################################# Default configuration ################### # provide your domain here baseURL = "https://examplesite.com/" # theme theme = "dot" # site title title = "Dot" # disable language disableLanguages = [] # google analytics googleAnalytics = "" # paste your analytics ID here. (Ex: UA-123-45) # unsafe html [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true ############################# Default Parameters ########################## [params] # logo is for all page logo = "" # logo white is for homepage logo, you can use colorful logo too... logo_white = "" # when logo is empty, it will shown your site title # OpenGraph / Twitter Card metadata description = "This is meta description" author = "Themefisher" image = "images/logo.png" # this image will be used as fallback if a page has no image of its own # customize color primary_color = "#02007e" body_color = "#f9f9f9" text_color = "#636363" text_color_dark = "#242738" white_color = "#ffffff" light_color = "#f8f9fa" # font family font_family = "lato" # Choose font family from : https://fonts.google.com/ # contact form action contact_form_action = "#" # contact form works with : https://formspree.io ############################## social links ############################## [[params.social]] icon = "ti-facebook" # themify icon pack : https://themify.me/themify-icons name = "Facebook" link = "#" [[params.social]] icon = "ti-twitter-alt" # themify icon pack : https://themify.me/themify-icons name = "Twitter" link = "#" [[params.social]] icon = "ti-github" # themify icon pack : https://themify.me/themify-icons name = "Github" link = "#" [[params.social]] icon = "ti-linkedin" # themify icon pack : https://themify.me/themify-icons name = "Linkedin" link = "#" ################################ English Language ###################### [Languages.en] languageName = "En" languageCode = "en-us" weight = 1 copyright = "Copyright © 2021 a Hugo theme by [Gethugothemes](https://gethugothemes.com/)" # banner [Languages.en.params.banner] title = "Support Center & Knowledge base" subtitle = "Find advice and answers from our support team fast or get in touch" bg_image = "images/banner.jpg" placeholder = "Have a question? Just ask here or enter terms" # call to action [Languages.en.params.cta] enable = true title = "Didn't find an answer to your question?" content = "Musce libero nunc, dignissim quis turpis quis, semper vehicula dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt consequat quam." # call to action button [Languages.en.params.cta.button] enable = true label = "contact us" link = "contact" ################## english navigation ################# [[Languages.en.menu.main]] name = "Home" url = "/" weight = 1 [[Languages.en.menu.main]] name = "Faq" url = "faq" weight = 2 [[Languages.en.menu.main]] name = "contact" url = "contact" weight = 3 # Dropdown menu [[Languages.en.menu.main]] weight = 4 name = "docs" hasChildren = true [[Languages.en.menu.main]] parent = "docs" name = "Installation" url = "installation" weight = 1 [[Languages.en.menu.main]] parent = "docs" name = "Billing and Pricing" url = "billing-pricing" weight = 2 [[Languages.en.menu.main]] parent = "docs" name = "Features" url = "features" weight = 3 ################################### Franch Language ###################### [Languages.fr] languageName = "Fr" languageCode = "fr-fr" weight = 2 copyright = "Copyright © 2021 un thème Hugo par [Gethugothemes](https://gethugothemes.com/)" # banner [Languages.fr.params.banner] title = "Comment pouvons nous aider?" subtitle = "Trouvez rapidement des conseils et des réponses auprès de notre équipe d'assistance ou contactez-nous." bg_image = "images/banner.jpg" placeholder = "Avoir une question? Il suffit de demander ici ou de saisir les termes" # call to action [Languages.fr.params.cta] enable = true title = "Vous n'avez pas trouvé de réponse à votre question?" content = "Contactez-nous pour plus de détails sur les services supplémentaires et la tarification du travail personnalisé" # call to action button [Languages.fr.params.cta.button] enable = true label = "Contactez nous" link = "contact" ################## french navigation ################# [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] name = "Accueil" url = "/" weight = 1 [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] name = "Faq" url = "faq" weight = 2 [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] name = "contact" url = "contact" weight = 3 # Dropdown menu [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] weight = 4 name = "docs" hasChildren = true [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] parent = "docs" name = "Installation" url = "installation" weight = 1 [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] parent = "docs" name = "Billing and Pricing" url = "billing-pricing" weight = 2 [[Languages.fr.menu.main]] parent = "docs" name = "Features" url = "features" weight = 3