container: add Get/Set extended ACL rpc

This commit is contained in:
Leonard Lyubich 2020-06-18 10:40:35 +03:00
parent e65752699f
commit 17e07df8d9
2 changed files with 135 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ service Service {
// List returns all user's containers
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
// SetExtendedACL changes extended ACL rules of the container
rpc SetExtendedACL(SetExtendedACLRequest) returns (SetExtendedACLResponse);
// GetExtendedACL returns extended ACL rules of the container
rpc GetExtendedACL(GetExtendedACLRequest) returns (GetExtendedACLResponse);
message PutRequest {
@ -99,3 +105,42 @@ message ListResponse {
// CID (container id) is list of SHA256 hashes of the container structures
repeated bytes CID = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "CID", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message ExtendedACLKey {
// ID (container id) is a SHA256 hash of the container structure
bytes ID = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "CID", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message ExtendedACLValue {
// EACL carries binary representation of the table of extended ACL rules
bytes EACL = 1;
// Signature carries EACL field signature
bytes Signature = 2;
message SetExtendedACLRequest {
// Key carries key to extended ACL information
ExtendedACLKey Key = 1 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Value carries extended ACL information
ExtendedACLValue Value = 2 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message)
service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message)
service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message SetExtendedACLResponse {}
message GetExtendedACLRequest {
// Key carries key to extended ACL information
ExtendedACLKey Key = 1 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message)
service.RequestMetaHeader Meta = 98 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message)
service.RequestVerificationHeader Verify = 99 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message GetExtendedACLResponse {
// ACL carries extended ACL information
ExtendedACLValue ACL = 1 [(gogoproto.embed) = true, (gogoproto.nullable) = false];

View file

@ -10,12 +10,18 @@
- Messages
- [DeleteRequest](#container.DeleteRequest)
- [DeleteResponse](#container.DeleteResponse)
- [ExtendedACLKey](#container.ExtendedACLKey)
- [ExtendedACLValue](#container.ExtendedACLValue)
- [GetExtendedACLRequest](#container.GetExtendedACLRequest)
- [GetExtendedACLResponse](#container.GetExtendedACLResponse)
- [GetRequest](#container.GetRequest)
- [GetResponse](#container.GetResponse)
- [ListRequest](#container.ListRequest)
- [ListResponse](#container.ListResponse)
- [PutRequest](#container.PutRequest)
- [PutResponse](#container.PutResponse)
- [SetExtendedACLRequest](#container.SetExtendedACLRequest)
- [SetExtendedACLResponse](#container.SetExtendedACLResponse)
- [container/types.proto](#container/types.proto)
@ -46,6 +52,8 @@ rpc Put(PutRequest) returns (PutResponse);
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse);
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse);
rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse);
rpc SetExtendedACL(SetExtendedACLRequest) returns (SetExtendedACLResponse);
rpc GetExtendedACL(GetExtendedACLRequest) returns (GetExtendedACLResponse);
@ -80,6 +88,20 @@ List returns all user's containers
| Name | Input | Output |
| ---- | ----- | ------ |
| List | [ListRequest](#container.ListRequest) | [ListResponse](#container.ListResponse) |
#### Method SetExtendedACL
SetExtendedACL changes extended ACL rules of the container
| Name | Input | Output |
| ---- | ----- | ------ |
| SetExtendedACL | [SetExtendedACLRequest](#container.SetExtendedACLRequest) | [SetExtendedACLResponse](#container.SetExtendedACLResponse) |
#### Method GetExtendedACL
GetExtendedACL returns extended ACL rules of the container
| Name | Input | Output |
| ---- | ----- | ------ |
| GetExtendedACL | [GetExtendedACLRequest](#container.GetExtendedACLRequest) | [GetExtendedACLResponse](#container.GetExtendedACLResponse) |
<!-- end services -->
@ -104,6 +126,53 @@ via consensus in inner ring nodes
<a name="container.ExtendedACLKey"></a>
### Message ExtendedACLKey
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| ID | [bytes](#bytes) | | ID (container id) is a SHA256 hash of the container structure |
<a name="container.ExtendedACLValue"></a>
### Message ExtendedACLValue
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| EACL | [bytes](#bytes) | | EACL carries binary representation of the table of extended ACL rules |
| Signature | [bytes](#bytes) | | Signature carries EACL field signature |
<a name="container.GetExtendedACLRequest"></a>
### Message GetExtendedACLRequest
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| Key | [ExtendedACLKey](#container.ExtendedACLKey) | | Key carries key to extended ACL information |
| Meta | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) |
| Verify | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) |
<a name="container.GetExtendedACLResponse"></a>
### Message GetExtendedACLResponse
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| ACL | [ExtendedACLValue](#container.ExtendedACLValue) | | ACL carries extended ACL information |
<a name="container.GetRequest"></a>
### Message GetRequest
@ -179,6 +248,27 @@ via consensus in inner ring nodes
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| CID | [bytes](#bytes) | | CID (container id) is a SHA256 hash of the container structure |
<a name="container.SetExtendedACLRequest"></a>
### Message SetExtendedACLRequest
| Field | Type | Label | Description |
| ----- | ---- | ----- | ----------- |
| Key | [ExtendedACLKey](#container.ExtendedACLKey) | | Key carries key to extended ACL information |
| Value | [ExtendedACLValue](#container.ExtendedACLValue) | | Value carries extended ACL information |
| Meta | [service.RequestMetaHeader](#service.RequestMetaHeader) | | RequestMetaHeader contains information about request meta headers (should be embedded into message) |
| Verify | [service.RequestVerificationHeader](#service.RequestVerificationHeader) | | RequestVerificationHeader is a set of signatures of every NeoFS Node that processed request (should be embedded into message) |
<a name="container.SetExtendedACLResponse"></a>
### Message SetExtendedACLResponse
<!-- end messages -->
<!-- end enums -->