This should be used as a handshake to know API Version supported by peer and to update local netmap view in future. Signed-off-by: Stanislav Bogatyrev <>
57 lines
1.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer
57 lines
1.7 KiB
Protocol Buffer
syntax = "proto3";
package neo.fs.v2.netmap;
option go_package = ";netmap";
option csharp_namespace = "NeoFS.API.v2.Netmap";
import "netmap/types.proto";
import "refs/types.proto";
import "session/types.proto";
// Methods to work with NetworkMap
service NetmapService {
// Return information about Node
rpc LocalNodeInfo (LocalNodeInfoRequest) returns (LocalNodeInfoResponse);
// Get NodeInfo from the particular node directly
message LocalNodeInfoRequest {
//Request body
message Body {
// Body of the balance request message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries request meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect request execution.
neo.fs.v2.session.RequestMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries request verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness
// of transmission.
neo.fs.v2.session.RequestVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;
// Local nod Info, including API Version in use
message LocalNodeInfoResponse {
//Response body
message Body {
// API version in use
neo.fs.v2.refs.Version version = 1;
// NodeInfo from node itself
NodeInfo node_info = 2;
// Body of the balance response message.
Body body = 1;
// Carries response meta information. Header data is used only to regulate
// message transport and does not affect response execution.
neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseMetaHeader meta_header = 2;
// Carries response verification information. This header is used to
// authenticate the nodes of the message route and check the correctness
// of transmission.
neo.fs.v2.session.ResponseVerificationHeader verify_header = 3;