Make descriptive help for--rule option #1519

fyrchik merged 1 commit from aarifullin/frostfs-node:feat/ape_rule_help into master 2024-11-25 07:21:06 +00:00

All APE-related subcommands that use --rule option to parse APE-policy have got descriptive --help

frostfs-cli ape-manager add --help


Add rule chain for a target

  frostfs-cli ape-manager add [flags]

      --address string        Address of wallet account
      --chain-id string       Chain id
      --chain-id-hex          Flag to parse chain ID as hex
  -g, --generate-key          Generate new private key
  -h, --help                  help for add
      --path string           Path to encoded chain in JSON or binary format
  -r, --rpc-endpoint string   Remote node address (as 'multiaddr' or '<host>:<port>')
      --rule stringArray      Defines an Access Policy Engine (APE) rule in the format:
                                  <status>[:status_detail] <action>... <condition>... <resource>...
                                - allow                   Permits specified actions
                                - deny                    Prohibits specified actions
                                - deny:QuotaLimitReached  Denies access due to quota limits
                                  Object operations:
                                  - Object.Put, Object.Get, etc.
                                  - Object.*     (all object operations)
                                  Container operations:
                                  - Container.Put, Container.Get, etc.
                                  - Container.*  (all container operations)
                                    Format: ResourceCondition:"key"=value, "key"!=value
                                      Reserved properties (use '\' before '$'):
                                      - $Object:version
                                      - $Object:objectID
                                      - $Object:containerID
                                      - $Object:ownerID
                                      - $Object:creationEpoch
                                      - $Object:payloadLength
                                      - $Object:payloadHash
                                      - $Object:objectType
                                      - $Object:homomorphicHash
                                  Format: RequestCondition:"key"=value, "key"!=value
                                    Reserved properties (use '\' before '$'):
                                      - $Actor:publicKey
                                      - $Actor:role
                                      ResourceCondition:"check_key"!="check_value" RequestCondition:"$Actor:role"=others
                                  For objects:
                                    - namespace/cid/oid    (specific object)
                                    - namespace/cid/*      (all objects in container)
                                    - namespace/*          (all objects in namespace)
                                    - *                    (all objects)
                                    - /*                   (all objects in root namespace)
                                    - /cid/*              (all objects in root container)
                                    - /cid/oid            (specific object in root container)
                                  For containers:
                                    - namespace/cid        (specific container)
                                    - namespace/*          (all containers in namespace)
                                    - *                    (all containers)
                                    - /cid                (root container)
                                    - /*                  (all root containers)
                                  - Cannot mix object and container operations in one rule
                                  - Default behavior is Any=false unless 'any' is specified
                                  - Use 'all' keyword to explicitly set Any=false
      --target-name string    Resource name in APE resource name format
      --target-type string    Resource type(container/namespace)
  -t, --timeout duration      Timeout for an operation (default 15s)
      --trace                 Generate trace ID and print it.
  -w, --wallet string         Path to the wallet or binary key

Global Flags:
  -c, --config string       Config file (default is $HOME/.config/frostfs-cli/config.yaml)
      --config-dir string   Config directory
  -v, --verbose             Verbose output
All APE-related subcommands that use `--rule` option to parse APE-policy have got descriptive `--help` ```bash frostfs-cli ape-manager add --help ``` Outputs: ``` Add rule chain for a target Usage: frostfs-cli ape-manager add [flags] Flags: --address string Address of wallet account --chain-id string Chain id --chain-id-hex Flag to parse chain ID as hex -g, --generate-key Generate new private key -h, --help help for add --path string Path to encoded chain in JSON or binary format -r, --rpc-endpoint string Remote node address (as 'multiaddr' or '<host>:<port>') --rule stringArray Defines an Access Policy Engine (APE) rule in the format: <status>[:status_detail] <action>... <condition>... <resource>... Status: - allow Permits specified actions - deny Prohibits specified actions - deny:QuotaLimitReached Denies access due to quota limits Actions: Object operations: - Object.Put, Object.Get, etc. - Object.* (all object operations) Container operations: - Container.Put, Container.Get, etc. - Container.* (all container operations) Conditions: ResourceCondition: Format: ResourceCondition:"key"=value, "key"!=value Reserved properties (use '\' before '$'): - $Object:version - $Object:objectID - $Object:containerID - $Object:ownerID - $Object:creationEpoch - $Object:payloadLength - $Object:payloadHash - $Object:objectType - $Object:homomorphicHash RequestCondition: Format: RequestCondition:"key"=value, "key"!=value Reserved properties (use '\' before '$'): - $Actor:publicKey - $Actor:role Example: ResourceCondition:"check_key"!="check_value" RequestCondition:"$Actor:role"=others Resources: For objects: - namespace/cid/oid (specific object) - namespace/cid/* (all objects in container) - namespace/* (all objects in namespace) - * (all objects) - /* (all objects in root namespace) - /cid/* (all objects in root container) - /cid/oid (specific object in root container) For containers: - namespace/cid (specific container) - namespace/* (all containers in namespace) - * (all containers) - /cid (root container) - /* (all root containers) Notes: - Cannot mix object and container operations in one rule - Default behavior is Any=false unless 'any' is specified - Use 'all' keyword to explicitly set Any=false --target-name string Resource name in APE resource name format --target-type string Resource type(container/namespace) -t, --timeout duration Timeout for an operation (default 15s) --trace Generate trace ID and print it. -w, --wallet string Path to the wallet or binary key Global Flags: -c, --config string Config file (default is $HOME/.config/frostfs-cli/config.yaml) --config-dir string Config directory -v, --verbose Verbose output ```
aarifullin force-pushed feat/ape_rule_help from fe76411aa8 to b02c3daf7c 2024-11-22 12:53:53 +00:00 Compare
requested reviews from storage-core-committers, storage-core-developers 2024-11-22 13:00:19 +00:00
requested reviews from anikeev-yadro, amaks 2024-11-22 13:24:18 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2024-11-22 13:46:44 +00:00
anikeev-yadro approved these changes 2024-11-22 14:00:16 +00:00
fyrchik merged commit 3ebd560f42 into master 2024-11-25 07:21:06 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1519
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