This changeset provides data structures and definitions describing the routes available in the V2 registry API. These route descriptors are structured to provide automated registration, for creating routers, in addition to complete documentation duty. It's also a possibility that this could be used to enumerate test coverage for server implementation. Using this functionality, we've also developed a template to automatically generate and API specification for submission into docker core.
118 lines
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118 lines
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// registry-api-descriptor-template uses the APIDescriptor defined in the
// api/v2 package to execute templates passed to the command line.
// For example, to generate a new API specification, one would execute the
// following command from the repo root:
// $ registry-api-descriptor-template doc/ > doc/
// The templates are passed in the api/v2.APIDescriptor object. Please see the
// package documentation for fields available on that object. The template
// syntax is from Go's standard library text/template package. For information
// on Go's template syntax, please see
package main
import (
var spaceRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`\n\s*`)
func main() {
if len(os.Args) != 2 {
log.Fatalln("please specify a template to execute.")
path := os.Args[1]
filename := filepath.Base(path)
funcMap := template.FuncMap{
"removenewlines": func(s string) string {
return spaceRegex.ReplaceAllString(s, " ")
"statustext": http.StatusText,
"prettygorilla": prettyGorillaMuxPath,
tmpl := template.Must(template.New(filename).Funcs(funcMap).ParseFiles(path))
if err := tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, v2.APIDescriptor); err != nil {
// prettyGorillaMuxPath removes the regular expressions from a gorilla/mux
// route string, making it suitable for documentation.
func prettyGorillaMuxPath(s string) string {
// Stateful parser that removes regular expressions from gorilla
// routes. It correctly handles balanced bracket pairs.
var output string
var label string
var level int
if s[0] == '{' {
s = s[1:]
goto capture
output += string(s[0])
s = s[1:]
goto end
switch s[0] {
case '{':
case '}':
if level == 0 {
s = s[1:]
goto label
case ':':
s = s[1:]
goto skip
label += string(s[0])
s = s[1:]
goto capture
switch s[0] {
case '{':
case '}':
s = s[1:]
if level == 0 {
goto label
goto skip
if label != "" {
output += "<" + label + ">"
label = ""
if s != "" {
goto start
return output