Replace bash scripts with frostfs-adm #18

fyrchik merged 4 commits from fyrchik/frostfs-dev-env:devenv-adm into master 2023-05-02 17:01:46 +00:00
8 changed files with 20 additions and 164 deletions

View file

@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ up: up/basic
.PHONY: up/basic
up/basic: up/bootstrap
@$(foreach SVC, $(START_BASIC), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml up -d))
@./bin/ string SystemDNS container
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph force-new-epoch
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config SystemDNS=container --force
@echo "Basic FrostFS Developer Environment is ready"
# Start bootstrap services
@ -75,8 +75,12 @@ up/basic: up/bootstrap
up/bootstrap: get vendor/hosts
@$(foreach SVC, $(START_BOOTSTRAP), $(shell docker-compose -f services/$(SVC)/docker-compose.yml up -d))
@source ./bin/
@./vendor/frostfs-adm --config frostfs-adm.yml morph init --alphabet-wallets ./services/ir --contracts vendor/contracts || die "Failed to initialize Alphabet wallets"
@for f in ./services/storage/wallet*.json; do echo "Transfer GAS to wallet $${f}" && ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph refill-gas --storage-wallet $${f} --gas 10.0 --alphabet-wallets services/ir || die "Failed to transfer GAS to alphabet wallets"; done
@./vendor/frostfs-adm --config frostfs-adm.yml morph init --contracts vendor/contracts
@for f in ./services/storage/wallet*.json; do \
echo "Transfer GAS to wallet $${f}" \
&& ./vendor/frostfs-adm -c frostfs-adm.yml morph refill-gas --storage-wallet $${f} --gas 10.0 \
|| die "Failed to transfer GAS to alphabet wallets"; \
@echo "FrostFS sidechain environment is deployed"
# Build up certain service

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Running bin/"
# Source env settings
. .env
. services/ir/.ir.env
source bin/
# NeoGo binary path.
NEOGO="${NEOGO:-docker exec morph_chain neo-go}"
# Wallet files to change config value
NETMAP_ADDR=$(bin/ netmap.frostfs) || die "Failed to resolve 'netmap.frostfs' domain name"
# FrostFS configuration record: variable type [string|int|etc],
# key is a string and value is a constant of given type
[ -z "$TYPE" ] && echo "Empty config value type" && exit 1
[ -z "$KEY" ] && echo "Empty config key" && exit 1
[ -z "$VALUE" ] && echo "Empty config value" && exit 1
# Internal variables
if [[ -z "${FROSTFS_NOTARY_DISABLED}" ]]; then
ADDR=$(jq -r .accounts[2].address < "${WALLET}" || die "Cannot get address from ${WALLET}")
ADDR=$(jq -r .accounts[0].address < "${WALLET}" || die "Cannot get address from ${WALLET}")
# Change config value in side chain
echo "Changing ${KEY} configration value to ${VALUE}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
${NEOGO} contract invokefunction \
--wallet-config ${CONFIG_IMG} \
-a ${ADDR} --force \
-r http://morph-chain.${LOCAL_DOMAIN}:30333 \
setConfig bytes:beefcafe \
string:${KEY} \
${TYPE}:${VALUE} -- ${ADDR} || exit 1
# Update epoch to apply new configuration value

View file

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
set passwd [lindex $argv 0]
set args [lrange $argv 1 end]
spawn -noecho {*}$args
expect -re {^.*assword.*$}
if { $passwd == "-"} {
send -- "\r"
} else {
send -- "$passwd\r"
expect {
"Relay transaction" {
send "y\r"
lassign [wait] pid spawnid os_error_flag value
exit $value

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Source env settings
. .env
source bin/
# NeoGo binary path.
NEOGO="${NEOGO:-docker exec morph_chain neo-go}"
# NNS contract script hash
output=$(curl -s --data '{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getcontractstate", "params": [1] }' \
"http://morph-chain.${LOCAL_DOMAIN}:30333/") \
|| die "Cannot fetch NNS contract state"
NNS_ADDR=$(jq -r '.result.hash' <<< "$output") \
|| die "Cannot parse NNS contract hash: $NNS_ADDR"
${NEOGO} contract testinvokefunction \
-r "http://morph-chain.${LOCAL_DOMAIN}:30333" \
"${NNS_ADDR}" resolve string:"${1}" int:16 \
| jq -r '.stack[0].value | if type=="array" then .[0].value else . end' \
| base64 -d \
|| die "Cannot invoke 'NNS.resolve' $output"

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Running bin/"
# Source env settings
. .env
. services/ir/.ir.env
source bin/
# NeoGo binary path.
NEOGO="${NEOGO:-docker exec morph_chain neo-go}"
# Wallet files to change config value
# Internal variables
if [[ -z "${FROSTFS_NOTARY_DISABLED}" ]]; then
ADDR=$(jq -r .accounts[2].address < "${WALLET}" || die "Cannot get address from ${WALLET}")
ADDR=$(jq -r .accounts[0].address < "${WALLET}" || die "Cannot get address from ${WALLET}")
# Grep Morph block time
BLOCK_DURATION=$(grep SecondsPerBlock < "$SIDECHAIN_PROTO" | awk '{print $2}') \
|| die "Cannot fetch block duration"
NETMAP_ADDR=$(bin/ netmap.frostfs) || die "Cannot resolve netmap.frostfs"
# Fetch current epoch value
EPOCH=$(${NEOGO} contract testinvokefunction \
-r "http://morph-chain.${LOCAL_DOMAIN}:30333" "${NETMAP_ADDR}" epoch \
| grep 'value' | awk -F'"' '{ print $4 }') \
|| die "Cannot fetch epoch from netmap contract"
echo "Updating FrostFS epoch to $((EPOCH+1))"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
${NEOGO} contract invokefunction \
--wallet-config ${CONFIG_IMG} \
-a ${ADDR} --force \
-r http://morph-chain.${LOCAL_DOMAIN}:30333 \
newEpoch int:$((EPOCH+1)) -- ${ADDR}:Global \
|| die "Cannot increment an epoch"
# Wait one Morph block to ensure the transaction broadcasted
# shellcheck disable=SC2086

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
rpc-endpoint: http://morph-chain.frostfs.devenv:30333
alphabet-wallets: ./services/ir

This makes config unusable outside of root dir, but maybe it's worth it.

This makes config unusable outside of root dir, but maybe it's worth it.
max_object_size: 67108864
epoch_duration: 240

View file

@ -1,44 +1,40 @@
# Update epoch duration in side chain blocks (make update.epoch_duration val=30)
@./bin/ int EpochDuration $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config EpochDuration=$(val)
# Update max object size in bytes (make update.max_object_size val=1000)
@./bin/ int MaxObjectSize $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config MaxObjectSize=$(val)
# Update audit fee per result in fixed 12 (make update.audit_fee val=100)
@./bin/ int AuditFee $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config AuditFee=$(val)
# Update container fee per alphabet node in fixed 12 (make update.container_fee val=500)
@./bin/ int ContainerFee $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config ContainerFee=$(val)
# Update container alias fee per alphabet node in fixed 12 (make update.container_alias_fee val=100)
@./bin/ int ContainerAliasFee $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config ContainerAliasFee=$(val)
# Update amount of EigenTrust iterations (make update.eigen_trust_iterations val=2)
@./bin/ int EigenTrustIterations $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config EigenTrustIterations=$(val)
# Update system dns to resolve container names (make update.system_dns val=container)
@./bin/ string SystemDNS $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config SystemDNS=$(val) --force
# Update alpha parameter of EigenTrust algorithm in 0 <= f <= 1.0 (make update.eigen_trust_alpha val=0.2)
@./bin/ string EigenTrustAlpha $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config EigenTrustAlpha=$(val)
# Update basic income rate in fixed 12 (make update.basic_income_rate val=1000)
@./bin/ int BasicIncomeRate $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config BasicIncomeRate=$(val)
# Update homomorphic hashing disabled flag (make update.homomorphic_hashing_disable val=true)
@./bin/ bool HomomorphicHashingDisabled $(val)
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml morph set-config HomomorphicHashingDisabled=$(val)
# Tick new epoch in side chain

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
# Deposit GAS from default wallet to FrostFS privnet contract
@./bin/ int ContainerFee 0
@./bin/ int ContainerAliasFee 0
@./vendor/frostfs-adm -c ./frostfs-adm.yml ContainerFee=0 ContainerAliasFee=0