Removed connections, logger, neofs because they were moved to sdk repo. Made changes in downloader, uploader, main.go and app.go via refactoring of neofs. Replaced dependencies to removed packages by sdk packages. Signed-off-by: Angira Kekteeva <>
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package downloader
import (
type (
detector struct {
contentType string
request struct {
log *zap.Logger
objectIDs []*object.ID
func newDetector(w io.Writer) *detector {
return &detector{Writer: w}
func (d *detector) Write(data []byte) (int, error) {
d.Once.Do(func() {
d.contentType = http.DetectContentType(data)
return d.Writer.Write(data)
func isValidToken(s string) bool {
for _, c := range s {
if c <= ' ' || c > 127 {
return false
if strings.ContainsRune("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={}", c) {
return false
return true
func isValidValue(s string) bool {
for _, c := range s {
// HTTP specification allows for more technically, but we don't want to escape things.
if c < ' ' || c > 127 || c == '"' {
return false
return true
func (r *request) receiveFile(clnt client.Client,
sessionToken *token.SessionToken,
objectAddress *object.Address) {
var (
err error
dis = "inline"
start = time.Now()
filename string
obj *object.Object
if err = tokens.StoreBearerToken(r.RequestCtx); err != nil {
r.log.Error("could not fetch and store bearer token", zap.Error(err))
r.Error("could not fetch and store bearer token", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
writer := newDetector(r.Response.BodyWriter())
options := new(client.GetObjectParams).
obj, err = clnt.GetObject(
if err != nil {
"could not receive object",
zap.Stringer("elapsed", time.Since(start)),
var (
msg = fmt.Sprintf("could not receive object: %v", err)
code = fasthttp.StatusBadRequest
cause = err
for unwrap := errors.Unwrap(err); unwrap != nil; unwrap = errors.Unwrap(cause) {
cause = unwrap
if st, ok := status.FromError(cause); ok && st != nil {
if st.Code() == codes.NotFound {
code = fasthttp.StatusNotFound
msg = st.Message()
r.Error(msg, code)
if r.Request.URI().QueryArgs().GetBool("download") {
dis = "attachment"
r.Response.Header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatUint(obj.PayloadSize(), 10))
for _, attr := range obj.Attributes() {
key := attr.Key()
val := attr.Value()
if !isValidToken(key) || !isValidValue(val) {
r.Response.Header.Set("X-Attribute-"+key, val)
switch key {
case object.AttributeFileName:
filename = val
case object.AttributeTimestamp:
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
r.log.Info("couldn't parse creation date",
zap.String("key", key),
zap.String("val", val),
time.Unix(value, 0).Format(time.RFC1123))
r.Response.Header.Set("x-object-id", obj.ID().String())
r.Response.Header.Set("x-owner-id", obj.OwnerID().String())
r.Response.Header.Set("x-container-id", obj.ContainerID().String())
r.Response.Header.Set("Content-Disposition", dis+"; filename="+path.Base(filename))
func (o objectIDs) Slice() []string {
res := make([]string, 0, len(o))
for _, oid := range o {
res = append(res, oid.String())
return res
// Downloader is a download request handler.
type Downloader struct {
log *zap.Logger
plant neofs.ClientPlant
// New creates an instance of Downloader using specified options.
func New(ctx context.Context, log *zap.Logger, plant neofs.ClientPlant) (*Downloader, error) {
var err error
d := &Downloader{log: log, plant: plant}
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get neofs client's reusable artifacts: %w", err)
return d, nil
func (d *Downloader) newRequest(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx, log *zap.Logger) *request {
return &request{
RequestCtx: ctx,
log: log,
// DownloadByAddress handles download requests using simple cid/oid format.
func (d *Downloader) DownloadByAddress(c *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
var (
err error
address = object.NewAddress()
cid, _ = c.UserValue("cid").(string)
oid, _ = c.UserValue("oid").(string)
val = strings.Join([]string{cid, oid}, "/")
log = d.log.With(zap.String("cid", cid), zap.String("oid", oid))
conn client.Client
tkn *token.SessionToken
if err = address.Parse(val); err != nil {
log.Error("wrong object address", zap.Error(err))
c.Error("wrong object address", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
conn, tkn, err = d.plant.ConnectionArtifacts()
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get neofs connection artifacts", zap.Error(err))
c.Error("failed to get neofs connection artifacts", fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
d.newRequest(c, log).receiveFile(conn, tkn, address)
// DownloadByAttribute handles attribute-based download requests.
func (d *Downloader) DownloadByAttribute(c *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {
var (
err error
scid, _ = c.UserValue("cid").(string)
key, _ = c.UserValue("attr_key").(string)
val, _ = c.UserValue("attr_val").(string)
log = d.log.With(zap.String("cid", scid), zap.String("attr_key", key), zap.String("attr_val", val))
ids []*object.ID
conn client.Client
tkn *token.SessionToken
cid := container.NewID()
if err = cid.Parse(scid); err != nil {
log.Error("wrong container id", zap.Error(err))
c.Error("wrong container id", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
conn, tkn, err = d.plant.ConnectionArtifacts()
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get neofs connection artifacts", zap.Error(err))
c.Error("failed to get neofs connection artifacts", fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
options := object.NewSearchFilters()
options.AddFilter(key, val, object.MatchStringEqual)
sops := new(client.SearchObjectParams).WithContainerID(cid).WithSearchFilters(options)
if ids, err = conn.SearchObject(c, sops, client.WithSession(tkn)); err != nil {
log.Error("something went wrong", zap.Error(err))
c.Error("something went wrong", fasthttp.StatusBadRequest)
} else if len(ids) == 0 {
log.Debug("object not found")
c.Error("object not found", fasthttp.StatusNotFound)
if len(ids) > 1 {
log.Debug("found multiple objects",
zap.Strings("object_ids", objectIDs(ids).Slice()),
zap.Stringer("show_object_id", ids[0]))
address := object.NewAddress()
conn, tkn, err = d.plant.ConnectionArtifacts()
if err != nil {
log.Error("failed to get neofs connection artifacts", zap.Error(err))
c.Error("failed to get neofs connection artifacts", fasthttp.StatusInternalServerError)
d.newRequest(c, log).receiveFile(conn, tkn, address)