Use __SYSTEM__ system attribute prefix #14

opened 2023-03-13 12:48:12 +00:00 by dkirillov · 1 comment

To be more independed of the product name it would be nice to replace __FROSTFS__ system prefix to __SYSTEM__.

Probably, we can also drop old __NEOFS__ at all

/cc @alexvanin @realloc @fyrchik @carpawell

To be more independed of the product name it would be nice to replace `__FROSTFS__` system prefix to `__SYSTEM__`. Probably, we can also drop old `__NEOFS__` at all /cc @alexvanin @realloc @fyrchik @carpawell
realloc added the
label 2023-03-13 13:06:43 +00:00

I don't think we can drop __NEOFS__ completely, because there are running system which use __NEOFS__ attribute. I would like to keep this as deprecated \ legacy attribute.

I don't think we can drop `__NEOFS__` completely, because there are running system which use `__NEOFS__` attribute. I would like to keep this as deprecated \ legacy attribute.
realloc added this to the v2.15 - Karpinsky Ice Cap milestone 2023-03-23 12:53:02 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-api#14
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