Pavel Karpy f78a0e32b8 [#185] *: Cast args of _deploy method to struct
Signed-off-by: Pavel Karpy <>
2021-12-02 13:09:50 +03:00

580 lines
15 KiB

package neofs
import (
type (
record struct {
key []byte
val []byte
const (
// CandidateFeeConfigKey contains fee for a candidate registration.
CandidateFeeConfigKey = "InnerRingCandidateFee"
withdrawFeeConfigKey = "WithdrawFee"
alphabetKey = "alphabet"
candidatesKey = "candidates"
notaryDisabledKey = "notary"
processingContractKey = "processingScriptHash"
publicKeySize = 33
maxBalanceAmount = 9000 // Max integer of Fixed12 in JSON bound (2**53-1)
maxBalanceAmountGAS = maxBalanceAmount * 1_0000_0000
// hardcoded value to ignore deposit notification in onReceive
ignoreDepositNotification = "\x57\x0b"
var (
configPrefix = []byte("config")
// _deploy sets up initial alphabet node keys.
func _deploy(data interface{}, isUpdate bool) {
if isUpdate {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
nodes := getNodes(ctx, candidatesKey)
storage.Delete(ctx, candidatesKey)
for i := range nodes {
key := append([]byte(candidatesKey), nodes[i].PublicKey...)
storage.Put(ctx, key, []byte{1})
args := data.(struct {
notaryDisabled bool
addrProc interop.Hash160
keys []interop.PublicKey
config [][]byte
ctx := storage.GetContext()
var irList []common.IRNode
if len(args.keys) == 0 {
panic("at least one alphabet key must be provided")
if len(args.addrProc) != 20 {
panic("incorrect length of contract script hash")
for i := 0; i < len(args.keys); i++ {
pub := args.keys[i]
if len(pub) != publicKeySize {
panic("incorrect public key length")
irList = append(irList, common.IRNode{PublicKey: pub})
// initialize all storage slices
common.SetSerialized(ctx, alphabetKey, irList)
storage.Put(ctx, processingContractKey, args.addrProc)
// initialize the way to collect signatures
storage.Put(ctx, notaryDisabledKey, args.notaryDisabled)
if args.notaryDisabled {
runtime.Log("neofs contract notary disabled")
ln := len(args.config)
if ln%2 != 0 {
panic("bad configuration")
for i := 0; i < ln/2; i++ {
key := args.config[i*2]
val := args.config[i*2+1]
setConfig(ctx, key, val)
runtime.Log("neofs: contract initialized")
// Update method updates contract source code and manifest. Can be invoked
// only by side chain committee.
func Update(script []byte, manifest []byte, data interface{}) {
blockHeight := ledger.CurrentIndex()
alphabetKeys := roles.GetDesignatedByRole(roles.NeoFSAlphabet, uint32(blockHeight))
alphabetCommittee := common.Multiaddress(alphabetKeys, true)
contract.Call(interop.Hash160(management.Hash), "update",
contract.All, script, manifest, common.AppendVersion(data))
runtime.Log("neofs contract updated")
// AlphabetList returns array of alphabet node keys. Use in side chain notary
// disabled environment.
func AlphabetList() []common.IRNode {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
return getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey)
// AlphabetAddress returns 2\3n+1 multi signature address of alphabet nodes.
// Used in side chain notary disabled environment.
func AlphabetAddress() interop.Hash160 {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
return multiaddress(getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey))
// InnerRingCandidates returns array of structures that contain Inner Ring
// candidate node key.
func InnerRingCandidates() []common.IRNode {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
nodes := []common.IRNode{}
it := storage.Find(ctx, candidatesKey, storage.KeysOnly|storage.RemovePrefix)
for iterator.Next(it) {
pub := iterator.Value(it).([]byte)
nodes = append(nodes, common.IRNode{PublicKey: pub})
return nodes
// InnerRingCandidateRemove removes key from the list of Inner Ring candidates.
// Can be invoked by Alphabet nodes or candidate itself.
// Method does not return fee back to the candidate.
func InnerRingCandidateRemove(key interop.PublicKey) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
var ( // for invocation collection without notary
alphabet []common.IRNode
nodeKey []byte
keyOwner := runtime.CheckWitness(key)
if !keyOwner {
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet = getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey)
nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
panic("this method must be invoked by candidate or alphabet")
} else {
multiaddr := AlphabetAddress()
if !runtime.CheckWitness(multiaddr) {
panic("this method must be invoked by candidate or alphabet")
if notaryDisabled && !keyOwner {
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
id := append(key, []byte("delete")...)
hashID := crypto.Sha256(id)
n := common.Vote(ctx, hashID, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, hashID)
prefix := []byte(candidatesKey)
stKey := append(prefix, key...)
if storage.Get(ctx, stKey) != nil {
storage.Delete(ctx, stKey)
runtime.Log("candidate has been removed")
// InnerRingCandidateAdd adds key to the list of Inner Ring candidates.
// Can be invoked only by candidate itself.
// This method transfers fee from candidate to contract account.
// Fee value specified in NeoFS network config with the key InnerRingCandidateFee.
func InnerRingCandidateAdd(key interop.PublicKey) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
stKey := append([]byte(candidatesKey), key...)
if storage.Get(ctx, stKey) != nil {
panic("candidate already in the list")
from := contract.CreateStandardAccount(key)
to := runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash()
fee := getConfig(ctx, CandidateFeeConfigKey).(int)
transferred := gas.Transfer(from, to, fee, []byte(ignoreDepositNotification))
if !transferred {
panic("failed to transfer funds, aborting")
storage.Put(ctx, stKey, []byte{1})
runtime.Log("candidate has been added")
// OnNEP17Payment is a callback for NEP-17 compatible native GAS contract.
// It takes no more than 9000.0 GAS. Native GAS has precision 8 and
// NeoFS balance contract has precision 12. Values bigger than 9000.0 can
// break JSON limits for integers when precision is converted.
func OnNEP17Payment(from interop.Hash160, amount int, data interface{}) {
rcv := data.(interop.Hash160)
if common.BytesEqual(rcv, []byte(ignoreDepositNotification)) {
if amount <= 0 {
panic("amount must be positive")
} else if maxBalanceAmountGAS < amount {
panic("out of max amount limit")
caller := runtime.GetCallingScriptHash()
if !common.BytesEqual(caller, interop.Hash160(gas.Hash)) {
panic("only GAS can be accepted for deposit")
switch len(rcv) {
case 20:
case 0:
rcv = from
panic("invalid data argument, expected Hash160")
runtime.Log("funds have been transferred")
tx := runtime.GetScriptContainer()
runtime.Notify("Deposit", from, amount, rcv, tx.Hash)
// Withdraw initialize gas asset withdraw from NeoFS. Can be invoked only
// by the specified user.
// This method produces Withdraw notification to lock assets in side chain and
// transfers withdraw fee from user account to each Alphabet node. If notary
// is enabled in main chain, fee is transferred to Processing contract.
// Fee value specified in NeoFS network config with the key WithdrawFee.
func Withdraw(user interop.Hash160, amount int) {
if !runtime.CheckWitness(user) {
panic("you should be the owner of the wallet")
if amount < 0 {
panic("non positive amount number")
if amount > maxBalanceAmount {
panic("out of max amount limit")
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
// transfer fee to proxy contract to pay cheque invocation
fee := getConfig(ctx, withdrawFeeConfigKey).(int)
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet := getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey)
for _, node := range alphabet {
processingAddr := contract.CreateStandardAccount(node.PublicKey)
transferred := gas.Transfer(user, processingAddr, fee, []byte{})
if !transferred {
panic("failed to transfer withdraw fee, aborting")
} else {
processingAddr := storage.Get(ctx, processingContractKey).(interop.Hash160)
transferred := gas.Transfer(user, processingAddr, fee, []byte{})
if !transferred {
panic("failed to transfer withdraw fee, aborting")
// notify alphabet nodes
amount = amount * 100000000
tx := runtime.GetScriptContainer()
runtime.Notify("Withdraw", user, amount, tx.Hash)
// Cheque transfers GAS back to the user from contract account, if assets were
// successfully locked in NeoFS balance contract. Can be invoked only by
// Alphabet nodes.
// This method produces Cheque notification to burn assets in side chain.
func Cheque(id []byte, user interop.Hash160, amount int, lockAcc []byte) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
var ( // for invocation collection without notary
alphabet []common.IRNode
nodeKey []byte
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet = getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey)
nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
panic("this method must be invoked by alphabet")
} else {
multiaddr := AlphabetAddress()
from := runtime.GetExecutingScriptHash()
if notaryDisabled {
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
transferred := gas.Transfer(from, user, amount, nil)
if !transferred {
panic("failed to transfer funds, aborting")
runtime.Log("funds have been transferred")
runtime.Notify("Cheque", id, user, amount, lockAcc)
// Bind method produces notification to bind specified public keys in NeoFSID
// contract in side chain. Can be invoked only by specified user.
// This method produces Bind notification. Method panics if keys are not
// 33 byte long. User argument must be valid 20 byte script hash.
func Bind(user []byte, keys []interop.PublicKey) {
if !runtime.CheckWitness(user) {
panic("you should be the owner of the wallet")
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
pubKey := keys[i]
if len(pubKey) != publicKeySize {
panic("incorrect public key size")
runtime.Notify("Bind", user, keys)
// Unbind method produces notification to unbind specified public keys in NeoFSID
// contract in side chain. Can be invoked only by specified user.
// This method produces Unbind notification. Method panics if keys are not
// 33 byte long. User argument must be valid 20 byte script hash.
func Unbind(user []byte, keys []interop.PublicKey) {
if !runtime.CheckWitness(user) {
panic("you should be the owner of the wallet")
for i := 0; i < len(keys); i++ {
pubKey := keys[i]
if len(pubKey) != publicKeySize {
panic("incorrect public key size")
runtime.Notify("Unbind", user, keys)
// AlphabetUpdate updates list of alphabet nodes with provided list of
// public keys. Can be invoked only by alphabet nodes.
// This method used in notary disabled side chain environment. In this case
// actual alphabet list should be stored in the NeoFS contract.
func AlphabetUpdate(id []byte, args []interop.PublicKey) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
if len(args) == 0 {
panic("bad arguments")
var ( // for invocation collection without notary
alphabet []common.IRNode
nodeKey []byte
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet = getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey)
nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(nodeKey) == 0 {
panic("this method must be invoked by alphabet")
} else {
multiaddr := AlphabetAddress()
newAlphabet := []common.IRNode{}
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
pubKey := args[i]
if len(pubKey) != publicKeySize {
panic("invalid public key in alphabet list")
newAlphabet = append(newAlphabet, common.IRNode{
PublicKey: pubKey,
if notaryDisabled {
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
common.SetSerialized(ctx, alphabetKey, newAlphabet)
runtime.Notify("AlphabetUpdate", id, newAlphabet)
runtime.Log("alphabet list has been updated")
// Config returns configuration value of NeoFS configuration. If key does
// not exists, returns nil.
func Config(key []byte) interface{} {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
return getConfig(ctx, key)
// SetConfig key-value pair as a NeoFS runtime configuration value. Can be invoked
// only by Alphabet nodes.
func SetConfig(id, key, val []byte) {
ctx := storage.GetContext()
notaryDisabled := storage.Get(ctx, notaryDisabledKey).(bool)
var ( // for invocation collection without notary
alphabet []common.IRNode
nodeKey []byte
if notaryDisabled {
alphabet = getNodes(ctx, alphabetKey)
nodeKey = common.InnerRingInvoker(alphabet)
if len(key) == 0 {
panic("this method must be invoked by alphabet")
} else {
multiaddr := AlphabetAddress()
if notaryDisabled {
threshold := len(alphabet)*2/3 + 1
n := common.Vote(ctx, id, nodeKey)
if n < threshold {
common.RemoveVotes(ctx, id)
setConfig(ctx, key, val)
runtime.Notify("SetConfig", id, key, val)
runtime.Log("configuration has been updated")
// ListConfig returns array of structures that contain key and value of all
// NeoFS configuration records. Key and value are both byte arrays.
func ListConfig() []record {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
var config []record
it := storage.Find(ctx, configPrefix, storage.None)
for iterator.Next(it) {
pair := iterator.Value(it).([]interface{})
key := pair[0].([]byte)
val := pair[1].([]byte)
r := record{key: key[len(configPrefix):], val: val}
config = append(config, r)
return config
// Version returns version of the contract.
func Version() int {
return common.Version
// getNodes returns deserialized slice of nodes from storage.
func getNodes(ctx storage.Context, key string) []common.IRNode {
data := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if data != nil {
return std.Deserialize(data.([]byte)).([]common.IRNode)
return []common.IRNode{}
// getConfig returns installed neofs configuration value or nil if it is not set.
func getConfig(ctx storage.Context, key interface{}) interface{} {
postfix := key.([]byte)
storageKey := append(configPrefix, postfix...)
return storage.Get(ctx, storageKey)
// setConfig sets neofs configuration value in the contract storage.
func setConfig(ctx storage.Context, key, val interface{}) {
postfix := key.([]byte)
storageKey := append(configPrefix, postfix...)
storage.Put(ctx, storageKey, val)
// multiaddress returns multi signature address from list of IRNode structures
// with m = 2/3n+1.
func multiaddress(n []common.IRNode) []byte {
threshold := len(n)*2/3 + 1
keys := []interop.PublicKey{}
for _, node := range n {
key := node.PublicKey
keys = append(keys, key)
return contract.CreateMultisigAccount(threshold, keys)