make down/basic does not stop morph #12

opened 2023-03-08 23:38:04 +00:00 by snegurochka · 0 comments

Original issue:

After #212 there is a new target in the Makefile: (up|down)/bootstrap. It has been added to every up/* but not to all the down/* targets.
As a result down/basic does not return a state after the up/basic. It confused me a little and was not expected of me: every local run was made using the same morph state without any cleaning. Not sure if it is something that we want to have in our makefile. Mb it is a kinda feature and allows caching morph b/w runs.

Original issue: After #212 there is a new target in the `Makefile`: `(up|down)/bootstrap`. It has been added to every `up/*` but not to all the `down/*` targets. As a result `down/basic` does not return a state after the `up/basic`. It confused me a little and was not expected of me: every local run was made using the same morph state without any cleaning. Not sure if it is something that we want to have in our makefile. Mb it is a kinda feature and allows caching morph b/w runs.
fyrchik added the
good first issue
label 2023-08-14 12:34:08 +00:00
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