[] Support soft memory limit setting

Signed-off-by: Roman Loginov <r.loginov@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
Roman Loginov 2023-08-31 19:19:57 +03:00
parent 7d47e88e36
commit 6b18dd5d2a
6 changed files with 121 additions and 65 deletions

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ func newApp(ctx context.Context, opt ...Option) App {
user.IDFromKey(&owner, a.key.PrivateKey.PublicKey)
a.owner = &owner
@ -389,6 +392,8 @@ func (a *app) configReload(ctx context.Context) {
a.log.Warn(logs.FailedToReloadServerParameters, zap.Error(err))
@ -576,3 +581,19 @@ func (a *app) initTracing(ctx context.Context) {
func (a *app) setRuntimeParameters() {
if len(os.Getenv("GOMEMLIMIT")) != 0 {
// default limit < yaml limit < app env limit < GOMEMLIMIT
softMemoryLimit := fetchSoftMemoryLimit(a.cfg)
previous := debug.SetMemoryLimit(softMemoryLimit)
if softMemoryLimit != previous {
zap.Int64("new_value", softMemoryLimit),
zap.Int64("old_value", previous))

View file

@ -96,3 +96,5 @@ HTTP_GW_ZIP_COMPRESSION=false

View file

@ -101,3 +101,6 @@ pool_error_threshold: 100 # The number of errors on connection after which node
compression: false # Enable zip compression to download files by common prefix.
soft_memory_limit: 1gb

View file

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ $ cat http.log
| `pprof` | [Pprof configuration](#pprof-section) |
| `prometheus` | [Prometheus configuration](#prometheus-section) |
| `tracing` | [Tracing configuration](#tracing-section) |
| `runtime` | [Runtime configuration](#runtime-section) |
# General section
@ -256,3 +257,15 @@ tracing:
| `enabled` | `bool` | yes | `false` | Flag to enable the tracing. |
| `exporter` | `string` | yes | | Trace collector type (`stdout` or `otlp_grpc` are supported). |
| `endpoint` | `string` | yes | | Address of collector endpoint for OTLP exporters. |
# `runtime` section
Contains runtime parameters.
soft_memory_limit: 1gb
| Parameter | Type | SIGHUP reload | Default value | Description |
| `soft_memory_limit` | `size` | yes | maxint64 | Soft memory limit for the runtime. Zero or no value stands for no limit. If `GOMEMLIMIT` environment variable is set, the value from the configuration file will be ignored. |

View file

@ -1,69 +1,71 @@
package logs
const (
CouldntParseCreationDate = "couldn't parse creation date" // Info in ../../downloader/*
CouldNotDetectContentTypeFromPayload = "could not detect Content-Type from payload" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotReceiveObject = "could not receive object" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
WrongContainerID = "wrong container id" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go and uploader/upload.go
WrongObjectID = "wrong object id" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectWasntFound = "object wasn't found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectWasDeleted = "object was deleted" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotSearchForObjects = "could not search for objects" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectNotFound = "object not found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ReadObjectListFailed = "read object list failed" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotCheckContainerExistence = "could not check container existence" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
FailedToAddObjectToArchive = "failed to add object to archive" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
IteratingOverSelectedObjectsFailed = "iterating over selected objects failed" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectsNotFound = "objects not found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CloseZipWriter = "close zip writer" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ServiceIsRunning = "service is running" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
ServiceCouldntStartOnConfiguredPort = "service couldn't start on configured port" // Warn in ../../metrics/service.go
ServiceHasntStartedSinceItsDisabled = "service hasn't started since it's disabled" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
ShuttingDownService = "shutting down service" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
CantShutDownService = "can't shut down service" // Panic in ../../metrics/service.go
IgnorePartEmptyFormName = "ignore part, empty form name" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
IgnorePartEmptyFilename = "ignore part, empty filename" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
CloseTemporaryMultipartFormFile = "close temporary multipart/form file" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotReceiveMultipartForm = "could not receive multipart/form" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotProcessHeaders = "could not process headers" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotParseClientTime = "could not parse client time" // Warn in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotPrepareExpirationHeader = "could not prepare expiration header" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotEncodeResponse = "could not encode response" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotStoreFileInFrostfs = "could not store file in frostfs" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
AddAttributeToResultObject = "add attribute to result object" // Debug in ../../uploader/filter.go
FailedToCreateResolver = "failed to create resolver" // Fatal in ../../app.go
ContainerResolverWillBeDisabledBecauseOfResolversResolverOrderIsEmpty = "container resolver will be disabled because of resolvers 'resolver_order' is empty" // Info in ../../app.go
MetricsAreDisabled = "metrics are disabled" // Warn in ../../app.go
NoWalletPathSpecifiedCreatingEphemeralKeyAutomaticallyForThisRun = "no wallet path specified, creating ephemeral key automatically for this run" // Info in ../../app.go
StartingApplication = "starting application" // Info in ../../app.go
StartingServer = "starting server" // Info in ../../app.go
ListenAndServe = "listen and serve" // Fatal in ../../app.go
ShuttingDownWebServer = "shutting down web server" // Info in ../../app.go
FailedToShutdownTracing = "failed to shutdown tracing" // Warn in ../../app.go
SIGHUPConfigReloadStarted = "SIGHUP config reload started" // Info in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadConfigBecauseItsMissed = "failed to reload config because it's missed" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadConfig = "failed to reload config" // Warn in ../../app.go
LogLevelWontBeUpdated = "log level won't be updated" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToUpdateResolvers = "failed to update resolvers" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadServerParameters = "failed to reload server parameters" // Warn in ../../app.go
SIGHUPConfigReloadCompleted = "SIGHUP config reload completed" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathUploadCid = "added path /upload/{cid}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathGetCidOid = "added path /get/{cid}/{oid}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathGetByAttributeCidAttrKeyAttrVal = "added path /get_by_attribute/{cid}/{attr_key}/{attr_val:*}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathZipCidPrefix = "added path /zip/{cid}/{prefix}" // Info in ../../app.go
Request = "request" // Info in ../../app.go
CouldNotFetchAndStoreBearerToken = "could not fetch and store bearer token" // Error in ../../app.go
FailedToAddServer = "failed to add server" // Warn in ../../app.go
AddServer = "add server" // Info in ../../app.go
NoHealthyServers = "no healthy servers" // Fatal in ../../app.go
FailedToInitializeTracing = "failed to initialize tracing" // Warn in ../../app.go
TracingConfigUpdated = "tracing config updated" // Info in ../../app.go
ResolverNNSWontBeUsedSinceRPCEndpointIsntProvided = "resolver nns won't be used since rpc_endpoint isn't provided" // Warn in ../../app.go
CouldNotLoadFrostFSPrivateKey = "could not load FrostFS private key" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
UsingCredentials = "using credentials" // Info in ../../settings.go
FailedToCreateConnectionPool = "failed to create connection pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToDialConnectionPool = "failed to dial connection pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToCreateTreePool = "failed to create tree pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToDialTreePool = "failed to dial tree pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
AddedStoragePeer = "added storage peer" // Info in ../../settings.go
CouldntParseCreationDate = "couldn't parse creation date" // Info in ../../downloader/*
CouldNotDetectContentTypeFromPayload = "could not detect Content-Type from payload" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotReceiveObject = "could not receive object" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
WrongContainerID = "wrong container id" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go and uploader/upload.go
WrongObjectID = "wrong object id" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectWasntFound = "object wasn't found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectWasDeleted = "object was deleted" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotSearchForObjects = "could not search for objects" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectNotFound = "object not found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ReadObjectListFailed = "read object list failed" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CouldNotCheckContainerExistence = "could not check container existence" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
FailedToAddObjectToArchive = "failed to add object to archive" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
IteratingOverSelectedObjectsFailed = "iterating over selected objects failed" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ObjectsNotFound = "objects not found" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
CloseZipWriter = "close zip writer" // Error in ../../downloader/download.go
ServiceIsRunning = "service is running" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
ServiceCouldntStartOnConfiguredPort = "service couldn't start on configured port" // Warn in ../../metrics/service.go
ServiceHasntStartedSinceItsDisabled = "service hasn't started since it's disabled" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
ShuttingDownService = "shutting down service" // Info in ../../metrics/service.go
CantShutDownService = "can't shut down service" // Panic in ../../metrics/service.go
IgnorePartEmptyFormName = "ignore part, empty form name" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
IgnorePartEmptyFilename = "ignore part, empty filename" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
CloseTemporaryMultipartFormFile = "close temporary multipart/form file" // Debug in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotReceiveMultipartForm = "could not receive multipart/form" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotProcessHeaders = "could not process headers" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotParseClientTime = "could not parse client time" // Warn in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotPrepareExpirationHeader = "could not prepare expiration header" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotEncodeResponse = "could not encode response" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
CouldNotStoreFileInFrostfs = "could not store file in frostfs" // Error in ../../uploader/upload.go
AddAttributeToResultObject = "add attribute to result object" // Debug in ../../uploader/filter.go
FailedToCreateResolver = "failed to create resolver" // Fatal in ../../app.go
ContainerResolverWillBeDisabledBecauseOfResolversResolverOrderIsEmpty = "container resolver will be disabled because of resolvers 'resolver_order' is empty" // Info in ../../app.go
MetricsAreDisabled = "metrics are disabled" // Warn in ../../app.go
NoWalletPathSpecifiedCreatingEphemeralKeyAutomaticallyForThisRun = "no wallet path specified, creating ephemeral key automatically for this run" // Info in ../../app.go
StartingApplication = "starting application" // Info in ../../app.go
StartingServer = "starting server" // Info in ../../app.go
ListenAndServe = "listen and serve" // Fatal in ../../app.go
ShuttingDownWebServer = "shutting down web server" // Info in ../../app.go
FailedToShutdownTracing = "failed to shutdown tracing" // Warn in ../../app.go
SIGHUPConfigReloadStarted = "SIGHUP config reload started" // Info in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadConfigBecauseItsMissed = "failed to reload config because it's missed" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadConfig = "failed to reload config" // Warn in ../../app.go
LogLevelWontBeUpdated = "log level won't be updated" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToUpdateResolvers = "failed to update resolvers" // Warn in ../../app.go
FailedToReloadServerParameters = "failed to reload server parameters" // Warn in ../../app.go
SIGHUPConfigReloadCompleted = "SIGHUP config reload completed" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathUploadCid = "added path /upload/{cid}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathGetCidOid = "added path /get/{cid}/{oid}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathGetByAttributeCidAttrKeyAttrVal = "added path /get_by_attribute/{cid}/{attr_key}/{attr_val:*}" // Info in ../../app.go
AddedPathZipCidPrefix = "added path /zip/{cid}/{prefix}" // Info in ../../app.go
Request = "request" // Info in ../../app.go
CouldNotFetchAndStoreBearerToken = "could not fetch and store bearer token" // Error in ../../app.go
FailedToAddServer = "failed to add server" // Warn in ../../app.go
AddServer = "add server" // Info in ../../app.go
NoHealthyServers = "no healthy servers" // Fatal in ../../app.go
FailedToInitializeTracing = "failed to initialize tracing" // Warn in ../../app.go
TracingConfigUpdated = "tracing config updated" // Info in ../../app.go
ResolverNNSWontBeUsedSinceRPCEndpointIsntProvided = "resolver nns won't be used since rpc_endpoint isn't provided" // Warn in ../../app.go
RuntimeSoftMemoryDefinedWithGOMEMLIMIT = "soft runtime memory defined with GOMEMLIMIT environment variable, config value skipped" // Warn in ../../app.go
RuntimeSoftMemoryLimitUpdated = "soft runtime memory limit value updated" // Info in ../../app.go
CouldNotLoadFrostFSPrivateKey = "could not load FrostFS private key" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
UsingCredentials = "using credentials" // Info in ../../settings.go
FailedToCreateConnectionPool = "failed to create connection pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToDialConnectionPool = "failed to dial connection pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToCreateTreePool = "failed to create tree pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
FailedToDialTreePool = "failed to dial tree pool" // Fatal in ../../settings.go
AddedStoragePeer = "added storage peer" // Info in ../../settings.go

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ const (
defaultPoolErrorThreshold uint32 = 100
defaultSoftMemoryLimit = math.MaxInt64
cfgServer = "server"
cfgTLSEnabled = "tls.enabled"
cfgTLSCertFile = "tls.cert_file"
@ -90,6 +93,9 @@ const (
// Zip compression.
cfgZipCompression = "zip.compression"
// Runtime.
cfgSoftMemoryLimit = "runtime.soft_memory_limit"
// Command line args.
cmdHelp = "help"
cmdVersion = "version"
@ -516,3 +522,12 @@ func fetchPeers(l *zap.Logger, v *viper.Viper) []pool.NodeParam {
return nodes
func fetchSoftMemoryLimit(cfg *viper.Viper) int64 {
softMemoryLimit := cfg.GetSizeInBytes(cfgSoftMemoryLimit)
if softMemoryLimit <= 0 {
softMemoryLimit = defaultSoftMemoryLimit
return int64(softMemoryLimit)