package tests import ( "fmt" "math/big" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const nnsPath = "../nns" func TestNNSGeneric(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "symbol") CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, "NNS") tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "decimals") CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, 0) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "totalSupply") CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, 0) } func TestNNSAddRoot(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "0com") AddBlock(t, bc, tx) CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "invalid root format") acc := NewAccount(t, bc) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlock(t, bc, tx) CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "not witnessed by committee") tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlock(t, bc, tx) CheckHalt(t, bc, tx.Hash()) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlock(t, bc, tx) CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "root already exists") } func TestNNSRegister(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) acc := NewAccount(t, bc) refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, []*wallet.Account{CommitteeAcc, acc}, h, "register", "", acc.Contract.ScriptHash(), "", refresh, retry, expire, ttl) b := AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.SOA)) CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewBuffer( []byte(fmt.Sprintf(" %d %d %d %d %d", b.Timestamp, refresh, retry, expire, ttl)))})) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "addRecord", "", int64(nns.TXT), "first TXT record") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "addRecord", "", int64(nns.TXT), "second TXT record") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT)) CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte("first TXT record")), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte("second TXT record"))})) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "setRecord", "", int64(nns.TXT), int64(0), "replaced first") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.TXT)) CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte("replaced first")), stackitem.NewByteArray([]byte("second TXT record"))})) } func TestNNSUpdateSOA(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register", "", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(), "", refresh, retry, expire, ttl) AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) refresh *= 2 retry *= 2 expire *= 2 ttl *= 2 tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "updateSOA", "", "", refresh, retry, expire, ttl) b := AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "getRecords", "", int64(nns.SOA)) CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, stackitem.NewArray([]stackitem.Item{stackitem.NewBuffer( []byte(fmt.Sprintf(" %d %d %d %d %d", b.Timestamp, refresh, retry, expire, ttl)))})) } func TestNNSGetAllRecords(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register", "", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(), "", refresh, retry, expire, ttl) AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRecord", "", int64(nns.TXT), "first TXT record") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRecord", "", int64(nns.A), "") b := AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) expSOA := fmt.Sprintf(" %d %d %d %d %d", b.Timestamp, refresh, retry, expire, ttl) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "getAllRecords", "") v, err := TestInvoke(bc, tx) require.NoError(t, err) iter := v.Estack().Pop().Value().(*storage.Iterator) require.True(t, iter.Next()) require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.Make(""), stackitem.Make(int64(nns.A)), stackitem.Make(""), stackitem.Make(new(big.Int)), }), iter.Value()) require.True(t, iter.Next()) require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.Make(""), stackitem.Make(int64(nns.SOA)), stackitem.NewBuffer([]byte(expSOA)), stackitem.Make(new(big.Int)), }), iter.Value()) require.True(t, iter.Next()) require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewStruct([]stackitem.Item{ stackitem.Make(""), stackitem.Make(int64(nns.TXT)), stackitem.Make("first TXT record"), stackitem.Make(new(big.Int)), }), iter.Value()) require.False(t, iter.Next()) } func TestNNSSetAdmin(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "register", "", CommitteeAcc.Contract.ScriptHash(), "", refresh, retry, expire, ttl) AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) acc := NewAccount(t, bc) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "addRecord", "", int64(nns.TXT), "won't be added") AddBlock(t, bc, tx) CheckFault(t, bc, tx.Hash(), "not witnessed by admin") tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, []*wallet.Account{CommitteeAcc, acc}, h, "setAdmin", "", acc.Contract.ScriptHash()) AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "addRecord", "", int64(nns.TXT), "will be added") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) } func TestNNSRenew(t *testing.T) { bc := NewChain(t) h := DeployContract(t, bc, nnsPath, nil) tx := PrepareInvoke(t, bc, CommitteeAcc, h, "addRoot", "com") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) acc := NewAccount(t, bc) refresh, retry, expire, ttl := int64(101), int64(102), int64(103), int64(104) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, []*wallet.Account{CommitteeAcc, acc}, h, "register", "", acc.Contract.ScriptHash(), "", refresh, retry, expire, ttl) b := AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "renew", "") AddBlockCheckHalt(t, bc, tx) const msPerYear = 365 * 24 * time.Hour / time.Millisecond tx = PrepareInvoke(t, bc, acc, h, "properties", "") CheckTestInvoke(t, bc, tx, stackitem.NewMapWithValue([]stackitem.MapElement{ {stackitem.Make("name"), stackitem.Make("")}, {stackitem.Make("expiration"), stackitem.Make(b.Timestamp + 2*uint64(msPerYear))}, })) }