sprintf("(?:%s)", s)
re := regexp.MustCompile(strings.Join(config.Validation.Manifests.URLs.Deny, "|"))
options = append(options, storage.ManifestURLsDenyRegexp(re))
// configure storage caches
if cc, ok := config.Storage["cache"]; ok {
v, ok := cc["blobdescriptor"]
if !ok {
// Backwards compatible: "layerinfo" == "blobdescriptor"
v = cc["layerinfo"]
switch v {
case "redis":
if app.redis == nil {
panic("redis configuration required to use for layerinfo cache")
cacheProvider := rediscache.NewRedisBlobDescriptorCacheProvider(app.redis)
localOptions := append(options, storage.BlobDescriptorCacheProvider(cacheProvider))
app.registry, err = storage.NewRegistry(app, app.driver, localOptions...)
if err != nil {
panic("could not create registry: " + err.Error())
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("using redis blob descriptor cache")
case "inmemory":
cacheProvider := memorycache.NewInMemoryBlobDescriptorCacheProvider()
localOptions := append(options, storage.BlobDescriptorCacheProvider(cacheProvider))
app.registry, err = storage.NewRegistry(app, app.driver, localOptions...)
if err != nil {
panic("could not create registry: " + err.Error())
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("using inmemory blob descriptor cache")
if v != "" {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Warnf("unknown cache type %q, caching disabled", config.Storage["cache"])
if app.registry == nil {
// configure the registry if no cache section is available.
app.registry, err = storage.NewRegistry(app.Context, app.driver, options...)
if err != nil {
panic("could not create registry: " + err.Error())
app.registry, err = applyRegistryMiddleware(app, app.registry, config.Middleware["registry"])
if err != nil {
authType := config.Auth.Type()
if authType != "" {
accessController, err := auth.GetAccessController(config.Auth.Type(), config.Auth.Parameters())
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to configure authorization (%s): %v", authType, err))
app.accessController = accessController
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Debugf("configured %q access controller", authType)
// configure as a pull through cache
if config.Proxy.RemoteURL != "" {
app.registry, err = proxy.NewRegistryPullThroughCache(ctx, app.registry, app.driver, config.Proxy)
if err != nil {
app.isCache = true
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Info("Registry configured as a proxy cache to ", config.Proxy.RemoteURL)
var ok bool
app.repoRemover, ok = app.registry.(distribution.RepositoryRemover)
if !ok {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Warnf("Registry does not implement RempositoryRemover. Will not be able to delete repos and tags")
return app
// RegisterHealthChecks is an awful hack to defer health check registration
// control to callers. This should only ever be called once per registry
// process, typically in a main function. The correct way would be register
// health checks outside of app, since multiple apps may exist in the same
// process. Because the configuration and app are tightly coupled,
// implementing this properly will require a refactor. This method may panic
// if called twice in the same process.
func (app *App) RegisterHealthChecks(healthRegistries ...*health.Registry) {
if len(healthRegistries) > 1 {
panic("RegisterHealthChecks called with more than one registry")
healthRegistry := health.DefaultRegistry
if len(healthRegistries) == 1 {
healthRegistry = healthRegistries[0]
if app.Config.Health.StorageDriver.Enabled {
interval := app.Config.Health.StorageDriver.Interval
if interval == 0 {
interval = defaultCheckInterval
storageDriverCheck := func() error {
_, err := app.driver.Stat(app, "/") // "/" should always exist
if _, ok := err.(storagedriver.PathNotFoundError); ok {
err = nil // pass this through, backend is responding, but this path doesn't exist.
return err
if app.Config.Health.StorageDriver.Threshold != 0 {
healthRegistry.RegisterPeriodicThresholdFunc("storagedriver_"+app.Config.Storage.Type(), interval, app.Config.Health.StorageDriver.Threshold, storageDriverCheck)
} else {
healthRegistry.RegisterPeriodicFunc("storagedriver_"+app.Config.Storage.Type(), interval, storageDriverCheck)
for _, fileChecker := range app.Config.Health.FileCheckers {
interval := fileChecker.Interval
if interval == 0 {
interval = defaultCheckInterval
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("configuring file health check path=%s, interval=%d", fileChecker.File, interval/time.Second)
healthRegistry.Register(fileChecker.File, health.PeriodicChecker(checks.FileChecker(fileChecker.File), interval))
for _, httpChecker := range app.Config.Health.HTTPCheckers {
interval := httpChecker.Interval
if interval == 0 {
interval = defaultCheckInterval
statusCode := httpChecker.StatusCode
if statusCode == 0 {
statusCode = 200
checker := checks.HTTPChecker(httpChecker.URI, statusCode, httpChecker.Timeout, httpChecker.Headers)
if httpChecker.Threshold != 0 {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("configuring HTTP health check uri=%s, interval=%d, threshold=%d", httpChecker.URI, interval/time.Second, httpChecker.Threshold)
healthRegistry.Register(httpChecker.URI, health.PeriodicThresholdChecker(checker, interval, httpChecker.Threshold))
} else {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("configuring HTTP health check uri=%s, interval=%d", httpChecker.URI, interval/time.Second)
healthRegistry.Register(httpChecker.URI, health.PeriodicChecker(checker, interval))
for _, tcpChecker := range app.Config.Health.TCPCheckers {
interval := tcpChecker.Interval
if interval == 0 {
interval = defaultCheckInterval
checker := checks.TCPChecker(tcpChecker.Addr, tcpChecker.Timeout)
if tcpChecker.Threshold != 0 {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("configuring TCP health check addr=%s, interval=%d, threshold=%d", tcpChecker.Addr, interval/time.Second, tcpChecker.Threshold)
healthRegistry.Register(tcpChecker.Addr, health.PeriodicThresholdChecker(checker, interval, tcpChecker.Threshold))
} else {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("configuring TCP health check addr=%s, interval=%d", tcpChecker.Addr, interval/time.Second)
healthRegistry.Register(tcpChecker.Addr, health.PeriodicChecker(checker, interval))
// register a handler with the application, by route name. The handler will be
// passed through the application filters and context will be constructed at
// request time.
func (app *App) register(routeName string, dispatch dispatchFunc) {
handler := app.dispatcher(dispatch)
// Chain the handler with prometheus instrumented handler
if app.Config.HTTP.Debug.Prometheus.Enabled {
namespace := metrics.NewNamespace(prometheus.NamespacePrefix, "http", nil)
httpMetrics := namespace.NewDefaultHttpMetrics(strings.Replace(routeName, "-", "_", -1))
handler = metrics.InstrumentHandler(httpMetrics, handler)
// TODO(stevvooe): This odd dispatcher/route registration is by-product of
// some limitations in the gorilla/mux router. We are using it to keep
// routing consistent between the client and server, but we may want to
// replace it with manual routing and structure-based dispatch for better
// control over the request execution.
// configureEvents prepares the event sink for action.
func (app *App) configureEvents(configuration *configuration.Configuration) {
// Configure all of the endpoint sinks.
var sinks []notifications.Sink
for _, endpoint := range configuration.Notifications.Endpoints {
if endpoint.Disabled {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("endpoint %s disabled, skipping", endpoint.Name)
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("configuring endpoint %v (%v), timeout=%s, headers=%v", endpoint.Name, endpoint.URL, endpoint.Timeout, endpoint.Headers)
endpoint := notifications.NewEndpoint(endpoint.Name, endpoint.URL, notifications.EndpointConfig{
Timeout: endpoint.Timeout,
Threshold: endpoint.Threshold,
Backoff: endpoint.Backoff,
Headers: endpoint.Headers,
IgnoredMediaTypes: endpoint.IgnoredMediaTypes,
Ignore: endpoint.Ignore,
sinks = append(sinks, endpoint)
// NOTE(stevvooe): Moving to a new queuing implementation is as easy as
// replacing broadcaster with a rabbitmq implementation. It's recommended
// that the registry instances also act as the workers to keep deployment
// simple.
app.events.sink = notifications.NewBroadcaster(sinks...)
// Populate registry event source
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
hostname = configuration.HTTP.Addr
} else {
// try to pick the port off the config
_, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(configuration.HTTP.Addr)
if err == nil {
hostname = net.JoinHostPort(hostname, port)
app.events.source = notifications.SourceRecord{
Addr: hostname,
InstanceID: dcontext.GetStringValue(app, "instance.id"),
type redisStartAtKey struct{}
func (app *App) configureRedis(configuration *configuration.Configuration) {
if configuration.Redis.Addr == "" {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Infof("redis not configured")
pool := &redis.Pool{
Dial: func() (redis.Conn, error) {
// TODO(stevvooe): Yet another use case for contextual timing.
ctx := context.WithValue(app, redisStartAtKey{}, time.Now())
done := func(err error) {
logger := dcontext.GetLoggerWithField(ctx, "redis.connect.duration",
dcontext.Since(ctx, redisStartAtKey{}))
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("redis: error connecting: %v", err)
} else {
logger.Infof("redis: connect %v", configuration.Redis.Addr)
conn, err := redis.DialTimeout("tcp",
if err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Errorf("error connecting to redis instance %s: %v",
configuration.Redis.Addr, err)
return nil, err
// authorize the connection
if configuration.Redis.Password != "" {
if _, err = conn.Do("AUTH", configuration.Redis.Password); err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
return nil, err
// select the database to use
if configuration.Redis.DB != 0 {
if _, err = conn.Do("SELECT", configuration.Redis.DB); err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
return nil, err
return conn, nil
MaxIdle: configuration.Redis.Pool.MaxIdle,
MaxActive: configuration.Redis.Pool.MaxActive,
IdleTimeout: configuration.Redis.Pool.IdleTimeout,
TestOnBorrow: func(c redis.Conn, t time.Time) error {
// TODO(stevvooe): We can probably do something more interesting
// here with the health package.
_, err := c.Do("PING")
return err
Wait: false, // if a connection is not avialable, proceed without cache.
app.redis = pool
// setup expvar
registry := expvar.Get("registry")
if registry == nil {
registry = expvar.NewMap("registry")
registry.(*expvar.Map).Set("redis", expvar.Func(func() interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"Config": configuration.Redis,
"Active": app.redis.ActiveCount(),
// configureLogHook prepares logging hook parameters.
func (app *App) configureLogHook(configuration *configuration.Configuration) {
entry, ok := dcontext.GetLogger(app).(*logrus.Entry)
if !ok {
// somehow, we are not using logrus
logger := entry.Logger
for _, configHook := range configuration.Log.Hooks {
if !configHook.Disabled {
switch configHook.Type {
case "mail":
hook := &logHook{}
hook.LevelsParam = configHook.Levels
hook.Mail = &mailer{
Addr: configHook.MailOptions.SMTP.Addr,
Username: configHook.MailOptions.SMTP.Username,
Password: configHook.MailOptions.SMTP.Password,
Insecure: configHook.MailOptions.SMTP.Insecure,
From: configHook.MailOptions.From,
To: configHook.MailOptions.To,
// configureSecret creates a random secret if a secret wasn't included in the
// configuration.
func (app *App) configureSecret(configuration *configuration.Configuration) {
if configuration.HTTP.Secret == "" {
var secretBytes [randomSecretSize]byte
if _, err := cryptorand.Read(secretBytes[:]); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not generate random bytes for HTTP secret: %v", err))
configuration.HTTP.Secret = string(secretBytes[:])
dcontext.GetLogger(app).Warn("No HTTP secret provided - generated random secret. This may cause problems with uploads if multiple registries are behind a load-balancer. To provide a shared secret, fill in http.secret in the configuration file or set the REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET environment variable.")
func (app *App) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer r.Body.Close() // ensure that request body is always closed.
// Prepare the context with our own little decorations.
ctx := r.Context()
ctx = dcontext.WithRequest(ctx, r)
ctx, w = dcontext.WithResponseWriter(ctx, w)
ctx = dcontext.WithLogger(ctx, dcontext.GetRequestLogger(ctx))
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
defer func() {
status, ok := ctx.Value("http.response.status").(int)
if ok && status >= 200 && status <= 399 {
dcontext.GetResponseLogger(r.Context()).Infof("response completed")
// Set a header with the Docker Distribution API Version for all responses.
w.Header().Add("Docker-Distribution-API-Version", "registry/2.0")
app.router.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// dispatchFunc takes a context and request and returns a constructed handler
// for the route. The dispatcher will use this to dynamically create request
// specific handlers for each endpoint without creating a new router for each
// request.
type dispatchFunc func(ctx *Context, r *http.Request) http.Handler
// TODO(stevvooe): dispatchers should probably have some validation error
// chain with proper error reporting.
// dispatcher returns a handler that constructs a request specific context and
// handler, using the dispatch factory function.
func (app *App) dispatcher(dispatch dispatchFunc) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
for headerName, headerValues := range app.Config.HTTP.Headers {
for _, value := range headerValues {
w.Header().Add(headerName, value)
context := app.context(w, r)
if err := app.authorized(w, r, context); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Warnf("error authorizing context: %v", err)
// Add username to request logging
context.Context = dcontext.WithLogger(context.Context, dcontext.GetLogger(context.Context, auth.UserNameKey))
// sync up context on the request.
r = r.WithContext(context)
if app.nameRequired(r) {
nameRef, err := reference.WithName(getName(context))
if err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error parsing reference from context: %v", err)
context.Errors = append(context.Errors, distribution.ErrRepositoryNameInvalid{
Name: getName(context),
Reason: err,
if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
repository, err := app.registry.Repository(context, nameRef)
if err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error resolving repository: %v", err)
switch err := err.(type) {
case distribution.ErrRepositoryUnknown:
context.Errors = append(context.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeNameUnknown.WithDetail(err))
case distribution.ErrRepositoryNameInvalid:
context.Errors = append(context.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeNameInvalid.WithDetail(err))
case errcode.Error:
context.Errors = append(context.Errors, err)
if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
// assign and decorate the authorized repository with an event bridge.
context.Repository, context.App.repoRemover = notifications.Listen(
app.eventBridge(context, r))
context.Repository, err = applyRepoMiddleware(app, context.Repository, app.Config.Middleware["repository"])
if err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error initializing repository middleware: %v", err)
context.Errors = append(context.Errors, errcode.ErrorCodeUnknown.WithDetail(err))
if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
dispatch(context, r).ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Automated error response handling here. Handlers may return their
// own errors if they need different behavior (such as range errors
// for layer upload).
if context.Errors.Len() > 0 {
if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
app.logError(context, context.Errors)
type errCodeKey struct{}
func (errCodeKey) String() string { return "err.code" }
type errMessageKey struct{}
func (errMessageKey) String() string { return "err.message" }
type errDetailKey struct{}
func (errDetailKey) String() string { return "err.detail" }
func (app *App) logError(ctx context.Context, errors errcode.Errors) {
for _, e1 := range errors {
var c context.Context
switch e1.(type) {
case errcode.Error:
e, _ := e1.(errcode.Error)
c = context.WithValue(ctx, errCodeKey{}, e.Code)
c = context.WithValue(c, errMessageKey{}, e.Message)
c = context.WithValue(c, errDetailKey{}, e.Detail)
case errcode.ErrorCode:
e, _ := e1.(errcode.ErrorCode)
c = context.WithValue(ctx, errCodeKey{}, e)
c = context.WithValue(c, errMessageKey{}, e.Message())
// just normal go 'error'
c = context.WithValue(ctx, errCodeKey{}, errcode.ErrorCodeUnknown)
c = context.WithValue(c, errMessageKey{}, e1.Error())
c = dcontext.WithLogger(c, dcontext.GetLogger(c,
dcontext.GetResponseLogger(c).Errorf("response completed with error")
// context constructs the context object for the application. This only be
// called once per request.
func (app *App) context(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *Context {
ctx := r.Context()
ctx = dcontext.WithVars(ctx, r)
ctx = dcontext.WithLogger(ctx, dcontext.GetLogger(ctx,
context := &Context{
App: app,
Context: ctx,
if app.httpHost.Scheme != "" && app.httpHost.Host != "" {
// A "host" item in the configuration takes precedence over
// X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Host headers, and the
// hostname in the request.
context.urlBuilder = v2.NewURLBuilder(&app.httpHost, false)
} else {
context.urlBuilder = v2.NewURLBuilderFromRequest(r, app.Config.HTTP.RelativeURLs)
return context
// authorized checks if the request can proceed with access to the requested
// repository. If it succeeds, the context may access the requested
// repository. An error will be returned if access is not available.
func (app *App) authorized(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, context *Context) error {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Debug("authorizing request")
repo := getName(context)
if app.accessController == nil {
return nil // access controller is not enabled.
var accessRecords []auth.Access
if repo != "" {
accessRecords = appendAccessRecords(accessRecords, r.Method, repo)
if fromRepo := r.FormValue("from"); fromRepo != "" {
// mounting a blob from one repository to another requires pull (GET)
// access to the source repository.
accessRecords = appendAccessRecords(accessRecords, "GET", fromRepo)
} else {
// Only allow the name not to be set on the base route.
if app.nameRequired(r) {
// For this to be properly secured, repo must always be set for a
// resource that may make a modification. The only condition under
// which name is not set and we still allow access is when the
// base route is accessed. This section prevents us from making
// that mistake elsewhere in the code, allowing any operation to
// proceed.
if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, errcode.ErrorCodeUnauthorized); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
return fmt.Errorf("forbidden: no repository name")
accessRecords = appendCatalogAccessRecord(accessRecords, r)
ctx, err := app.accessController.Authorized(context.Context, accessRecords...)
if err != nil {
switch err := err.(type) {
case auth.Challenge:
// Add the appropriate WWW-Auth header
if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, errcode.ErrorCodeUnauthorized.WithDetail(accessRecords)); err != nil {
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)
// This condition is a potential security problem either in
// the configuration or whatever is backing the access
// controller. Just return a bad request with no information
// to avoid exposure. The request should not proceed.
dcontext.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error checking authorization: %v", err)
return err
dcontext.GetLogger(ctx).Info("authorized request")
// TODO(stevvooe): This pattern needs to be cleaned up a bit. One context
// should be replaced by another, rather than replacing the context on a
// mutable object.
context.Context = ctx
return nil
// eventBridge returns a bridge for the current request, configured with the
// correct actor and source.
func (app *App) eventBridge(ctx *Context, r *http.Request) notifications.Listener {
actor := notifications.ActorRecord{
Name: getUserName(ctx, r),
request := notifications.NewRequestRecord(dcontext.GetRequestID(ctx), r)
return notifications.NewBridge(ctx.urlBuilder, app.events.source, actor, request, app.events.sink)
// nameRequired returns true if the route requires a name.
func (app *App) nameRequired(r *http.Request) bool {
route := mux.CurrentRoute(r)
if route == nil {
return true
routeName := route.GetName()
return routeName != v2.RouteNameBase && routeName != v2.RouteNameCatalog
// apiBase implements a simple yes-man for doing overall checks against the
// api. This can support auth roundtrips to support docker login.
func apiBase(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
const emptyJSON = "{}"
// Provide a simple /v2/ 200 OK response with empty json response.
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprint(len(emptyJSON)))
fmt.Fprint(w, emptyJSON)
// appendAccessRecords checks the method and adds the appropriate Access records to the records list.
func appendAccessRecords(records []auth.Access, method string, repo string) []auth.Access {
resource := auth.Resource{
Type: "repository",
Name: repo,
switch method {
case "GET", "HEAD":
records = append(records,
Resource: resource,
Action: "pull",
case "POST", "PUT", "PATCH":
records = append(records,
Resource: resource,
Action: "pull",
Resource: resource,
Action: "push",
case "DELETE":
records = append(records,
Resource: resource,
Action: "delete",
return records
// Add the access record for the catalog if it's our current route
func appendCatalogAccessRecord(accessRecords []auth.Access, r *http.Request) []auth.Access {
route := mux.CurrentRoute(r)
routeName := route.GetName()
if routeName == v2.RouteNameCatalog {
resource := auth.Resource{
Type: "registry",
Name: "catalog",
accessRecords = append(accessRecords,
Resource: resource,
Action: "*",
return accessRecords
// applyRegistryMiddleware wraps a registry instance with the configured middlewares
func applyRegistryMiddleware(ctx context.Context, registry distribution.Namespace, middlewares []configuration.Middleware) (distribution.Namespace, error) {
for _, mw := range middlewares {
rmw, err := registrymiddleware.Get(ctx, mw.Name, mw.Options, registry)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to configure registry middleware (%s): %s", mw.Name, err)
registry = rmw
return registry, nil
// applyRepoMiddleware wraps a repository with the configured middlewares
func applyRepoMiddleware(ctx context.Context, repository distribution.Repository, middlewares []configuration.Middleware) (distribution.Repository, error) {
for _, mw := range middlewares {
rmw, err := repositorymiddleware.Get(ctx, mw.Name, mw.Options, repository)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repository = rmw
return repository, nil
// applyStorageMiddleware wraps a storage driver with the configured middlewares
func applyStorageMiddleware(driver storagedriver.StorageDriver, middlewares []configuration.Middleware) (storagedriver.StorageDriver, error) {
for _, mw := range middlewares {
smw, err := storagemiddleware.Get(mw.Name, mw.Options, driver)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to configure storage middleware (%s): %v", mw.Name, err)
driver = smw
return driver, nil
// uploadPurgeDefaultConfig provides a default configuration for upload
// purging to be used in the absence of configuration in the
// confifuration file
func uploadPurgeDefaultConfig() map[interface{}]interface{} {
config := map[interface{}]interface{}{}
config["enabled"] = true
config["age"] = "168h"
config["interval"] = "24h"
config["dryrun"] = false
return config
func badPurgeUploadConfig(reason string) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to parse upload purge configuration: %s", reason))
// startUploadPurger schedules a goroutine which will periodically
// check upload directories for old files and delete them
func startUploadPurger(ctx context.Context, storageDriver storagedriver.StorageDriver, log dcontext.Logger, config map[interface{}]interface{}) {
if config["enabled"] == false {
var purgeAgeDuration time.Duration
var err error
purgeAge, ok := config["age"]
if ok {
ageStr, ok := purgeAge.(string)
if !ok {
badPurgeUploadConfig("age is not a string")
purgeAgeDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(ageStr)
if err != nil {
badPurgeUploadConfig(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot parse duration: %s", err.Error()))
} else {
badPurgeUploadConfig("age missing")
var intervalDuration time.Duration
interval, ok := config["interval"]
if ok {
intervalStr, ok := interval.(string)
if !ok {
badPurgeUploadConfig("interval is not a string")
intervalDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(intervalStr)
if err != nil {
badPurgeUploadConfig(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot parse interval: %s", err.Error()))
} else {
badPurgeUploadConfig("interval missing")
var dryRunBool bool
dryRun, ok := config["dryrun"]
if ok {
dryRunBool, ok = dryRun.(bool)
if !ok {
badPurgeUploadConfig("cannot parse dryrun")
} else {
badPurgeUploadConfig("dryrun missing")
go func() {
jitter := time.Duration(rand.Int()%60) * time.Minute
log.Infof("Starting upload purge in %s", jitter)
for {
storage.PurgeUploads(ctx, storageDriver, time.Now().Add(-purgeAgeDuration), !dryRunBool)
log.Infof("Starting upload purge in %s", intervalDuration)