Remove yet more eACL leftovers #1483

fyrchik merged 4 commits from fyrchik/frostfs-node:remove-eacl into master 2024-11-12 12:10:52 +00:00
No description provided.
requested reviews from storage-core-committers, storage-core-developers 2024-11-11 06:43:17 +00:00
fyrchik force-pushed remove-eacl from c362ea02c9 to adeebdeba2 2024-11-11 06:45:27 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik force-pushed remove-eacl from adeebdeba2 to 3f801ca593 2024-11-11 06:45:49 +00:00 Compare
acid-ant approved these changes 2024-11-11 06:54:59 +00:00
aarifullin reviewed 2024-11-11 08:45:48 +00:00
@ -167,6 +167,8 @@ func initContainerCreateCmd() {
flags.StringVar(&containerACL, "basic-acl", acl.NamePrivate, fmt.Sprintf("HEX encoded basic ACL value or keywords like '%s', '%s', '%s'",
acl.NamePublicRW, acl.NamePrivate, acl.NamePublicROExtended,
_ = flags.MarkDeprecated("basic-acl", "it will be removed in the next version of frostfs-cli.") // No error, flag exists.

It's OK that this flag is deprecated. Although basic ACL has got not longer effect, a container is still created with acl.NamePrivate - container dump will shot it

Let's remove this:

var basicACL acl.Basic
commonCmd.ExitOnErr(cmd, "decode basic ACL string: %w", basicACL.DecodeString(containerACL))
/* ... */

or make

const zeroBasicACL = 0x0
flags.StringVar(&containerACL, "basic-acl", zeroBasicACL, fmt.Sprintf("HEX encoded basic ACL value or keywords like '%s', '%s', '%s'", acl.NamePublicRW, acl.NamePrivate, acl.NamePublicROExtended))
It's OK that this flag is deprecated. Although basic ACL has got not longer effect, a container is still created with `acl.NamePrivate` - container dump will shot it Let's remove this: ```go var basicACL acl.Basic commonCmd.ExitOnErr(cmd, "decode basic ACL string: %w", basicACL.DecodeString(containerACL)) /* ... */ cnr.SetBasicACL(basicACL) ``` or make ```go const zeroBasicACL = 0x0 flags.StringVar(&containerACL, "basic-acl", zeroBasicACL, fmt.Sprintf("HEX encoded basic ACL value or keywords like '%s', '%s', '%s'", acl.NamePublicRW, acl.NamePrivate, acl.NamePublicROExtended)) ```

Removed the flag instead.

Removed the flag instead.
aarifullin marked this conversation as resolved
fyrchik force-pushed remove-eacl from 3f801ca593 to 26ed209fcf 2024-11-11 12:44:41 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik dismissed acid-ant's review 2024-11-11 12:44:41 +00:00

New commits pushed, approval review dismissed automatically according to repository settings

aarifullin approved these changes 2024-11-11 14:20:30 +00:00
aarifullin left a comment

Sayonara, ACL

Sayonara, ACL
acid-ant approved these changes 2024-11-11 14:48:12 +00:00
fyrchik merged commit 16830033f8 into master 2024-11-12 12:10:52 +00:00
fyrchik deleted branch remove-eacl 2024-11-12 12:10:53 +00:00
fyrchik referenced this pull request from a commit 2024-11-12 12:10:53 +00:00
fyrchik referenced this pull request from a commit 2024-11-12 12:10:54 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1483
No description provided.