package smart_contract import ( "bytes" "crypto/ecdsa" "crypto/elliptic" "crypto/rand" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "math/big" "os" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" crypto "" "" "" ) const contractTemplate = "./neofs_contract.go" var ( contractHash = util.Uint160{0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4} // token hash is not random to run tests of .avm or .go files contractStr = string(contractHash[:]) ) type contract struct { script []byte addrs []multiaddr.Multiaddr privs []*ecdsa.PrivateKey cgasHash string } func TestContract(t *testing.T) { const nodeCount = 6 plug := newStoragePlugin(t) contract := initGoContract(t, contractTemplate, nodeCount) plug.cgas[contractStr] = util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000) // fail if odd number of arguments provided v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "Deploy", []interface{}{contract.addrs[0].String()}) require.Error(t, v.Run()) // correct arguments var args []interface{} for i := range contract.addrs { args = append(args, contract.addrs[i].String()) args = append(args, crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&contract.privs[i].PublicKey)) } v = initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "Deploy", args) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) // double withdraw v = initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "Deploy", args) require.Error(t, v.Run()) t.Run("InnerRingAddress", func(t *testing.T) { newAddr, err := multiaddr.NewMultiaddr("/dns6/fdb5:7305:0adf:0b0b::/tcp/8080") require.NoError(t, err) previousAddr := contract.addrs[0] key := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&contract.privs[0].PublicKey) v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingAddress", []interface{}{newAddr.String(), key}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) require.False(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingList"], []byte(previousAddr.String()))) require.True(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingList"], []byte(newAddr.String()))) contract.addrs[0] = newAddr }) t.Run("Deposit", func(t *testing.T) { v := initVM(contract, plug) before := plug.cgas[contractStr] key := mustHex("031a6c6fbbdf02ca351745fa86b9ba5a9452d785ac4f7fc2b7548ca2a46c4fcf4a") plug.setCGASBalance(key, 4000) loadArg(t, v, "Deposit", []interface{}{key, 1000}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) require.Equal(t, before+util.Fixed8FromInt64(1000), plug.cgas[contractStr]) require.Equal(t, util.Fixed8FromInt64(3000), plug.cgas[string(mustPKey(key).GetScriptHash().BytesBE())]) }) t.Run("Withdraw", func(t *testing.T) { const amount = 21 v := initVM(contract, plug) owner, cheque := getCheque(t, contract, amount) ownerStr := string(owner[1:21]) contractGas := plug.cgas[contractStr] loadArg(t, v, "Withdraw", []interface{}{cheque}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) require.Equal(t, contractGas-util.Fixed8FromInt64(amount), plug.cgas[contractStr]) require.Equal(t, util.Fixed8FromInt64(amount), plug.cgas[ownerStr]) t.Run("Double Withdraw", func(t *testing.T) { v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "Withdraw", []interface{}{cheque}) require.Error(t, v.Run()) }) }) t.Run("InnerRingCandidateAdd", func(t *testing.T) { v := initVM(contract, plug) before := plug.cgas[contractStr] key := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&test.DecodeKey(1).PublicKey) plug.setCGASBalance(key, 4000) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingCandidateAdd", []interface{}{"/ip6/2001:4860:4860::8888/tcp/80", key}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) fee := util.Fixed8FromInt64(1) require.Equal(t, before+fee, plug.cgas[contractStr]) require.Equal(t, util.Fixed8FromInt64(4000)-fee, plug.cgas[string(mustPKey(key).GetScriptHash().BytesBE())]) require.True(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingCandidates"], key)) t.Run("Double InnerRingCandidateAdd", func(t *testing.T) { v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingCandidateAdd", []interface{}{"/ip4/", key}) require.Error(t, v.Run()) }) }) t.Run("InnerRingCandidateRemove", func(t *testing.T) { key := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&test.DecodeKey(2).PublicKey) plug.setCGASBalance(key, 4000) v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingCandidateAdd", []interface{}{"/ip6/2001:4860:4860::8888/tcp/80", key}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) require.True(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingCandidates"], key)) t.Run("Remove unknown candidate", func(t *testing.T) { v := initVM(contract, plug) // unknown candidate badKey := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&test.DecodeKey(3).PublicKey) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingCandidateRemove", []interface{}{badKey}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) require.True(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingCandidates"], key)) }) v = initVM(contract, plug) key = mustHex("031a6c6fbbdf02ca351745fa86b9ba5a9452d785ac4f7fc2b7548ca2a46c4fcf4a") loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingCandidateRemove", []interface{}{key}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) require.False(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingCandidates"], key)) }) t.Run("InnerRingUpdate", func(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("implement getIRExcludeCheque without neofs-node dependency") pubKey := &test.DecodeKey(4).PublicKey key := crypto.MarshalPublicKey(pubKey) plug.setCGASBalance(key, 4000) var pubs []*ecdsa.PublicKey for i := 0; i < len(contract.privs)-1; i++ { pubs = append(pubs, &contract.privs[i].PublicKey) } pubs = append(pubs, pubKey) cheque := getIRExcludeCheque(t, contract, pubs, 777) t.Run("Try without candidate", func(t *testing.T) { v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingUpdate", []interface{}{cheque}) require.Error(t, v.Run()) }) v := initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingCandidateAdd", []interface{}{"addrX", key}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) v = initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingUpdate", []interface{}{cheque}) require.NoError(t, v.Run()) for i := 0; i < len(contract.privs)-1; i++ { require.True(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingList"], crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&contract.privs[i].PublicKey))) } require.True(t, bytes.Contains(plug.mem["InnerRingList"], key)) t.Run("Double InnerRingUpdate", func(t *testing.T) { newCheque := getIRExcludeCheque(t, contract, pubs, 777) v = initVM(contract, plug) loadArg(t, v, "InnerRingUpdate", []interface{}{newCheque}) require.Error(t, v.Run()) }) }) } func getCheque(t *testing.T, c *contract, amount int64) (refs.OwnerID, []byte) { id, err := accounting.NewChequeID() require.NoError(t, err) priv, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) require.NoError(t, err) owner, err := refs.NewOwnerID(&priv.PublicKey) require.NoError(t, err) cheque := accounting.Cheque{ ID: id, Owner: owner, Amount: decimal.NewGAS(amount), Height: 0, } for _, key := range c.privs { require.NoError(t, cheque.Sign(key)) } data, err := cheque.MarshalBinary() require.NoError(t, err) return owner, data } func getIRExcludeCheque(t *testing.T, c *contract, pub []*ecdsa.PublicKey, id uint64) []byte { panic("implement without neofs-node dependency") } func initGoContract(t *testing.T, path string, n int) *contract { f, err := os.Open(path) require.NoError(t, err) defer f.Close() buf, err := compiler.Compile(f) require.NoError(t, err) return &contract{script: buf, privs: getKeys(t, n), addrs: getAddrs(t, n)} } func getKeys(t *testing.T, n int) []*ecdsa.PrivateKey { privs := make([]*ecdsa.PrivateKey, n) for i := range privs { var err error privs[i], err = ecdsa.GenerateKey(elliptic.P256(), rand.Reader) require.NoError(t, err) } return privs } func getAddrs(t *testing.T, n int) []multiaddr.Multiaddr { const template = "/dns4/10.120.14.%d/tcp/8080" addrs := make([]multiaddr.Multiaddr, n) for i := range addrs { var err error addrs[i], err = multiaddr.NewMultiaddr(fmt.Sprintf(template, i)) require.NoError(t, err) } return addrs } func mustHex(s string) []byte { result, err := hex.DecodeString(s) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid hex: %v", err)) } return result } func initVM(c *contract, plug *storagePlugin) *vm.VM { v := vm.New() v.Load(c.script) v.SetScriptGetter(plug.getScript) v.RegisterInteropGetter(plug.getInterop) return v } func loadArg(t *testing.T, v *vm.VM, operation string, params []interface{}) { arr := make([]vm.StackItem, len(params)) for i := range arr { arr[i] = toStackItem(params[i]) require.NotNil(t, arr[i], "invalid stack item") } v.Estack().PushVal(vm.NewArrayItem(arr)) v.Estack().PushVal(operation) } func toStackItem(v interface{}) vm.StackItem { switch val := v.(type) { case int: return vm.NewBigIntegerItem(val) case string: return vm.NewByteArrayItem([]byte(val)) case []byte: return vm.NewByteArrayItem(val) default: return nil } } const cgasSyscall = "MockCGAS" type kv struct { Operation string Key []byte Value []byte } type storagePlugin struct { mem map[string][]byte cgas map[string]util.Fixed8 interops map[uint32]vm.InteropFunc storageOps []kv notify []interface{} } func newStoragePlugin(t *testing.T) *storagePlugin { s := &storagePlugin{ mem: make(map[string][]byte), cgas: make(map[string]util.Fixed8), interops: make(map[uint32]vm.InteropFunc), } s.interops[getID("Neo.Storage.Delete")] = s.Delete s.interops[getID("Neo.Storage.Get")] = s.Get s.interops[getID("Neo.Storage.GetContext")] = s.GetContext s.interops[getID("Neo.Storage.Put")] = s.Put s.interops[getID("Neo.Runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash")] = s.GetExecutingScriptHash s.interops[getID("Neo.Runtime.GetTrigger")] = s.GetTrigger s.interops[getID("Neo.Runtime.CheckWitness")] = s.CheckWitness s.interops[getID("System.ExecutionEngine.GetExecutingScriptHash")] = s.GetExecutingScriptHash s.interops[getID(cgasSyscall)] = s.CGASInvoke s.interops[getID("Neo.Runtime.Log")] = func(v *vm.VM) error { msg := string(v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()) t.Log(msg) return nil } s.interops[getID("Neo.Runtime.Notify")] = func(v *vm.VM) error { val := v.Estack().Pop().Value() s.notify = append(s.notify, toInterface(val)) return nil } return s } func toInterface(val interface{}) interface{} { switch v := val.(type) { case []vm.StackItem: arr := make([]interface{}, len(v)) for i, item := range v { arr[i] = toInterface(item) } return arr case vm.StackItem: return toInterface(v.Value()) default: return v } } func getID(name string) uint32 { return vm.InteropNameToID([]byte(name)) } func (s *storagePlugin) getInterop(id uint32) *vm.InteropFuncPrice { f := s.interops[id] if f != nil { return &vm.InteropFuncPrice{Func: f, Price: 1} } switch id { case getID("Neo.Runtime.Serialize"): case getID("Neo.Runtime.Deserialize"): default: panic("unexpected interop") } return nil } func mustPKey(pub []byte) *keys.PublicKey { var pk keys.PublicKey if err := pk.DecodeBytes(pub); err != nil { panic(err) } return &pk } func (s *storagePlugin) setCGASBalance(pub []byte, amount int64) { pk := mustPKey(pub) from := string(pk.GetScriptHash().BytesBE()) s.cgas[from] = util.Fixed8FromInt64(amount) } func (s *storagePlugin) CGASInvoke(v *vm.VM) error { op := string(v.Estack().Pop().Bytes()) args := v.Estack().Pop().Array() var result bool switch op { case "transfer": from := args[0].Value().([]byte) to := args[1].Value().([]byte) if len(from) != 20 || len(to) != 20 { panic("invalid arguments") } var amount util.Fixed8 val := args[2].Value() switch v := val.(type) { case *big.Int: amount = util.Fixed8(v.Int64()) case []byte: amount = util.Fixed8(emit.BytesToInt(v).Int64()) default: panic("invalid amount") } if s.cgas[string(from)] >= amount { s.cgas[string(from)] -= amount s.cgas[string(to)] += amount result = true } default: panic("invalid operation") } v.Estack().PushVal(result) return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) getScript(u util.Uint160) ([]byte, bool) { var realHash util.Uint160 copy(realHash[:], tokenHash[:]) if u.Equals(realHash) { buf := io.NewBufBinWriter() emit.Syscall(buf.BinWriter, cgasSyscall) return buf.Bytes(), false } panic("wrong script hash") } func (s *storagePlugin) GetTrigger(v *vm.VM) error { // todo: remove byte casting when neo-go issue will be resolved // https: // v.Estack().PushVal(byte(trigger.Application)) return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) CheckWitness(v *vm.VM) error { v.Estack().PushVal(true) return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) GetExecutingScriptHash(v *vm.VM) error { var h util.Uint160 copy(h[:], contractHash[:]) v.Estack().PushVal(h.BytesBE()) return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) logStorage(op string, key, value []byte) { s.storageOps = append(s.storageOps, kv{ Operation: op, Key: key, Value: value, }) } func (s *storagePlugin) Delete(v *vm.VM) error { v.Estack().Pop() key := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes() s.logStorage("Delete", key, s.mem[string(key)]) delete(s.mem, string(key)) return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) Put(v *vm.VM) error { v.Estack().Pop() key := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes() value := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes() s.logStorage("Put", key, value) s.mem[string(key)] = value return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) Get(v *vm.VM) error { v.Estack().Pop() item := v.Estack().Pop().Bytes() if val, ok := s.mem[string(item)]; ok { v.Estack().PushVal(val) s.logStorage("Get", item, val) return nil } v.Estack().PushVal([]byte{}) s.logStorage("Get", item, nil) return nil } func (s *storagePlugin) GetContext(v *vm.VM) error { // Pushing anything on the stack here will work. This is just to satisfy // the compiler, thinking it has pushed the context ^^. v.Estack().PushVal(10) return nil }