# FrostFS All-in-One This repository contains Dockerfile for FrostFS All-in-One image and helper scripts to start container. All-in-One image contains binaries and config files for: - neo-go - frostfs-ir - frostfs-storage - frostfs-cli - frostfs-adm - frostfs-s3-gw - frostfs-s3-authmate - frostfs-http-gw - frostfs-s3-lifecycler Entrypoint script starts blockchain, inner ring, storage, s3, and http gateway services and configures it in the initial start. | Service | Port | |-----------------------------|-------| | neo-go RPC | 30333 | | FrostFS Storage gRPC API | 8080 | | FrostFS Storage Control API | 16513 | | FrostFS HTTP Gateway | 8081 | | FrostFS S3 Gateway | 8084 | # Limitations All-in-One image contains single storage node, so the only viable policy for containers is `REP 1`. # Prerequisites - docker v20.10 or higher - docker-compose v2.10 or higher - make v3.82 or higher > Makefile script runs docker-compose with `--wait` flag, which is introduced in > docker-compose v2. You can use older version of docker-compose by executing it > manually. # Quick Start Clone repository and start container with docker-compose. ``` sh $ git clone https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-aio.git $ cd frostfs-aio $ make up tick.epoch ``` Initial start initializes the storage configuration. Its readiness is based on a healthcheck done by `docker-compose`. Container can be stopped with: ``` sh $ make down ``` Data and the system configuration is stored in container's volume. Next time container is started, it will take less time to initialize. Before updating image version, reset `frostfs-aio` by clearing its local volume before starting container. Update may contain incompatible changes, e.g. neo-go database format update. This repository does not provide any migration tools. ``` $ make clean ``` Also, you may have to make sure the storage node is in the network map. ``` sh $ docker exec -ti aio frostfs-cli netmap snapshot -c /config/cli-cfg-sn.yaml --rpc-endpoint Epoch: 45 Node 1: 022bb4041c50d607ff871dec7e4cd7778388e0ea6849d84ccbd9aa8f32e16a8131 ONLINE /dns4/localhost/tcp/8080 Continent: Europe Country: Germany CountryCode: DE Deployed: Private Location: Falkenstein Price: 10 SubDiv: Sachsen SubDivCode: SN UN-LOCODE: DE FKS ``` If you don't see the output like this, you can wait for the new Epoch to come or force the starting of new epoch. ``` sh $ make tick.epoch Current epoch: 1, increase to 2. Waiting for transactions to persist... ``` # Build images ## Standard image Build frostfs-aio image with this command. ``` sh $ make image-aio ``` ## Image with local binaries Put all the needed pre-built binaries to the `frostfs-aio/bin/`: - neo-go - frostfs-adm - frostfs-cli - frostfs-ir - frostfs-node - frostfs-s3-gw - frostfs-s3-authmate - frostfs-http-gw - frostfs-s3-lifecycler Make sure they all have the `x` right for the execution enabled. Build frostfs-aio image using pre-built local binaries for all the services. ``` sh $ make image-aio-local ``` ## Image with custom binaries This target is useful when one needs to change only a few binaries and keep the others "as is". Put the needed binaries to `frostfs-aio/bin/`. Make sure they all have the `x` right for the execution enabled. All the binaries will be copied to image. ``` sh $ make image-aio-custom ``` # Simple storage ## S3 interface ### Setup S3 As soon as the storage node is in the network map (see above) you can generate S3 credentials: ``` sh $ make s3cred { "access_key_id": "EXArWh8x1zeHG3851s1RtoCo7dowxF6rhLGA15nbMffT0AKRSjJ5fmcqf3Ht2VCAkfmPQUVARghRB77xHCA1BoN2p", "secret_access_key": "d70c1dba83f0f90bb231f06f1ce0e0dfbcfb122f4b4345a3c18d3869c359b79f", "owner_private_key": "140947599afd9ca89af4b358c3176eb046e554d942a0dc99a8e06f3e43c8f4ad", "wallet_public_key": "0324e76288fcb900100d01802a14ef977cca45ad073561230446df14b344c858b6", "container_id": "EXArWh8x1zeHG3851s1RtoCo7dowxF6rhLGA15nbMffT" } ``` Now let's configure an S3 client (AWS CLI will be used as example): ``` sh $ aws configure AWS Access Key ID []: EXArWh8x1zeHG3851s1RtoCo7dowxF6rhLGA15nbMffT0AKRSjJ5fmcqf3Ht2VCAkfmPQUVARghRB77xHCA1BoN2p AWS Secret Access Key []: d70c1dba83f0f90bb231f06f1ce0e0dfbcfb122f4b4345a3c18d3869c359b79f Default region name []: us-east-1 Default output format []: json ``` ### Create a container ``` sh $ aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:8084 create-bucket --bucket koty --acl public-read-write ``` ### Put an object ``` sh $ aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:8084 put-object --bucket koty --key kot --body cat.jpg { "ETag": "8677919550a90ff7106584285f25a70ac9e7aa38bdb4ed17d34bbfb366fd71b7" } ``` ### List objects ``` sh $ aws s3api --endpoint http://localhost:8084 list-objects --bucket koty { "Contents": [ { "Key": "kot", "LastModified": "2023-02-17T15:01:52+00:00", "ETag": "8677919550a90ff7106584285f25a70ac9e7aa38bdb4ed17d34bbfb366fd71b7", "Size": 174512, "Owner": { "DisplayName": "NWeByJPgNC97F83hTUnSbnZSBKaFvk5HNw", "ID": "NWeByJPgNC97F83hTUnSbnZSBKaFvk5HNw" } } ] } ``` ### S3 credentials from custom wallets Credentials made by `make s3cred` command are based on the private key from `s3-gw/user-wallet.json` file. If you need to create credential for different users, use wallets from `wallets` dir. ```sh $ make s3cred-custom wallet=wallet2.json { "access_key_id": "jHhL5B33o16R4jQsb8wm9A3RRdS6KrTB5N4bja9Jys904W7xXFNKqem2ACvTRWRYJsZMCUikYFSokN7pPJziWyDi", "secret_access_key": "21bb64fafa32c82417fd8b97ac56cc8a085998a3852632d52fe7042453daa440", "owner_private_key": "10f6f9d7a47bb0bf68363ad8a99fe69f1493f8b6e1665b3e4e83feb2d5c7ee39", "wallet_public_key": "03e38759973a6bb722baabc2dd84036a39f0b2f53d32fec45a4dacde8a50fe4b70", "container_id": "jHhL5B33o16R4jQsb8wm9A3RRdS6KrTB5N4bja9Jys9" } ``` To get credentials from custom wallet, place it in `wallets` dir before start. Make sure that wallet account has empty password. ### Making a custom wallet Command line interface of `neo-go` is used to create new wallets. Both `neo-go` from the image or [downloaded binary](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/releases) can be used. We stick to the one in the image in this example. Invoke a shell of the running container: ```bash $ docker exec -it aio bash ``` Create a new wallet: ```bash $ neo-go wallet init -a --wallet /wallets/new-wallet.json ``` - key `-a` means the new wallet must have an account. - key `--wallet /wallets/new-wallet.json` sets the outputh path for the new wallet. The image keeps wallets at `/wallets` for simplicity. Then `neo-go` asks for the account name and its password using interactive mode. Leave the password empty. ```bash Enter the name of the account > Some Name Enter new password > Confirm password > ``` If everything is rigth, the stdout will show a pretty-printed contents of the wallet: ```bash { "version": "1.0", "accounts": [ { "address": "NapWfRshCv9T3UyGxSfPr6NKiTFa5sVwQx", "key": "6PYKKPtBRuKvTqjAuUZk5hVDgG5aZ3HQvp1hSQg5jDyUF9JaP5Jcy3kWiV", "label": "Some Name", "contract": { "script": "DCECGXJggQTMyMhYS9YtWzTP+3FbiGLn2h7za1zSNgMDkIxBVuezJw==", "parameters": [ { "name": "parameter0", "type": "Signature" } ], "deployed": false }, "lock": false, "isDefault": false } ], "scrypt": { "n": 16384, "r": 8, "p": 8 }, "extra": { "Tokens": null } } wallet successfully created, file location is /wallets/new-wallet.json ``` You can use `make wallet WALLET=wallets/new-wallet.json` to execute the steps listed above a little faster. ### Transfering GAS tokens to wallet To add GAS to a new wallet use `make refill` ```console $ make refill GAS=12.3 WALLET=wallets/new-wallet.json Waiting for transactions to persist... Balance for wallets/new-wallet.json Account NgB6jnyVsMg6E3gQQLXoccZ3JBMLsgiut3 GAS: GasToken (d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf) Amount : 12.3 Updated: 25069 ``` ### Checking wallet balance ```console $ make balance WALLET=wallets/new-wallet.json Balance for wallets/new-wallet.json Account NgB6jnyVsMg6E3gQQLXoccZ3JBMLsgiut3 GAS: GasToken (d2a4cff31913016155e38e474a2c06d08be276cf) Amount : 12.3 Updated: 25069 ``` ## frostfs-cli interface ### Native credentials To use wallet file, it should be register in FrostFS ID contract and have policies to perform FrostFS operations. Use `make cred` to register `s3-gw/user-wallet.json`. For custom wallets from `wallet` dir, use `make cred-custom wallet=wallet1.json`. These commands are similar to `make s3cred` and `make s3cred-custom`. ### Create container with frostfs-cli ``` sh $ frostfs-cli -r localhost:8080 -w s3-gw/user-wallet.json \ --address NWeByJPgNC97F83hTUnSbnZSBKaFvk5HNw \ container create \ --policy "REP 1" --await container ID: GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46 awaiting... container has been persisted on sidechain ``` ### Put an object with frostfs-cli ``` sh $ frostfs-cli -r localhost:8080 -w s3-gw/user-wallet.json \ --address NWeByJPgNC97F83hTUnSbnZSBKaFvk5HNw \ object put \ --cid GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46 \ --file cat.jpg [cat.jpg] Object successfully stored OID: HByVC9A34i22BnzW3n83z9vEMxuYZoC7nNu11ZvGeCTe CID: GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46 ``` ### Get and object with frostfs-cli ``` sh $ frostfs-cli -r localhost:8080 -w s3-gw/user-wallet.json \ --address NWeByJPgNC97F83hTUnSbnZSBKaFvk5HNw \ object get \ --cid GfWw35kHds7gKWmSvW7Zi4U39K7NMLK8EfXBQ5FPJA46 \ --oid HByVC9A34i22BnzW3n83z9vEMxuYZoC7nNu11ZvGeCTe > new_cat.jpg ``` ## Viewing logs There are two targets for viewing logs. You can view all the logs by replacing the desired service name: ``` sh make logs/frostfs-node ``` You can also make a continuous stream of logs by replacing the desired service name: ``` sh make stream-logs/frostfs-node ```