package locodebolt import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" locodedb "" "" ) // Open opens an underlying BoltDB instance. // // Timeout of BoltDB opening is 3s (only for Linux or Darwin). // // Opens BoltDB in read-only mode if DB is read-only. func (db *DB) Open() error { // copy-paste from metabase: // consider universal Open/Close for BoltDB wrappers err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(db.path), db.mode|0o110) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not create dir for BoltDB: %w", err) } db.bolt, err = bbolt.Open(db.path, db.mode, db.boltOpts) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not open BoltDB: %w", err) } return nil } // Close closes an underlying BoltDB instance. // // Must not be called before successful Open call. func (db *DB) Close() error { return db.bolt.Close() } func countryBucketKey(cc *locodedb.CountryCode) ([]byte, error) { return []byte(cc.String()), nil } func locationBucketKey(lc *locodedb.LocationCode) ([]byte, error) { return []byte(lc.String()), nil } type recordJSON struct { CountryName string LocationName string SubDivName string SubDivCode string Latitude float64 Longitude float64 Continent string } func recordValue(r locodedb.Record) ([]byte, error) { p := r.GeoPoint() rj := &recordJSON{ CountryName: r.CountryName(), LocationName: r.LocationName(), SubDivName: r.SubDivName(), SubDivCode: r.SubDivCode(), Latitude: p.Latitude(), Longitude: p.Longitude(), Continent: r.Continent().String(), } return json.Marshal(rj) } func recordFromValue(data []byte) (*locodedb.Record, error) { rj := new(recordJSON) if err := json.Unmarshal(data, rj); err != nil { return nil, err } r := new(locodedb.Record) r.SetCountryName(rj.CountryName) r.SetLocationName(rj.LocationName) r.SetSubDivName(rj.SubDivName) r.SetSubDivCode(rj.SubDivCode) r.SetGeoPoint(locodedb.NewPoint(rj.Latitude, rj.Longitude)) cont := locodedb.ContinentFromString(rj.Continent) r.SetContinent(&cont) return r, nil } // Put saves the record by key in an underlying BoltDB instance. // // Country code from the key is used for allocating the 1st level buckets. // Records are stored in country buckets by the location code from the key. // The records are stored in internal binary JSON format. // // Must not be called before successful Open call. // Must not be called in read-only mode: behavior is undefined. func (db *DB) Put(key locodedb.Key, rec locodedb.Record) error { return db.bolt.Batch(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { countryKey, err := countryBucketKey(key.CountryCode()) if err != nil { return err } bktCountry, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(countryKey) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("could not create country bucket: %w", err) } locationKey, err := locationBucketKey(key.LocationCode()) if err != nil { return err } cont, err := recordValue(rec) if err != nil { return err } return bktCountry.Put(locationKey, cont) }) } var errRecordNotFound = errors.New("record not found") // Get reads the record by key from underlying BoltDB instance. // // Returns an error if no record is presented by key in DB. // // Must not be called before successful Open call. func (db *DB) Get(key locodedb.Key) (rec *locodedb.Record, err error) { err = db.bolt.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { countryKey, err := countryBucketKey(key.CountryCode()) if err != nil { return err } bktCountry := tx.Bucket(countryKey) if bktCountry == nil { return errRecordNotFound } locationKey, err := locationBucketKey(key.LocationCode()) if err != nil { return err } data := bktCountry.Get(locationKey) if data == nil { return errRecordNotFound } rec, err = recordFromValue(data) return err }) return } // IterateOverLocodes iterates over all locodes. // // Returns an error if unable to unmarshal data from DB. // // Must not be called before successful Open call. func (db *DB) IterateOverLocodes(f func(string, locodedb.Point)) error { return db.bolt.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error { return tx.ForEach(func(cname []byte, bktCountry *bbolt.Bucket) error { return bktCountry.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error { rec, err := recordFromValue(v) if err != nil { return err } f(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", cname, k), *rec.GeoPoint()) return nil }) }) }) }