131 lines
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131 lines
9.4 KiB
package logs
import "go.uber.org/zap"
const (
TagFieldName = "tag"
TagApp = "app"
TagDatapath = "datapath"
TagExternalStorage = "external_storage"
TagExternalStorageTree = "external_storage_tree"
func TagField(tag string) zap.Field {
return zap.String(TagFieldName, tag)
// Log messages with the "app" tag.
const (
ServiceIsRunning = "service is running"
ServiceCouldntStartOnConfiguredPort = "service couldn't start on configured port"
ServiceHasntStartedSinceItsDisabled = "service hasn't started since it's disabled"
ShuttingDownService = "shutting down service"
CantShutDownService = "can't shut down service"
CantGracefullyShutDownService = "can't gracefully shut down service, force stop"
FailedToCreateResolver = "failed to create resolver"
FailedToCreateWorkerPool = "failed to create worker pool"
StartingApplication = "starting application"
StartingServer = "starting server"
ListenAndServe = "listen and serve"
ShuttingDownWebServer = "shutting down web server"
FailedToShutdownTracing = "failed to shutdown tracing"
AddedPathUploadCid = "added path /upload/{cid}"
AddedPathGetCidOid = "added path /get/{cid}/{oid}"
AddedPathGetByAttributeCidAttrKeyAttrVal = "added path /get_by_attribute/{cid}/{attr_key}/{attr_val:*}"
AddedPathZipCidPrefix = "added path /zip/{cid}/{prefix}"
FailedToAddServer = "failed to add server"
AddServer = "add server"
NoHealthyServers = "no healthy servers"
FailedToInitializeTracing = "failed to initialize tracing"
RuntimeSoftMemoryDefinedWithGOMEMLIMIT = "soft runtime memory defined with GOMEMLIMIT environment variable, config value skipped"
RuntimeSoftMemoryLimitUpdated = "soft runtime memory limit value updated"
CouldNotLoadFrostFSPrivateKey = "could not load FrostFS private key"
UsingCredentials = "using credentials"
FailedToCreateConnectionPool = "failed to create connection pool"
FailedToDialConnectionPool = "failed to dial connection pool"
FailedToCreateTreePool = "failed to create tree pool"
FailedToDialTreePool = "failed to dial tree pool"
ServerReconnecting = "reconnecting server..."
ServerReconnectedSuccessfully = "server reconnected successfully"
ServerReconnectFailed = "failed to reconnect server"
FailedToSumbitTaskToPool = "failed to submit task to pool"
MultinetDialSuccess = "multinet dial successful"
MultinetDialFail = "multinet dial failed"
ContainerResolverWillBeDisabledBecauseOfResolversResolverOrderIsEmpty = "container resolver will be disabled because of resolvers 'resolver_order' is empty"
MetricsAreDisabled = "metrics are disabled"
NoWalletPathSpecifiedCreatingEphemeralKeyAutomaticallyForThisRun = "no wallet path specified, creating ephemeral key automatically for this run"
SIGHUPConfigReloadStarted = "SIGHUP config reload started"
FailedToReloadConfigBecauseItsMissed = "failed to reload config because it's missed"
FailedToReloadConfig = "failed to reload config"
FailedToUpdateResolvers = "failed to update resolvers"
FailedToReloadServerParameters = "failed to reload server parameters"
SIGHUPConfigReloadCompleted = "SIGHUP config reload completed"
TracingConfigUpdated = "tracing config updated"
ResolverNNSWontBeUsedSinceRPCEndpointIsntProvided = "resolver nns won't be used since rpc_endpoint isn't provided"
AddedStoragePeer = "added storage peer"
InvalidLifetimeUsingDefaultValue = "invalid lifetime, using default value (in seconds)"
InvalidCacheSizeUsingDefaultValue = "invalid cache size, using default value"
WarnDuplicateAddress = "duplicate address"
FailedToLoadMultinetConfig = "failed to load multinet config"
MultinetConfigWontBeUpdated = "multinet config won't be updated"
LogLevelWontBeUpdated = "log level won't be updated"
TagsLogConfigWontBeUpdated = "tags log config won't be updated"
FailedToReadIndexPageTemplate = "failed to read index page template"
SetCustomIndexPageTemplate = "set custom index page template"
// Log messages with the "datapath" tag.
const (
CouldntParseCreationDate = "couldn't parse creation date"
CouldNotDetectContentTypeFromPayload = "could not detect Content-Type from payload"
FailedToAddObjectToArchive = "failed to add object to archive"
CloseZipWriter = "close zip writer"
IgnorePartEmptyFormName = "ignore part, empty form name"
IgnorePartEmptyFilename = "ignore part, empty filename"
CouldNotParseClientTime = "could not parse client time"
CouldNotPrepareExpirationHeader = "could not prepare expiration header"
CouldNotEncodeResponse = "could not encode response"
AddAttributeToResultObject = "add attribute to result object"
Request = "request"
CouldNotFetchAndStoreBearerToken = "could not fetch and store bearer token"
CouldntPutBucketIntoCache = "couldn't put bucket info into cache"
FailedToIterateOverResponse = "failed to iterate over search response"
InvalidCacheEntryType = "invalid cache entry type"
FailedToUnescapeQuery = "failed to unescape query"
CouldntCacheNetmap = "couldn't cache netmap"
FailedToCloseReader = "failed to close reader"
FailedToFilterHeaders = "failed to filter headers"
FailedToReadFileFromTar = "failed to read file from tar"
FailedToGetAttributes = "failed to get attributes"
CloseGzipWriter = "close gzip writer"
CloseTarWriter = "close tar writer"
FailedToCreateGzipReader = "failed to create gzip reader"
GzipReaderSelected = "gzip reader selected"
CouldNotReceiveMultipartForm = "could not receive multipart/form"
ObjectsNotFound = "objects not found"
IteratingOverSelectedObjectsFailed = "iterating over selected objects failed"
CouldNotGetBucket = "could not get bucket"
CouldNotResolveContainerID = "could not resolve container id"
// Log messages with the "external_storage" tag.
const (
CouldNotReceiveObject = "could not receive object"
CouldNotSearchForObjects = "could not search for objects"
ObjectNotFound = "object not found"
ReadObjectListFailed = "read object list failed"
CouldNotStoreFileInFrostfs = "could not store file in frostfs"
FailedToHeadObject = "failed to head object"
ObjectNotFoundByFilePathTrySearchByFileName = "object not found by filePath attribute, try search by fileName"
FailedToGetObject = "failed to get object"
ObjectUploaded = "object uploaded"
CouldNotGetContainerInfo = "could not get container info"
// Log messages with the "external_storage_tree" tag.
const (
ObjectWasDeleted = "object was deleted"
FailedToGetLatestVersionOfObject = "failed to get latest version of object"
FailedToCheckIfSettingsNodeExist = "Failed to check if settings node exists"