--- title: "Installation" date: 2018-12-29T11:02:05+06:00 type: "post" weight : 2 --- The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don't know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you learn more about it by following this [great documentation for beginners](https://gohugo.io/overview/quickstart/). ### Create your project Hugo provides a `new` command to create a new website. ``` hugo new site ``` ### Install the theme Install the **Doc-List** theme by following [this documentation](https://gohugo.io/themes/installing/) This theme's repository is: https://github.com/themefisher/dot-hugo-documentation-theme.git Alternatively, you can [download the theme as .zip](https://github.com/themefisher/dot-hugo-documentation-theme/archive/master.zip) file and extract it in the `themes` directory Or you can check this video documentation for installing this template: {{< youtube Srt3lTmRxzQ >}} ### Basic configuration When building the website, you can set a theme by using `--theme` option. However, we suggest you modify the configuration file (`config.toml`) and set the theme as the default. ```toml # Change the default theme to be use when building the site with Hugo theme = "Doc-List" ``` ### Create your first content pages Then, create content pages inside the previously created chapter. Here are two ways to create content in the chapter: ``` hugo new installation/first-content.md hugo new installation/second-content/_index.md ``` Feel free to edit thoses files by adding some sample content and replacing the `title` value in the beginning of the files. ### Launching the website locally Launch by using the following command: ``` hugo serve ``` Go to `http://localhost:1313` ### Build the website When your site is ready to deploy, run the following command: ``` hugo ``` A `public` folder will be generated, containing all static content and assets for your website. It can now be deployed on any web server.
This website can be automatically published and hosted with [Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/) (Read more about [Automated HUGO deployments with Netlify](https://www.netlify.com/blog/2015/07/30/hosting-hugo-on-netlifyinsanely-fast-deploys/)). Alternatively, you can use [Github pages](https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-github/)