[#156] pilorama: Remove CIDDescriptor from TreeApply()
Initially it was there to check whether an update is being initiated by a proper node. It is now obsolete for 2 reasons: 1. Background synchronization fetches all operations from a single node. 2. There are a lot more problems with trust in the tree service, it is only used in controlled environments. Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <e.stratonikov@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 57 additions and 90 deletions
@ -51,17 +51,17 @@ func (e *StorageEngine) TreeAddByPath(d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, treeID string, a
// TreeApply implements the pilorama.Forest interface.
func (e *StorageEngine) TreeApply(d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *pilorama.Move, backgroundSync bool) error {
index, lst, err := e.getTreeShard(d.CID, treeID)
func (e *StorageEngine) TreeApply(cnr cidSDK.ID, treeID string, m *pilorama.Move, backgroundSync bool) error {
index, lst, err := e.getTreeShard(cnr, treeID)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, pilorama.ErrTreeNotFound) {
return err
err = lst[index].TreeApply(d, treeID, m, backgroundSync)
err = lst[index].TreeApply(cnr, treeID, m, backgroundSync)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, shard.ErrReadOnlyMode) && err != shard.ErrPiloramaDisabled {
e.reportShardError(lst[index], "can't perform `TreeApply`", err,
zap.Stringer("cid", d.CID),
zap.Stringer("cid", cnr),
zap.String("tree", treeID))
return err
@ -327,11 +327,7 @@ func (t *boltForest) findSpareID(bTree *bbolt.Bucket) uint64 {
// TreeApply implements the Forest interface.
func (t *boltForest) TreeApply(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, backgroundSync bool) error {
if !d.checkValid() {
return ErrInvalidCIDDescriptor
func (t *boltForest) TreeApply(cnr cidSDK.ID, treeID string, m *Move, backgroundSync bool) error {
defer t.modeMtx.RUnlock()
@ -344,7 +340,7 @@ func (t *boltForest) TreeApply(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, backgrou
if backgroundSync {
var seen bool
err := t.db.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
treeRoot := tx.Bucket(bucketName(d.CID, treeID))
treeRoot := tx.Bucket(bucketName(cnr, treeID))
if treeRoot == nil {
return nil
@ -362,7 +358,7 @@ func (t *boltForest) TreeApply(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, backgrou
if t.db.MaxBatchSize == 1 {
fullID := bucketName(d.CID, treeID)
fullID := bucketName(cnr, treeID)
return t.db.Update(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
bLog, bTree, err := t.getTreeBuckets(tx, fullID)
if err != nil {
@ -375,11 +371,11 @@ func (t *boltForest) TreeApply(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, backgrou
ch := make(chan error, 1)
t.addBatch(d, treeID, m, ch)
t.addBatch(cnr, treeID, m, ch)
return <-ch
func (t *boltForest) addBatch(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, ch chan error) {
func (t *boltForest) addBatch(cnr cidSDK.ID, treeID string, m *Move, ch chan error) {
for i := 0; i < len(t.batches); i++ {
@ -391,7 +387,7 @@ func (t *boltForest) addBatch(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, ch chan e
found := t.batches[i].cid.Equals(d.CID) && t.batches[i].treeID == treeID
found := t.batches[i].cid.Equals(cnr) && t.batches[i].treeID == treeID
if found {
t.batches[i].results = append(t.batches[i].results, ch)
t.batches[i].operations = append(t.batches[i].operations, m)
@ -412,7 +408,7 @@ func (t *boltForest) addBatch(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, ch chan e
b := &batch{
forest: t,
cid: d.CID,
cid: cnr,
treeID: treeID,
results: []chan<- error{ch},
operations: []*Move{m},
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
cid "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/container/id"
cidSDK "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/container/id"
@ -93,12 +94,8 @@ func (f *memoryForest) TreeAddByPath(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, attr string
// TreeApply implements the Forest interface.
func (f *memoryForest) TreeApply(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, op *Move, _ bool) error {
if !d.checkValid() {
return ErrInvalidCIDDescriptor
fullID := d.CID.String() + "/" + treeID
func (f *memoryForest) TreeApply(cnr cid.ID, treeID string, op *Move, _ bool) error {
fullID := cnr.String() + "/" + treeID
s, ok := f.treeMap[fullID]
if !ok {
s = newState()
@ -411,21 +411,10 @@ func TestForest_Apply(t *testing.T) {
func testForestTreeApply(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _ ...Option) Forest) {
cid := cidtest.ID()
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
treeID := "version"
t.Run("invalid descriptor", func(t *testing.T) {
s := constructor(t)
err := s.TreeApply(CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 0}, treeID, &Move{
Child: 10,
Parent: 0,
Meta: Meta{Time: 1, Items: []KeyValue{{"grand", []byte{1}}}},
}, false)
require.ErrorIs(t, err, ErrInvalidCIDDescriptor)
testApply := func(t *testing.T, s Forest, child, parent Node, meta Meta) {
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &Move{
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &Move{
Child: child,
Parent: parent,
Meta: meta,
@ -465,7 +454,6 @@ func TestForest_GetOpLog(t *testing.T) {
func testForestTreeGetOpLog(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _ ...Option) Forest) {
cid := cidtest.ID()
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
treeID := "version"
logs := []Move{
@ -491,7 +479,7 @@ func testForestTreeGetOpLog(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _ ...Op
for i := range logs {
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &logs[i], false))
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &logs[i], false))
testGetOpLog := func(t *testing.T, height uint64, m Move) {
@ -533,13 +521,12 @@ func testForestTreeExists(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, opts ...O
cid := cidtest.ID()
treeID := "version"
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
t.Run("empty state, no panic", func(t *testing.T) {
checkExists(t, false, cid, treeID)
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &Move{Parent: 0, Child: 1}, false))
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &Move{Parent: 0, Child: 1}, false))
checkExists(t, true, cid, treeID)
checkExists(t, false, cidtest.ID(), treeID) // different CID, same tree
checkExists(t, false, cid, "another tree") // same CID, different tree
@ -570,16 +557,16 @@ func TestApplyTricky1(t *testing.T) {
treeID := "version"
d := CIDDescriptor{CID: cidtest.ID(), Position: 0, Size: 1}
cid := cidtest.ID()
for i := range providers {
t.Run(providers[i].name, func(t *testing.T) {
s := providers[i].construct(t)
for i := range ops {
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &ops[i], false))
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &ops[i], false))
for i := range expected {
_, parent, err := s.TreeGetMeta(d.CID, treeID, expected[i].child)
_, parent, err := s.TreeGetMeta(cid, treeID, expected[i].child)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expected[i].parent, parent)
@ -631,16 +618,16 @@ func TestApplyTricky2(t *testing.T) {
treeID := "version"
d := CIDDescriptor{CID: cidtest.ID(), Position: 0, Size: 1}
cid := cidtest.ID()
for i := range providers {
t.Run(providers[i].name, func(t *testing.T) {
s := providers[i].construct(t)
for i := range ops {
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &ops[i], false))
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &ops[i], false))
for i := range expected {
_, parent, err := s.TreeGetMeta(d.CID, treeID, expected[i].child)
_, parent, err := s.TreeGetMeta(cid, treeID, expected[i].child)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expected[i].parent, parent)
@ -746,12 +733,11 @@ func testForestTreeParallelApply(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _
ops := prepareRandomTree(nodeCount, opCount)
cid := cidtest.ID()
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
treeID := "version"
expected := constructor(t)
for i := range ops {
require.NoError(t, expected.TreeApply(d, treeID, &ops[i], false))
require.NoError(t, expected.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &ops[i], false))
for i := 0; i < iterCount; i++ {
@ -766,7 +752,7 @@ func testForestTreeParallelApply(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for op := range ch {
require.NoError(t, actual.TreeApply(d, treeID, op, false))
require.NoError(t, actual.TreeApply(cid, treeID, op, false))
@ -792,12 +778,11 @@ func testForestTreeApplyRandom(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _ ..
ops := prepareRandomTree(nodeCount, opCount)
cid := cidtest.ID()
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
treeID := "version"
expected := constructor(t)
for i := range ops {
require.NoError(t, expected.TreeApply(d, treeID, &ops[i], false))
require.NoError(t, expected.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &ops[i], false))
const iterCount = 200
@ -807,7 +792,7 @@ func testForestTreeApplyRandom(t *testing.T, constructor func(t testing.TB, _ ..
actual := constructor(t)
for i := range ops {
require.NoError(t, actual.TreeApply(d, treeID, &ops[i], false))
require.NoError(t, actual.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &ops[i], false))
compareForests(t, expected, actual, cid, treeID, nodeCount)
@ -889,7 +874,6 @@ func benchmarkApply(b *testing.B, s Forest, genFunc func(int) []Move) {
ops := genFunc(b.N)
cid := cidtest.ID()
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
treeID := "version"
ch := make(chan int, b.N)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
@ -901,7 +885,7 @@ func benchmarkApply(b *testing.B, s Forest, genFunc func(int) []Move) {
b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
for pb.Next() {
if err := s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &ops[<-ch], false); err != nil {
if err := s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &ops[<-ch], false); err != nil {
b.Fatalf("error in `Apply`: %v", err)
@ -918,7 +902,6 @@ func TestTreeGetByPath(t *testing.T) {
func testTreeGetByPath(t *testing.T, s Forest) {
cid := cidtest.ID()
d := CIDDescriptor{cid, 0, 1}
treeID := "version"
// /
@ -928,12 +911,12 @@ func testTreeGetByPath(t *testing.T, s Forest) {
// |- cat1.jpg, Version=XXX (4)
// |- cat1.jpg, Version=YYY (5)
// |- cat2.jpg, Version=ZZZ (6)
testMove(t, s, 0, 1, 0, d, treeID, "a", "")
testMove(t, s, 1, 2, 0, d, treeID, "b", "")
testMove(t, s, 2, 3, 1, d, treeID, "cat1.jpg", "TTT")
testMove(t, s, 3, 4, 2, d, treeID, "cat1.jpg", "XXX")
testMove(t, s, 4, 5, 2, d, treeID, "cat1.jpg", "YYY")
testMove(t, s, 5, 6, 2, d, treeID, "cat2.jpg", "ZZZ")
testMove(t, s, 0, 1, 0, cid, treeID, "a", "")
testMove(t, s, 1, 2, 0, cid, treeID, "b", "")
testMove(t, s, 2, 3, 1, cid, treeID, "cat1.jpg", "TTT")
testMove(t, s, 3, 4, 2, cid, treeID, "cat1.jpg", "XXX")
testMove(t, s, 4, 5, 2, cid, treeID, "cat1.jpg", "YYY")
testMove(t, s, 5, 6, 2, cid, treeID, "cat2.jpg", "ZZZ")
if mf, ok := s.(*memoryForest); ok {
single := mf.treeMap[cid.String()+"/"+treeID]
@ -970,14 +953,14 @@ func testTreeGetByPath(t *testing.T, s Forest) {
func testMove(t *testing.T, s Forest, ts int, node, parent Node, d CIDDescriptor, treeID, filename, version string) {
func testMove(t *testing.T, s Forest, ts int, node, parent Node, cid cidSDK.ID, treeID, filename, version string) {
items := make([]KeyValue, 1, 2)
items[0] = KeyValue{AttributeFilename, []byte(filename)}
if version != "" {
items = append(items, KeyValue{AttributeVersion, []byte(version)})
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(d, treeID, &Move{
require.NoError(t, s.TreeApply(cid, treeID, &Move{
Parent: parent,
Child: node,
Meta: Meta{
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type Forest interface {
TreeAddByPath(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, attr string, path []string, meta []KeyValue) ([]Move, error)
// TreeApply applies replicated operation from another node.
// If background is true, TreeApply will first check whether an operation exists.
TreeApply(d CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *Move, backgroundSync bool) error
TreeApply(cnr cidSDK.ID, treeID string, m *Move, backgroundSync bool) error
// TreeGetByPath returns all nodes corresponding to the path.
// The path is constructed by descending from the root using the values of the
// AttributeFilename in meta.
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (s *Shard) TreeAddByPath(d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, treeID string, attr stri
// TreeApply implements the pilorama.Forest interface.
func (s *Shard) TreeApply(d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *pilorama.Move, backgroundSync bool) error {
func (s *Shard) TreeApply(cnr cidSDK.ID, treeID string, m *pilorama.Move, backgroundSync bool) error {
if s.pilorama == nil {
return ErrPiloramaDisabled
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ func (s *Shard) TreeApply(d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, treeID string, m *pilorama.M
if s.info.Mode.ReadOnly() {
return ErrReadOnlyMode
return s.pilorama.TreeApply(d, treeID, m, backgroundSync)
return s.pilorama.TreeApply(cnr, treeID, m, backgroundSync)
// TreeGetByPath implements the pilorama.Forest interface.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type replicationTask struct {
type applyOp struct {
treeID string
cid cidSDK.ID
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ func (s *Service) localReplicationWorker() {
case <-s.closeCh:
case op := <-s.replicateLocalCh:
err := s.forest.TreeApply(op.CIDDescriptor, op.treeID, &op.Move, false)
err := s.forest.TreeApply(op.cid, op.treeID, &op.Move, false)
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("failed to apply replicated operation",
zap.String("err", err.Error()))
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ func (s *Service) Apply(_ context.Context, req *ApplyRequest) (*ApplyResponse, e
key := req.GetSignature().GetKey()
_, pos, size, err := s.getContainerInfo(cid, key)
_, pos, _, err := s.getContainerInfo(cid, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ func (s *Service) Apply(_ context.Context, req *ApplyRequest) (*ApplyResponse, e
select {
case s.replicateLocalCh <- applyOp{
treeID: req.GetBody().GetTreeId(),
CIDDescriptor: pilorama.CIDDescriptor{CID: cid, Position: pos, Size: size},
treeID: req.GetBody().GetTreeId(),
cid: cid,
Move: pilorama.Move{
Parent: op.GetParentId(),
Child: op.GetChildId(),
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
cid "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/container/id"
cidSDK "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/container/id"
netmapSDK "git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/netmap"
@ -40,11 +41,6 @@ func (s *Service) synchronizeAllTrees(ctx context.Context, cid cid.ID) error {
return ErrNotInContainer
var d pilorama.CIDDescriptor
d.CID = cid
d.Position = pos
d.Size = len(nodes)
nodes = randomizeNodeOrder(nodes, pos)
if len(nodes) == 0 {
return nil
@ -87,18 +83,18 @@ func (s *Service) synchronizeAllTrees(ctx context.Context, cid cid.ID) error {
for _, tid := range treesToSync {
h, err := s.forest.TreeLastSyncHeight(d.CID, tid)
h, err := s.forest.TreeLastSyncHeight(cid, tid)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, pilorama.ErrTreeNotFound) {
s.log.Warn("could not get last synchronized height for a tree",
zap.Stringer("cid", d.CID),
zap.Stringer("cid", cid),
zap.String("tree", tid))
newHeight := s.synchronizeTree(ctx, d, h, tid, nodes)
newHeight := s.synchronizeTree(ctx, cid, h, tid, nodes)
if h < newHeight {
if err := s.forest.TreeUpdateLastSyncHeight(d.CID, tid, newHeight); err != nil {
if err := s.forest.TreeUpdateLastSyncHeight(cid, tid, newHeight); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("could not update last synchronized height for a tree",
zap.Stringer("cid", d.CID),
zap.Stringer("cid", cid),
zap.String("tree", tid))
@ -118,24 +114,19 @@ func (s *Service) SynchronizeTree(ctx context.Context, cid cid.ID, treeID string
return ErrNotInContainer
var d pilorama.CIDDescriptor
d.CID = cid
d.Position = pos
d.Size = len(nodes)
nodes = randomizeNodeOrder(nodes, pos)
if len(nodes) == 0 {
return nil
s.synchronizeTree(ctx, d, 0, treeID, nodes)
s.synchronizeTree(ctx, cid, 0, treeID, nodes)
return nil
func (s *Service) synchronizeTree(ctx context.Context, d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, from uint64,
func (s *Service) synchronizeTree(ctx context.Context, cid cidSDK.ID, from uint64,
treeID string, nodes []netmapSDK.NodeInfo) uint64 {
s.log.Debug("synchronize tree",
zap.Stringer("cid", d.CID),
zap.Stringer("cid", cid),
zap.String("tree", treeID),
zap.Uint64("from", from))
@ -157,7 +148,7 @@ func (s *Service) synchronizeTree(ctx context.Context, d pilorama.CIDDescriptor,
treeClient := NewTreeServiceClient(cc)
for {
h, err := s.synchronizeSingle(ctx, d, treeID, height, treeClient)
h, err := s.synchronizeSingle(ctx, cid, treeID, height, treeClient)
if height < h {
height = h
@ -179,9 +170,9 @@ func (s *Service) synchronizeTree(ctx context.Context, d pilorama.CIDDescriptor,
return newHeight
func (s *Service) synchronizeSingle(ctx context.Context, d pilorama.CIDDescriptor, treeID string, height uint64, treeClient TreeServiceClient) (uint64, error) {
func (s *Service) synchronizeSingle(ctx context.Context, cid cidSDK.ID, treeID string, height uint64, treeClient TreeServiceClient) (uint64, error) {
rawCID := make([]byte, sha256.Size)
for {
newHeight := height
@ -211,7 +202,7 @@ func (s *Service) synchronizeSingle(ctx context.Context, d pilorama.CIDDescripto
if err := m.Meta.FromBytes(lm.Meta); err != nil {
return newHeight, err
if err := s.forest.TreeApply(d, treeID, m, true); err != nil {
if err := s.forest.TreeApply(cid, treeID, m, true); err != nil {
return newHeight, err
if m.Time > newHeight {
Add table
Reference in a new issue