Just a minor change to follow 2-space indent declared in Google Style Guide Signed-off-by: Stanislav Bogatyrev <stanislav@nspcc.ru>
133 lines
4.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
133 lines
4.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package object;
option go_package = "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/object";
option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.Object";
import "refs/types.proto";
import "service/verify.proto";
// Header groups the information about the NeoFS object.
message Header {
// Main groups mandatory information about the object.
// Message fields are presented in all NeoFS objects.
message Main {
// payload_length carries length of the object payload.
// Each object has a fixed payload length since it's immutable.
uint64 payload_length = 1;
// address carries object address in the NeoFS system.
// It encapsulates the object and the container identifiers.
refs.Address address = 2;
// owner_id carries identifier of the object owner.
refs.OwnerID owner_id = 3;
// Main carries the main part of the header.
// Main MUST NOT be NULL.
Main main = 1;
// Extended groups additional information about the object.
// It encapsulates both user and system attributes needed to regulate
// the NeoFS sub-systems.
message Extended {
// Integrity groups evidence of the integrity of an object's structure.
message Integrity {
// payload_checksum carries the checksum of object payload bytes.
// Changing any byte of the payload changes the checksum.
// It is calculated as a SHA-256 hash over payload bytes.
bytes payload_checksum = 1;
// header_checksum carries checksum of the object header structure.
// It covers all object attributes. Changing any field of the object except
// CreatorKey and ChecksumSignature changes the checksum.
// payload_checksum and header_checksum cannot be merged due to the need
// to verify the header in the absence of a payload (e.g. in object.Head rpc).
// It is calculated as a SHA-256 hash over marshaled object header
// with cut creator_key and checksum_signature.
bytes header_checksum = 2;
// session_token carries token of the session within which the object was created.
// If session token is presented in object, it acts as the user's proof of the
// correctness of the creator_key.
service.SessionToken session_token = 3;
// creator_key carries public key of the object creator in a binary format.
bytes creator_key = 4;
// checksum_signature carries signature of the structure checksum by the object creator.
bytes checksum_signature = 5;
// integrity carries object integrity evidence.
Integrity integrity = 1;
// Attribute groups the parameters of the object attributes.
message Attribute {
// key carries the string key to the object attribute.
string key = 1;
// value carries the string value of the object attribute.
string value = 2;
// attributes carries list of the object attributes in a string key-value format.
repeated Attribute attributes = 2;
// creation_epoch carries number of NeoFS epoch on which the object was created.
uint64 creation_epoch = 3;
// Tombstone groups the options for deleting an object.
message Tombstone {
// Tombstone marks the object to be deleted.
Tombstone tombstone = 4;
// homomorphic_hash carries homomorphic hash of the object payload.
bytes homomorphic_hash = 5;
// StorageGroup groups meta information about a storage group.
message StorageGroup {
// StorageGroup marks an object containing information about a storage group.
StorageGroup storage_group = 6;
// Split groups information about spawning the object through a payload
// splitting.
message Split {
// Parent carries identifier of the origin object.
refs.ObjectID parent = 1;
// Previous carries identifier of the left split neighbor.
refs.ObjectID previous = 2;
// Next carries identifier of the right split neighbor.
refs.ObjectID next = 3;
// Children carries list of identifiers of the objects generated by
// splitting the current.
repeated refs.ObjectID children = 4;
// Origin carries the header of the origin object.
Header origin = 5;
// Split carries the position of the object in the split hierarchy.
Split split = 7;
// Extended carries the additional part of the header.
Extended extended = 2;
// Object groups the information about the NeoFS object.
// It consists of payload data with additional service information.
message Object {
// Header carries the object header.
Header header = 1;
// Payload carries the object payload bytes.
bytes payload = 2;