Alex Vanin 73277b88dc [#40] container: Save container size estimations
Container size estimations used for basic income settlement.
Also may be used for network statistic.

Signed-off-by: Alex Vanin <>
2021-01-26 11:11:37 +03:00

627 lines
14 KiB

package containercontract
import (
type (
irNode struct {
key []byte
storageNode struct {
info []byte
ballot struct {
id []byte // id of the voting decision
n [][]byte // already voted inner ring nodes
block int // block with the last vote
extendedACL struct {
val []byte
sig []byte
pub interop.PublicKey
estimation struct {
from interop.PublicKey
size int
containerSizes struct {
cid []byte
estimations []estimation
const (
version = 1
voteKey = "ballots"
ownersKey = "ownersList"
blockDiff = 20 // change base on performance evaluation
neofsIDContractKey = "identityScriptHash"
balanceContractKey = "balanceScriptHash"
netmapContractKey = "netmapScriptHash"
containerFeeKey = "ContainerFee"
containerIDSize = 32 // SHA256 size
estimateKeyPrefix = "cnr"
var (
containerFeeTransferMsg = []byte("container creation fee")
eACLPrefix = []byte("eACL")
ctx storage.Context
func init() {
if runtime.GetTrigger() != runtime.Application {
panic("contract has not been called in application node")
ctx = storage.GetContext()
func Init(addrNetmap, addrBalance, addrID []byte) {
if storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey) != nil &&
storage.Get(ctx, balanceContractKey) != nil &&
storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey) != nil {
panic("init: contract already deployed")
if len(addrNetmap) != 20 || len(addrBalance) != 20 || len(addrID) != 20 {
panic("init: incorrect length of contract script hash")
storage.Put(ctx, netmapContractKey, addrNetmap)
storage.Put(ctx, balanceContractKey, addrBalance)
storage.Put(ctx, neofsIDContractKey, addrID)
runtime.Log("container contract initialized")
func Put(container, signature, publicKey []byte) bool {
netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).([]byte)
innerRing := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "innerRingList").([]irNode)
threshold := len(innerRing)/3*2 + 1
offset := int(container[1])
offset = 2 + offset + 4 // version prefix + version size + owner prefix
ownerID := container[offset : offset+25] // offset + size of owner
containerID := crypto.SHA256(container)
neofsIDContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey).([]byte)
// If invoked from storage node, ignore it.
// Inner ring will find tx, validate it and send it again.
irKey := innerRingInvoker(innerRing)
if len(irKey) == 0 {
// check provided key
if !isSignedByOwnerKey(container, signature, ownerID, publicKey) {
// check keys from NeoFSID
keys := contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "key", ownerID).([][]byte)
if !verifySignature(container, signature, keys) {
panic("put: invalid owner signature")
runtime.Notify("containerPut", container, signature, publicKey)
return true
from := walletToScripHash(ownerID)
balanceContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, balanceContractKey).([]byte)
containerFee := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "config", containerFeeKey).(int)
hashCandidate := invokeID([]interface{}{container, signature, publicKey}, []byte("put"))
n := vote(ctx, hashCandidate, irKey)
if n >= threshold {
removeVotes(ctx, hashCandidate)
// todo: check if new container with unique container id
for i := 0; i < len(innerRing); i++ {
node := innerRing[i]
to := contract.CreateStandardAccount(node.key)
tx := contract.Call(balanceContractAddr, "transferX",
containerFeeTransferMsg, // consider add container id to the message
if !tx.(bool) {
// todo: consider using `return false` to remove votes
panic("put: can't transfer assets for container creation")
addContainer(ctx, containerID, ownerID, container)
// try to remove underscore at v0.92.0
_ = contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "addKey", ownerID, [][]byte{publicKey})
runtime.Log("put: added new container")
} else {
runtime.Log("put: processed invoke from inner ring")
return true
func Delete(containerID, signature []byte) bool {
netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).([]byte)
innerRing := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "innerRingList").([]irNode)
threshold := len(innerRing)/3*2 + 1
ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if len(ownerID) == 0 {
panic("delete: container does not exist")
// If invoked from storage node, ignore it.
// Inner ring will find tx, validate it and send it again.
irKey := innerRingInvoker(innerRing)
if len(irKey) == 0 {
// check provided key
neofsIDContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey).([]byte)
keys := contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "key", ownerID).([][]byte)
if !verifySignature(containerID, signature, keys) {
panic("delete: invalid owner signature")
runtime.Notify("containerDelete", containerID, signature)
return true
hashCandidate := invokeID([]interface{}{containerID, signature}, []byte("delete"))
n := vote(ctx, hashCandidate, irKey)
if n >= threshold {
removeVotes(ctx, hashCandidate)
removeContainer(ctx, containerID, ownerID)
runtime.Log("delete: remove container")
} else {
runtime.Log("delete: processed invoke from inner ring")
return true
func Get(containerID []byte) []byte {
return storage.Get(ctx, containerID).([]byte)
func Owner(containerID []byte) []byte {
return getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
func List(owner []byte) [][]byte {
if len(owner) == 0 {
return getAllContainers(ctx)
var list [][]byte
owners := getList(ctx, ownersKey)
for i := 0; i < len(owners); i++ {
ownerID := owners[i]
if len(owner) != 0 && !bytesEqual(owner, ownerID) {
containers := getList(ctx, ownerID)
for j := 0; j < len(containers); j++ {
container := containers[j]
list = append(list, container)
return list
func SetEACL(eACL, signature []byte) bool {
// get container ID
offset := int(eACL[1])
offset = 2 + offset + 4
containerID := eACL[offset : offset+32]
ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if len(ownerID) == 0 {
panic("setEACL: container does not exists")
neofsIDContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey).([]byte)
keys := contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "key", ownerID).([][]byte)
if !verifySignature(eACL, signature, keys) {
panic("setEACL: invalid eACL signature")
rule := extendedACL{
val: eACL,
sig: signature,
key := append(eACLPrefix, containerID...)
setSerialized(ctx, key, rule)
runtime.Log("setEACL: success")
return true
func EACL(containerID []byte) extendedACL {
ownerID := getOwnerByID(ctx, containerID)
if len(ownerID) == 0 {
panic("getEACL: container does not exists")
eacl := getEACL(ctx, containerID)
if len(eacl.sig) == 0 {
return eacl
// attach corresponding public key if it was not revoked from neofs id
neofsIDContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, neofsIDContractKey).([]byte)
keys := contract.Call(neofsIDContractAddr, "key", ownerID).([][]byte)
for i := range keys {
key := keys[i]
if crypto.ECDsaSecp256r1Verify(eacl.val, key, eacl.sig) { = key
return eacl
func PutContainerSize(epoch int, cid []byte, usedSize int, pubKey interop.PublicKey) bool {
if !runtime.CheckWitness(pubKey) {
panic("container: invalid witness for size estimation")
if !isStorageNode(pubKey) {
panic("container: only storage nodes can save size estimations")
key := estimationKey(epoch, cid)
s := getContainerSizeEstimation(key, cid)
// do not add estimation twice
for i := range s.estimations {
est := s.estimations[i]
if bytesEqual(est.from, pubKey) {
return false
s.estimations = append(s.estimations, estimation{
from: pubKey,
size: usedSize,
storage.Put(ctx, key, binary.Serialize(s))
runtime.Log("container: saved container size estimation")
return true
func GetContainerSize(id []byte) containerSizes {
return getContainerSizeEstimation(id, nil)
func ListContainerSizes(epoch int) [][]byte {
var buf interface{} = epoch
key := []byte(estimateKeyPrefix)
key = append(key, buf.([]byte)...)
it := storage.Find(ctx, key)
var result [][]byte
for iterator.Next(it) {
key := iterator.Key(it).([]byte)
result = append(result, key)
return result
func Version() int {
return version
func addContainer(ctx storage.Context, id []byte, owner []byte, container []byte) {
addOrAppend(ctx, ownersKey, owner)
addOrAppend(ctx, owner, id)
storage.Put(ctx, id, container)
func removeContainer(ctx storage.Context, id []byte, owner []byte) {
n := remove(ctx, owner, id)
// if it was last container, remove owner from the list of owners
if n == 0 {
_ = remove(ctx, ownersKey, owner)
storage.Delete(ctx, id)
func addOrAppend(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}, value []byte) {
list := getList(ctx, key)
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
if bytesEqual(list[i], value) {
if len(list) == 0 {
list = [][]byte{value}
} else {
list = append(list, value)
setSerialized(ctx, key, list)
// remove returns amount of left elements in the list
func remove(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}, value []byte) int {
var (
list = getList(ctx, key)
newList = [][]byte{}
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
if !bytesEqual(list[i], value) {
newList = append(newList, list[i])
ln := len(newList)
if ln == 0 {
storage.Delete(ctx, key)
} else {
setSerialized(ctx, key, newList)
return ln
func innerRingInvoker(ir []irNode) []byte {
for i := 0; i < len(ir); i++ {
node := ir[i]
if runtime.CheckWitness(node.key) {
return node.key
return nil
func vote(ctx storage.Context, id, from []byte) int {
var (
newCandidates []ballot
candidates = getBallots(ctx)
found = -1
blockHeight = blockchain.GetHeight()
for i := 0; i < len(candidates); i++ {
cnd := candidates[i]
if bytesEqual(, id) {
voters := cnd.n
for j := range voters {
if bytesEqual(voters[j], from) {
return len(voters)
voters = append(voters, from)
cnd = ballot{id: id, n: voters, block: blockHeight}
found = len(voters)
// do not add old ballots, they are invalid
if blockHeight-cnd.block <= blockDiff {
newCandidates = append(newCandidates, cnd)
if found < 0 {
voters := [][]byte{from}
newCandidates = append(newCandidates, ballot{
id: id,
n: voters,
block: blockHeight})
found = 1
setSerialized(ctx, voteKey, newCandidates)
return found
func removeVotes(ctx storage.Context, id []byte) {
var (
newCandidates []ballot
candidates = getBallots(ctx)
for i := 0; i < len(candidates); i++ {
cnd := candidates[i]
if !bytesEqual(, id) {
newCandidates = append(newCandidates, cnd)
setSerialized(ctx, voteKey, newCandidates)
func getList(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}) [][]byte {
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if data != nil {
return binary.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).([][]byte)
return [][]byte{}
func getAllContainers(ctx storage.Context) [][]byte {
var list [][]byte
it := storage.Find(ctx, []byte{})
for iterator.Next(it) {
key := iterator.Key(it).([]byte)
if len(key) == containerIDSize {
list = append(list, key)
return list
func getBallots(ctx storage.Context) []ballot {
data := storage.Get(ctx, voteKey)
if data != nil {
return binary.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).([]ballot)
return []ballot{}
func getEACL(ctx storage.Context, cid []byte) extendedACL {
key := append(eACLPrefix, cid...)
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if data != nil {
return binary.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(extendedACL)
return extendedACL{val: []byte{}, sig: []byte{}, pub: []byte{}}
func setSerialized(ctx storage.Context, key, value interface{}) {
data := binary.Serialize(value)
storage.Put(ctx, key, data)
func walletToScripHash(wallet []byte) []byte {
return wallet[1 : len(wallet)-4]
func verifySignature(msg, sig []byte, keys [][]byte) bool {
for i := range keys {
key := keys[i]
if crypto.ECDsaSecp256r1Verify(msg, key, sig) {
return true
return false
func invokeID(args []interface{}, prefix []byte) []byte {
for i := range args {
arg := args[i].([]byte)
prefix = append(prefix, arg...)
return crypto.SHA256(prefix)
func getOwnerByID(ctx storage.Context, id []byte) []byte {
owners := getList(ctx, ownersKey)
for i := 0; i < len(owners); i++ {
ownerID := owners[i]
containers := getList(ctx, ownerID)
for j := 0; j < len(containers); j++ {
container := containers[j]
if bytesEqual(container, id) {
return ownerID
return nil
// neo-go#1176
func bytesEqual(a []byte, b []byte) bool {
return util.Equals(string(a), string(b))
func isSignedByOwnerKey(msg, sig, owner, key []byte) bool {
if !isOwnerFromKey(owner, key) {
return false
return crypto.ECDsaSecp256r1Verify(msg, key, sig)
func isOwnerFromKey(owner []byte, key []byte) bool {
ownerSH := walletToScripHash(owner)
keySH := contract.CreateStandardAccount(key)
return bytesEqual(ownerSH, keySH)
func estimationKey(epoch int, cid []byte) []byte {
var buf interface{} = epoch
result := []byte(estimateKeyPrefix)
result = append(result, buf.([]byte)...)
return append(result, cid...)
func getContainerSizeEstimation(key, cid []byte) containerSizes {
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if data != nil {
return binary.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).(containerSizes)
return containerSizes{
cid: cid,
estimations: []estimation{},
// isStorageNode looks into _previous_ epoch network map, because storage node
// announce container size estimation of previous epoch.
func isStorageNode(key interop.PublicKey) bool {
netmapContractAddr := storage.Get(ctx, netmapContractKey).([]byte)
snapshot := contract.Call(netmapContractAddr, "snapshot", 1).([]storageNode)
for i := range snapshot {
nodeInfo := snapshot[i].info
nodeKey := nodeInfo[2:35] // offset:2, len:33
if bytesEqual(key, nodeKey) {
return true
return false