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2021-10-31 10:31:58 +06:00
Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2018
Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at
*/(function (e, t) { 'object' == typeof exports && 'undefined' != typeof module ? module.exports = t() : 'function' == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : e.Popper = t() })(this, function () { 'use strict'; function e(e) { return e && '[object Function]' === {} } function t(e, t) { if (1 !== e.nodeType) return []; var o = getComputedStyle(e, null); return t ? o[t] : o } function o(e) { return 'HTML' === e.nodeName ? e : e.parentNode || } function n(e) { if (!e) return document.body; switch (e.nodeName) { case 'HTML': case 'BODY': return e.ownerDocument.body; case '#document': return e.body; }var i = t(e), r = i.overflow, p = i.overflowX, s = i.overflowY; return /(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(r + s + p) ? e : n(o(e)) } function r(e) { return 11 === e ? re : 10 === e ? pe : re || pe } function p(e) { if (!e) return document.documentElement; for (var o = r(10) ? document.body : null, n = e.offsetParent; n === o && e.nextElementSibling;)n = (e = e.nextElementSibling).offsetParent; var i = n && n.nodeName; return i && 'BODY' !== i && 'HTML' !== i ? -1 !== ['TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(n.nodeName) && 'static' === t(n, 'position') ? p(n) : n : e ? e.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement } function s(e) { var t = e.nodeName; return 'BODY' !== t && ('HTML' === t || p(e.firstElementChild) === e) } function d(e) { return null === e.parentNode ? e : d(e.parentNode) } function a(e, t) { if (!e || !e.nodeType || !t || !t.nodeType) return document.documentElement; var o = e.compareDocumentPosition(t) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING, n = o ? e : t, i = o ? t : e, r = document.createRange(); r.setStart(n, 0), r.setEnd(i, 0); var l = r.commonAncestorContainer; if (e !== l && t !== l || n.contains(i)) return s(l) ? l : p(l); var f = d(e); return ? a(, t) : a(e, d(t).host) } function l(e) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 'top', o = 'top' === t ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft', n = e.nodeName; if ('BODY' === n || 'HTML' === n) { var i = e.ownerDocument.documentElement, r = e.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || i; return r[o] } return e[o] } function f(e, t) { var o = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], n = l(t, 'top'), i = l(t, 'left'), r = o ? -1 : 1; return += n * r, e.bottom += n * r, e.left += i * r, e.right += i * r, e } function m(e, t) { var o = 'x' === t ? 'Left' : 'Top', n = 'Left' == o ? 'Right' : 'Bottom'; return parseFloat(e['border' + o + 'Width'], 10) + parseFloat(e['border' + n + 'Width'], 10) } function h(e, t, o, n) { return $(t['offset' + e], t['scroll' + e], o['client' + e], o['offset' + e], o['scroll' + e], r(10) ? o['offset' + e] + n['margin' + ('Height' === e ? 'Top' : 'Left')] + n['margin' + ('Height' === e ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')] : 0) } function c() { var e = document.body, t = document.documentElement, o = r(10) && getComputedStyle(t); return { height: h('Height', e, t, o), width: h('Width', e, t, o) } } function g(e) { return le({}, e, { right: e.left + e.width, bottom: + e.height }) } function u(e) { var o = {}; try { if (r(10)) { o = e.getBoundingClientRect(); var n = l(e, 'top'), i = l(e, 'left'); += n, o.left += i, o.bottom += n, o.right += i } else o = e.getBoundingClientRect() } catch (t) { } var p = { left: o.left, top:, width: o.right - o.left, height: o.bottom - }, s = 'HTML' === e.nodeName ? c() : {}, d = s.width || e.clientWidth || p.right - p.left, a = s.height || e.clientHeight || p.bottom -, f = e.offsetWidth - d, h = e.offsetHeight - a; if (f || h) { var u = t(e); f -= m(u, 'x'), h -= m(u, 'y'), p.width -= f, p.height -= h } return g(p) } function b(e, o) { var i = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], p = r(10), s = 'HTML' === o.nodeName, d = u(e), a = u(o), l = n(e), m = t(o), h = parseFloat(m.borderTopWidth, 10), c = parseFloat(m.borderLeftWidth, 10); i && 'HTML' === o.nodeName && ( = $(, 0), a.left = $(a.left, 0)); var b = g({ top: - - h, left: d.left - a.left - c, width: d.width, height: d.he
* Bootstrap v4.1.1 (
* Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors (
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2020-11-01 10:34:13 +06:00
!function (t, e) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? e(exports, require("jquery"), require("popper.js")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["exports", "jquery", "popper.js"], e) : e(t.bootstrap = {}, t.jQuery, t.Popper) }(this, function (t, e, c) { "use strict"; function i(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var i = e[n]; i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1, i.configurable = !0, "value" in i && (i.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i) } } function o(t, e, n) { return e && i(t.prototype, e), n && i(t, n), t } function h(r) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var s = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {}, e = Object.keys(s); "function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && (e = e.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s).filter(function (t) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, t).enumerable }))), e.forEach(function (t) { var e, n, i; e = r, i = s[n = t], n in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = i }) } return r } e = e && e.hasOwnProperty("default") ? e.default : e, c = c && c.hasOwnProperty("default") ? c.default : c; var r, n, s, a, l, u, f, d, _, g, m, p, v, E, y, T, C, I, A, D, b, S, w, N, O, k, P, L, j, R, H, W, M, x, U, K, F, V, Q, B, Y, G, q, z, X, J, Z, $, tt, et, nt, it, rt, st, ot, at, lt, ht, ct, ut, ft, dt, _t, gt, mt, pt, vt, Et, yt, Tt, Ct, It, At, Dt, bt, St, wt, Nt, Ot, kt, Pt, Lt, jt, Rt, Ht, Wt, Mt, xt, Ut, Kt, Ft, Vt, Qt, Bt, Yt, Gt, qt, zt, Xt, Jt, Zt, $t, te, ee, ne, ie, re, se, oe, ae, le, he, ce, ue, fe, de, _e, ge, me, pe, ve, Ee, ye, Te, Ce, Ie, Ae, De, be, Se, we, Ne, Oe, ke, Pe, Le, je, Re, He, We, Me, xe, Ue, Ke, Fe, Ve, Qe, Be, Ye, Ge, qe, ze, Xe, Je, Ze, $e, tn, en, nn, rn, sn, on, an, ln, hn, cn, un, fn, dn, _n, gn, mn, pn, vn, En, yn, Tn, Cn = function (i) { var e = "transitionend"; function t(t) { var e = this, n = !1; return i(this).one(l.TRANSITION_END, function () { n = !0 }), setTimeout(function () { n || l.triggerTransitionEnd(e) }, t), this } var l = { TRANSITION_END: "bsTransitionEnd", getUID: function (t) { for (; t += ~~(1e6 * Math.random()), document.getElementById(t);); return t }, getSelectorFromElement: function (t) { var e = t.getAttribute("data-target"); e && "#" !== e || (e = t.getAttribute("href") || ""); try { return 0 < i(document).find(e).length ? e : null } catch (t) { return null } }, getTransitionDurationFromElement: function (t) { if (!t) return 0; var e = i(t).css("transition-duration"); return parseFloat(e) ? (e = e.split(",")[0], 1e3 * parseFloat(e)) : 0 }, reflow: function (t) { return t.offsetHeight }, triggerTransitionEnd: function (t) { i(t).trigger(e) }, supportsTransitionEnd: function () { return Boolean(e) }, isElement: function (t) { return (t[0] || t).nodeType }, typeCheckConfig: function (t, e, n) { for (var i in n) if (, i)) { var r = n[i], s = e[i], o = s && l.isElement(s) ? "element" : (a = s, {}\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase()); if (!new RegExp(r).test(o)) throw new Error(t.toUpperCase() + ': Option "' + i + '" provided type "' + o + '" but expected type "' + r + '".') } var a } }; return i.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = t, i.event.special[l.TRANSITION_END] = { bindType: e, delegateType: e, handle: function (t) { if (i( return t.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments) } }, l }(e), In = (n = "alert", a = "." + (s = "bs.alert"), l = (r = e).fn[n], u = { CLOSE: "close" + a, CLOSED: "closed" + a, CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + a + ".data-api" }, f = "alert", d = "fade", _ = "show", g = function () { function i(t) { this._element = t } var t = i.prototype; return t.close = function (t) { var e = this._element; t && (e = this._getRootElement(t)), this._triggerCloseEvent(e).isDefaultPrevented() || this._removeElement(e) }, t.dispose = function () { r.removeData(this._element, s), this._element = null }, t._getRootElement = function (t) { var e = Cn.getSelectorFromElement(t), n = !1; return e && (n = r(e)[0]), n || (n = r(t).closest("."