Integrate grafana LOKI #56

opened 2023-10-02 10:20:50 +00:00 by fyrchik · 1 comment

We want some prototype and node support here.

  1. Research on how LOKI integrates with everyone.
  2. Implement integration for our zap. We may not need this, because it could be done on the journald level, but it is nice for a prototype.
  3. Add it here on devenv and make a PR.
We want some prototype and node support here. 1. Research on how LOKI integrates with everyone. 2. Implement integration for our zap. We may not _need_ this, because it could be done on the journald level, but it is nice for a prototype. 3. Add it here on devenv and make a PR.
achuprov was assigned by fyrchik 2023-10-02 10:20:56 +00:00
fyrchik added the
labels 2023-10-02 10:21:02 +00:00

If we will do it with zap, depending on the amount of code needed, we may put it here

If we will do it with zap, depending on the amount of code needed, we may put it here
fyrchik referenced this issue from a commit 2023-11-20 08:12:03 +00:00
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