Remove symlink after prepare storage target #8

opened 2023-03-08 23:38:00 +00:00 by snegurochka · 0 comments

Original issue:

After #92 we have target that creates storage node's TLS certificate symlink to the host machine. However it never removed. make clean target removes storage node's certificate but it didn't affect symlink. It solves the issue technically, but it would be better if we will keep clean host machine.

Possible options:

  • do not create symlink at target, but show ln -s command for the user to manage it on it's own (kinda like we propose to modify /etc/hosts file and do not modify it in the scripts,
  • remove symlink at make clean target.
Original issue: After #92 we have `` target that creates storage node's TLS certificate symlink to the host machine. However it never removed. `make clean` target removes storage node's certificate but it didn't affect symlink. It solves the issue technically, but it would be better if we will keep clean host machine. Possible options: - do not create symlink at `` target, but show `ln -s` command for the user to manage it on it's own (kinda like we propose to modify `/etc/hosts` file and do not modify it in the scripts, - remove symlink at `make clean` target.
fyrchik added the
good first issue
label 2023-05-02 10:26:54 +00:00
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